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What do you play as USF in 3v3+?

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4 days ago
Jan 5, 2025, 3:06:55 PM

I've tried playing with E8s for late game. But they get penned (upgraded armour) by P3s and P4s all the time. Have yet to see a single bounce, whereas they have a pretty shi**y long range penetration, meaning they bounce quite a lot. At least I've seen them bounce a lot. And with the teching of USF, picking either MGs or AT guns, it does get hard to combine arms properly.

Then I've tried rangers, but those guys are just RNG machines. They drop zooks a lot more than other weapons. Dont know if it's random or if zooks have a higher probability of dropping.

And even with all the upgrades from infantry command center. The MP drain is huge. They are good against lower ranked players though.
But high ranks everyone uses wespes, which are currently pretty OP wipey. Accurate AF and the shells travel fast. Quite a low arc.

What's your go-to strategy as USF? or is it "Dont play USF in 3v3"?


4 days ago
Jan 6, 2025, 4:58:58 AM

我认为美军最强大的单位是 M3 半履带车,尤其是改装有 75 毫米反坦克炮的那辆。它在操作中的感觉非常好。而且,它的能力可以禁用被击中的装甲单位的射击,威力极强。如果利用得当,它可以在游戏早期和中期消灭德军为数不多的轻型装甲车。此外,它还可用于对抗德国军队(MG42 和 Pak40)和挤在一起的步兵的强大武器。

关于韦斯佩自行火炮,我认为在早期,应该对国防军施加足够的压力,迫使他们不断补充兵力,被迫部署反装甲部队。Wespe 自行火炮需要大量的人力和燃料投资,以及稳定的前线。不要让德国人过得轻松。从步兵战斗开始不断攻击他们(充分利用你的步枪手和迫击炮。一旦德国机枪小队被杀死或撤退,就是盟军进行大屠杀的时候了。


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