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MATCHMAKING is useless

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8 months ago
Jun 19, 2024, 6:48:12 PM

Time and time again matchmaking will place me in matches with people over 300 MMR more then me. Matchmaking teams with one super low and one super high is not how things should work in the slightest. The below are a selection of this happening over the last few weeks. Rank 1500 MMR should never be in a match with 1200MMR let alone 900's. You cannot equally balance in this way. I wish relic would actually do something about the absolute chaos that is matchmaking. 

8 months ago
Jun 20, 2024, 5:37:01 PM

There is actually a problem with that. Why am I waiting for nearly 2 minutes if there are people only looking to match up against Allies?

8 months ago
Jul 1, 2024, 2:41:18 PM

would you look at that, more complete rubbish matchmaking. Its almost like the devs want you to uninstall and never play the game again. 

8 months ago
Jul 5, 2024, 1:56:09 PM

Ima keep posting this nonsense till they actually acknowledge the fact matchmaking is non-existant.

8 months ago
Jul 5, 2024, 4:10:58 PM

There are several factors that affect matchmaking, some within our control and some not. I appreciate the feedback here, as we want matches to be fun and engaging, and we know it can be frustrating when they are not. I've relayed this feedback to the team a few times, so I appreciate you mentioning it again. 

7 months ago
Jul 7, 2024, 11:03:25 AM

appreciate some things cannot be done when the players base is so small. But if the players base is to expand there needs to be a lot of work and thinking done on how to best match players up against those within their mmr range. Hardcaps on the MMR range, open matchmaking stats i.e. "after expanding search to 200MMR difference there are no playrs at this time". Anything like that would be better then getting ready to enjoy a game and just being completely outmatched from start to finish. Instant surrenders etc. It also doesnt help that there are issues with certain units in the game being too easy to play with. Ranger spam with 0.00001 TTK is not something that makes you want to keep playing. regardless of if its "counterable" or not.

7 months ago
Jul 9, 2024, 4:48:47 PM

200 different would be ok, I am getting games with 500 ELO difference regularly, it's just insane... though honestly I still don't know whether its skill that creates high ELO or just meta... all the near 2000 ELO players are BAR spammers into grehound or dingo spam into stuart...

7 months ago
Jul 9, 2024, 5:31:03 PM

yeah its really disgusting atm. I get constant full chinese name players just go double or triple dingo every game. know exactly wehre i am through fog of war and im styarting to think theres more fog of war hacks going about again. Plus matchmaking like this.

7 months ago
Jul 10, 2024, 7:54:33 AM

COH1 and 2 vetrawn here, and Im trying to get a higher level in 4 vs 4, but it is soo off putting, that u get team m8ts that are new... So its soo hard to progress, because even if you are lucky too get games with deceant players, you will evtually get players who is sooo bad, who quits ect..... And thats annoying, i rather wait to have a decent game!!!!!!!!!

7 months ago
Jul 12, 2024, 6:55:31 PM

I've addressed some of the feedback above, and noted that I've relayed that info to the team. I'd like to not have a constant stream of screenshots from matchups in this thread so I'll be locking it for now. 
