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Light Vehicle Resilience

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15 days ago
Jun 10, 2024, 11:10:37 PM

I've posted this before but can light tanks on all factions please have their resilience dropped by 1 shot.  I've just played games where its greyhound and stuart blobbing and i have AT like 2 stugs + at gun or 3 stugs and these tanks just rush in and wipe all, I can't even destroy one before it reaches my line - stuart last game soaked up 3-4 shots and still have 1% health.

Or return the snare to instant engine break from first shot... else there's just no stopping light vehicle spam, you can faust once or twice to delay a bit of the spam for a few seconds and that's all...

Or give Axis some viable light vehicle so there can be light vehicle wars... I've never seen scout car used, and only ever 1 HT upgraded at a time for wehr, yet allies regularly drop in the 4 light tanks... chaffees, greyhounds, stuarts... this is after the dingos obviously...  then if you survive to late game it's the grant spam.

Wehr only have a few tanks and only ever like 1 or 2 are used.  I see the patch has some units being re-worked, god I hope it's doing something with wehr light vehicles.  Thin army as it is without having certain units never even making an appearance in game...

12 days ago
Jun 13, 2024, 12:47:56 PM

Exactly my train of thoughts too, but my take is: tank below 10% HP suffers a critical failure, either it's immobilized (track blown off) or gunner killed , something of this nature aimed at punishing a thoughtless dive.
Oddly enough there's people fighting tooth and nail against the idea of balancing allied light tank spam, or whatever kind of spam.

Here's a full topic on that btw, if ever x)
Discord - Gameplay, Infantry Behavior & Logic in CoH3

I might do a post on the forum with it probably!

Updated 12 days ago.

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