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2 updates and no balance to Ranger spam

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2 months ago
Jul 17, 2024, 4:26:02 AM

I get that Rangers are cool in real life. They're some of the best in SOCOM. No one can argue that, but why do we have to make them virtually unbeatable in-game too? A monkey can run ranger spam and win. Its not fun to play as them because its too easy. Its not fun to play against them because you will get your ass kicked. Its unplayable.

2 months ago
Jul 17, 2024, 4:27:38 AM

A lot of us have held out hoping this would be fixed after two patches but its been unresolved. Thanks for the new maps, but the game is not competitive.

2 months ago
Jul 17, 2024, 7:29:32 AM

If you lose to a ranger spam, than you're doing something very wrong.

Sorry but you are. Losing to any type of spam is on you, not the balance. Probably have a fixed build that you don't deviate from. No matter what. And can't adapt to spams.

Get sniper, get mgs, get some sort of AI and tanks. Bleeding rangers leads to massive MP drain that is unsustainable. They finally got the suppression nerf, the only nerf they needed. Everything else is on you

2 months ago
Jul 17, 2024, 7:49:35 AM

Can you read patch note ?.

Ranger get 2 Nerf and mainline Inf do more DPS on open field. :D

2 months ago
Jul 17, 2024, 11:00:57 AM
GamwiseSamgee wrote:

If you lose to a ranger spam, than you're doing something very wrong.

Sorry but you are. Losing to any type of spam is on you, not the balance. Probably have a fixed build that you don't deviate from. No matter what. And can't adapt to spams.

Get sniper, get mgs, get some sort of AI and tanks. Bleeding rangers leads to massive MP drain that is unsustainable. They finally got the suppression nerf, the only nerf they needed. Everything else is on you

My personal opinion on Ranger is divided. I understand that they cost a lot of MP. But they are definitely a little too strong. However, there is no need to get upset. They aren't that bad. Unfortunately, only a good MG micro can help.

2 months ago
Jul 17, 2024, 3:56:26 PM

I have the perfect nerf for you and its crazy because every faction gets it too.... wait for it... its called an MG!
Ranges have no smoke.

L2P issue for sure man!

2 months ago
Jul 17, 2024, 4:32:18 PM
Sleipnir92 wrote:
GamwiseSamgee wrote:

If you lose to a ranger spam, than you're doing something very wrong.

Sorry but you are. Losing to any type of spam is on you, not the balance. Probably have a fixed build that you don't deviate from. No matter what. And can't adapt to spams.

Get sniper, get mgs, get some sort of AI and tanks. Bleeding rangers leads to massive MP drain that is unsustainable. They finally got the suppression nerf, the only nerf they needed. Everything else is on you

My personal opinion on Ranger is divided. I understand that they cost a lot of MP. But they are definitely a little too strong. However, there is no need to get upset. They aren't that bad. Unfortunately, only a good MG micro can help.

I'm not upset, but thx.

Anyway. Rangers are, what I would call. Annoying. Not unbalanced. Just annoying. Because they are one of those units that cost a lot, but also does a lot. If they were stock, and not in BG. Then they would be OP, because you would be able to combine them with other premium units.

However. Annoying is what you would call the Axis Tiger. Not OP. But annoying. Has the range of TDs. Has a fu**ton of armor and HP. And does massive damage to everything. Black prince is like that, except it trades AI firepower for being a fatter bastard. Tightrope had a funny test, where the Tiger can casually walk up to 3 AT guns, and decrew them with more than half the health remaining (last patch overview video I think). Again, something you would expect from such an expensive unit.

If you want to counter rangers. Sniper, MGs, and well placed tanks. Of course, if you think you can place an MG and forget about it, think again. Or just attack ground with the tank.

Some micro is required. Same as how you can't just park AT guns against a Tiger and forget about them.

Having to micro something a little bit more, does not mean the unit it's countering is OP.

Any bleed you do on the rangers, will hurt the user, a lot.

And rangers force you into the infantry support center. You absolutely need those infantry buffs. Advanced infantry BG is literally an infantry-centric BG. 80% infantry, 20% howitzers.

Or maybe tanks if you don't get a lot of zooks from weapon drops.

Updated 2 months ago.
2 months ago
Jul 17, 2024, 6:27:34 PM
HouseHarkonnen wrote:

I have the perfect nerf for you and its crazy because every faction gets it too.... wait for it... its called an MG!
Ranges have no smoke.

L2P issue for sure man!

 ehm u know that they just sprint out of it right? they counter mgs .... but u know that or? 

2 months ago
Jul 17, 2024, 6:31:28 PM
GamwiseSamgee wrote:
Sleipnir92 wrote:
GamwiseSamgee wrote:

If you lose to a ranger spam, than you're doing something very wrong.

Sorry but you are. Losing to any type of spam is on you, not the balance. Probably have a fixed build that you don't deviate from. No matter what. And can't adapt to spams.

Get sniper, get mgs, get some sort of AI and tanks. Bleeding rangers leads to massive MP drain that is unsustainable. They finally got the suppression nerf, the only nerf they needed. Everything else is on you

My personal opinion on Ranger is divided. I understand that they cost a lot of MP. But they are definitely a little too strong. However, there is no need to get upset. They aren't that bad. Unfortunately, only a good MG micro can help.

I'm not upset, but thx.

Anyway. Rangers are, what I would call. Annoying. Not unbalanced. Just annoying. Because they are one of those units that cost a lot, but also does a lot. If they were stock, and not in BG. Then they would be OP, because you would be able to combine them with other premium units.

However. Annoying is what you would call the Axis Tiger. Not OP. But annoying. Has the range of TDs. Has a fu**ton of armor and HP. And does massive damage to everything. Black prince is like that, except it trades AI firepower for being a fatter bastard. Tightrope had a funny test, where the Tiger can casually walk up to 3 AT guns, and decrew them with more than half the health remaining (last patch overview video I think). Again, something you would expect from such an expensive unit.

If you want to counter rangers. Sniper, MGs, and well placed tanks. Of course, if you think you can place an MG and forget about it, think again. Or just attack ground with the tank.

Some micro is required. Same as how you can't just park AT guns against a Tiger and forget about them.

Having to micro something a little bit more, does not mean the unit it's countering is OP.

Any bleed you do on the rangers, will hurt the user, a lot.

And rangers force you into the infantry support center. You absolutely need those infantry buffs. Advanced infantry BG is literally an infantry-centric BG. 80% infantry, 20% howitzers.

Or maybe tanks if you don't get a lot of zooks from weapon drops.

like when people use medic tents and ISC to make the "SO EXPENSIVE" Ranger have like 22MP reinforcement cost.... 

The Unit brakes the game and u literly see this thing in every game... 

And Sniper is by FAR the fukking worst unit of the wehr roster takes like 1000 hours to shot something gets sprintet down by rifle man in like 10 secs. 

2 months ago
Jul 18, 2024, 12:03:19 AM

So easily countered especially by Dak, just rush light vehicles and get flakverling. If your beat by rangers its a l2p, mg soam works they nerfed mortars a while back across the board except dak ht, if your where spam mgs, they cant afford the proper mo counters to counter it, and if they do its because you didnt support your mg or just bad micro. Sure they can speed run in but if you have the proper tools that might be a dps insta wipe and if you lose a ranger squad thats ALOT of mp to replace

2 months ago
Jul 18, 2024, 3:50:34 AM
Surijam wrote:
GamwiseSamgee wrote:
Sleipnir92 wrote:
GamwiseSamgee wrote:

If you lose to a ranger spam, than you're doing something very wrong.

Sorry but you are. Losing to any type of spam is on you, not the balance. Probably have a fixed build that you don't deviate from. No matter what. And can't adapt to spams.

Get sniper, get mgs, get some sort of AI and tanks. Bleeding rangers leads to massive MP drain that is unsustainable. They finally got the suppression nerf, the only nerf they needed. Everything else is on you

My personal opinion on Ranger is divided. I understand that they cost a lot of MP. But they are definitely a little too strong. However, there is no need to get upset. They aren't that bad. Unfortunately, only a good MG micro can help.

I'm not upset, but thx.

Anyway. Rangers are, what I would call. Annoying. Not unbalanced. Just annoying. Because they are one of those units that cost a lot, but also does a lot. If they were stock, and not in BG. Then they would be OP, because you would be able to combine them with other premium units.

However. Annoying is what you would call the Axis Tiger. Not OP. But annoying. Has the range of TDs. Has a fu**ton of armor and HP. And does massive damage to everything. Black prince is like that, except it trades AI firepower for being a fatter bastard. Tightrope had a funny test, where the Tiger can casually walk up to 3 AT guns, and decrew them with more than half the health remaining (last patch overview video I think). Again, something you would expect from such an expensive unit.

If you want to counter rangers. Sniper, MGs, and well placed tanks. Of course, if you think you can place an MG and forget about it, think again. Or just attack ground with the tank.

Some micro is required. Same as how you can't just park AT guns against a Tiger and forget about them.

Having to micro something a little bit more, does not mean the unit it's countering is OP.

Any bleed you do on the rangers, will hurt the user, a lot.

And rangers force you into the infantry support center. You absolutely need those infantry buffs. Advanced infantry BG is literally an infantry-centric BG. 80% infantry, 20% howitzers.

Or maybe tanks if you don't get a lot of zooks from weapon drops.

like when people use medic tents and ISC to make the "SO EXPENSIVE" Ranger have like 22MP reinforcement cost.... 

The Unit brakes the game and u literly see this thing in every game... 

And Sniper is by FAR the fukking worst unit of the wehr roster takes like 1000 hours to shot something gets sprintet down by rifle man in like 10 secs. 

I play the sniper in almost every game. And I find it extremely valuable. Especially against Rangers. try to leave the sniper most of the way behind. If the opponent attacks he will lose models. In conjunction with an mg and the Panzergrens, this is very strong. The stubble and the grumbling bear are also very effective against rangers.  As soon as the rangers retreat, attack the medical tent.

2 months ago
Jul 20, 2024, 9:01:18 PM

I'm really dissapointed by this since it's the most blobotastic unit in the whole game and I absolutely despise blobbers...

2 months ago
Jul 21, 2024, 4:51:42 AM

Basic infantry now does a lot more DPS against rangeers. So there is that at least. 

2 months ago
Jul 22, 2024, 3:28:25 AM

To all people who say "just get an mg/sniper", that's not fair, they counter all infantry, not just rangers, they're not an answer to rangers spcifically and can be easily outmaneuvered/taken out. Having the mg/sniper as the only counter cant be good design because these units are available to all factions, rangers are not.

From a different perspective, where is the axis' unit that can be spammed like that and force the opponent to play in such an extreme reactive way?

Also, I see a lot of complaints about rangers, why are there so few complaints about an axis specific unit?

2 months ago
Jul 22, 2024, 8:51:01 AM
Gatom wrote:

To all people who say "just get an mg/sniper", that's not fair, they counter all infantry, not just rangers, they're not an answer to rangers spcifically and can be easily outmaneuvered/taken out. Having the mg/sniper as the only counter cant be good design because these units are available to all factions, rangers are not.

From a different perspective, where is the axis' unit that can be spammed like that and force the opponent to play in such an extreme reactive way?

Also, I see a lot of complaints about rangers, why are there so few complaints about an axis specific unit?

So you want special infantry to counter special infantry?

Yes, get a sniper and MGs against rangers.
Rangers cost a s***ton, you get what you payed for. The enemy must adapt somewhat to that playstyle and if they can adapt, they win. If not, then it's a L2P issue. Enemy going rangers tells you everything you need to know about their build, play-style, support center... everything.

There have been complaints about axis specific units, they got rightfully reworked. Not nerfed, reworked.

Literally every elo range and every game mode shows that this is the best update so far (no 60%+ winrates a few days after the update).


While I don't consider those stats to be relevant to any serious discussion, they do paint a part of the picture, and can be somewhat useful. Even with the TTK changes, everything is working smoothly. No outliers a few days after the patch.

So no, rangers are not the problem. That is, the only problem on them was the suppression resistance with cover to cover, which has been rightfully nerfed.

450 MP unit, with 14 population, extremely expensive reinforce, and a RNG weapon drop. They are basically the cost of a tank, without the fuel part.

2 months ago
Jul 22, 2024, 11:34:07 AM

Exactly, they did eventually get reworked, I did not see any ranger rework that could address this issue, but maybe this is the actual rework, right? The all-infantry buff ttk and suppression resistance fix could be the thing that was needed. Full disclosure, I did not play this patch yet, so perhaps I was a little to hasty in agreeing with the op author. I'm glad to hear that every elo range shows that this is the best update and I see from your link that all modes 1v1 to 4v4 seem to be fairly balanced.

I'm not saying rangers are not expensive or that they gurantee win, I just hope that you also consider the other side's arguments, not sure I explained them too well but basically what I'm trying to say is the following:

-Ranger spam works, not all the time, like you said, if the opponent adapts well, you lose, but if you get countered, shouldn't you have a lower chance of winning? I feel like that's not the case and you still win 50% of the times (when 2 players of equal skill play against each other) and getting countered, by definition, should lower that percentage. Single unit spam that works like that is just not fun in any game.

-A good balance design, in extremly simple terms, should be like a game of rock paper scisors, in my opinion, do you agree?

Let's say the rock is a bit overpowered and we also have a unit called... I dont know..."dragon" that beats all of them and is available for all factions :) Is the answer to the rock being overpowerd to just say, "oh, no problem, just get a dragon, they counter the rock", but dragons counter all of them thoretically because they have a different purpose (anti blob/mass), at least that's what I thought.

Again, I did not play this patch yet, so I dont know, but, as you can see, there are still a lot of complants. Glad to hear the stats say we have a good balance, that makes me happy, I just wish Wehr had an infantry that could be countered only by mg :)

Thanks for reading, have a nice day ahead!

Updated 2 months ago.
2 months ago
Jul 23, 2024, 4:51:28 PM

I think rangers have been balanced better now with lethality improvements but the zombie army is still too cost effective and cool down too fast imho

2 months ago
Jul 23, 2024, 6:56:49 PM

I just wish Fallschirmjägers would also be so deadly and not so squishy. And MGs should suppress better. 

2 months ago
Jul 24, 2024, 2:54:17 PM
Gatom wrote:

From a different perspective, where is the axis' unit that can be spammed like that and force the opponent to play in such an extreme reactive way?

Also, I see a lot of complaints about rangers, why are there so few complaints about an axis specific unit?

This has to be a joke right? The entire Allied playstyle is being forced to play reactive to literally every axis unit. Make 1 mistake in teching as US and you more or less lose the game in the first 5min. Maybe play US first before commenting like this

2 months ago
Jul 25, 2024, 4:58:31 AM
Ur-Mum-Is-Nice wrote:
Gatom wrote:

From a different perspective, where is the axis' unit that can be spammed like that and force the opponent to play in such an extreme reactive way?

Also, I see a lot of complaints about rangers, why are there so few complaints about an axis specific unit?

This has to be a joke right? The entire Allied playstyle is being forced to play reactive to literally every axis unit. Make 1 mistake in teching as US and you more or less lose the game in the first 5min. Maybe play US first before commenting like this

But that also applies to the Axies. I think the game is relatively well balanced. The Rangers are strong but not invincible.  And part of a good RTS is having to adapt your style of play to your opponents. This is how variety comes into play and I personally find it more fun


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