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Suspecting a repeated maphacker

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a month ago
May 22, 2024, 12:51:20 AM

I suspect a player named "TOP GUN" to be a repeated maphacker.

Approximately 2 months ago I reported a player called "i6g8l1f4387" who later changed his name to "Maverick." The guy was well-known for blatantly using maphack; he loved to spam Chaffees and Greyhounds to rush your base, and you would never be able to catch him because he always dodge your ATs. Only very recently did Relic take action on this player (I know this because I received an in-game notification). After he got banned (supposedly, since he stopped playing), he changed his account name to insult me. 

Today, I encountered another player (TOP GUN) who does the same trick as "Maverick" did. So I watched the replay of a game against him following his POV and found he was constantly looking or even following enemy units in the fog of war where he should have no vision. Then I checked the activity of this player and it looks like this is a new account that just got created since "Maverick" was banned. 

"Maverick"                                                          "TOP GUN"

Below is a link to a video why I think this guy is hacking. 


I hope Relic Enforcement team can deal with this player swiftly because he is ruining everyone's game experience. If the evidence is not sufficient, I can provide more footage. 

Updated a month ago.
25 days ago
May 23, 2024, 6:39:08 AM

I am glad that Relic took swift action on this matter. I have already received the notification in the game. Good job Relic. 

25 days ago
May 23, 2024, 9:49:27 AM

When i confronted Maverick that i recorded his playstyle and maphacks, he told me he doesnt care if he gets banned since he has plenty of accounts. Might have spoken the truth.


I hope any dev reads/responds to this, banning accounts isnt going to fix the hacker problem

Updated 25 days ago.

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