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Automatch failure to connect cool down bug

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6 months ago
Aug 20, 2024, 10:49:01 AM

Hi Everyone, I just experienced a weird bug where twice in a row when I attempted to automatch, and a notification was displayed that not all players could connect.  I never even made it into a match, and no one could surrender or drop.

In both instances an automatch cool down warning was added to my account stating that my account or someone in my party dropped without surrendering.  I currently have a 30 minute cooldown sanction warning and am worried that the bug will keep occurring.

Is there a known fix for this, and is there a process or get the cooldown reset/appealled as neither instance was from actually dropping form a match?

Thanks everyone!

Updated 6 months ago.
6 months ago
Aug 21, 2024, 4:44:44 PM

Thanks for letting us know about this. The team has made some adjustments to reduce false positives like this. Please follow-up if you experience this again.


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