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Input issues since patch?

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a year ago
Jun 6, 2023, 11:15:40 PM

Anyone else getting input issues since the update? Half the time I hit mouse 5 to open up the tac map it fails, during hectic moments in the game hitting F1 or F2 for base structures does nothing and I have to click the button manually or wait. Not sure how the update messed these things up but I didn't change anything on my end since the update hit.

So I ask again, anyone else having input issues where hotkeys are doing nothing since the patch?

I'll add that it seems random, they're fine 90% of the time but 10% of the time nothing happens. 

Updated a year ago.
a year ago
Jun 7, 2023, 8:26:27 AM

Have the same issues since Patch!


TacMap open with Hotkey then can't close it again, after use the UI Button it is fine for some time.

This behaviour repeats multiply time in a match. 


a year ago
Jun 7, 2023, 12:29:11 PM

I've raised a bug report for something similar probably related if you used "Esc" key at anypoint.

Try moving the camera using the middle mouse and seeing if that allows some of the keys to be re-used

Here's a video of the issue when using the "Esc" key with details on how to reproduce in the description.

As a side not using "Esc" can stop the camera reset from working also.

a year ago
Jun 7, 2023, 4:08:40 PM

Glad I wasn't just losing my mind! Appreciate the confirmations fellas.

a year ago
Jun 10, 2023, 1:47:07 PM

good to know that it is a bug I was think my keyboard was about to die

a year ago
Jun 10, 2023, 4:02:41 PM

You'll notice they haven't updated a lot of the issues on their "we will update this post" - https://community.companyofheroes.com/coh-franchise-home/company-of-heroes-3/forums/3-patch-notes-and-known-issues/threads/10222-pc-known-issues-list?page=1#post-32618

The only 1 I see that I reported has been put on the list is the munition surplus issue.

Bare in mind I've reported all bugs through the proper bug sheet.

Still missing this input issue

Brit AA Truck doesn't have a dedicated AA button anymore


The Brit AA truck doesn't like bridges bug - 

a year ago
Jun 10, 2023, 7:32:15 PM

Ha, I played that map last night and noticed that bug. Was hilarious but also disconcerting, I'm surprised they didn't notice that during playtests.

a year ago
Jun 15, 2023, 4:27:16 PM
Zuntew wrote:
GeeeNo wrote:

 I'm surprised they didn't notice that during playtests.

I am not surprised, if they don't have playtests or at least enough of them...
Nobody tested recon tractor not autorepairing?
"Focus fire" ablity dealing almost no additional dmg (sometimes it reduce dmg), when combined arms is active?
Armored reserves cost being too hight? (~16 minutes of 33fuel income to get tiger at 18/24/30/36 minutes, without any vehicles and side tech and skipping units and reinforcements for 6 minutes) For last tech structure and upgrade + call in costs, USF can call in 4x easy8 and one chaffee fuelwise... 2x easy8 destroy Tiger, if vet1 ability is used, then with 0 tanks lost.
Some abilities shoot at units out of vision - sector perimeter, artillery cover (can hit base sector)...
HMG being destroyed in garnissons.
And so on...

I'm not sure if or where that one thread with the HUGE list of all game issues went, but I have a few I want to add to it.

AT Guns/MG's on attack move tracking a target/pointing at it without setting up if the target is moving.

Infantry units with autoheal like Pathfinders or Fallschirmpios automatically healing on retreat, even when in combat/right when retreating while taking fire (Makes them harder to wipe, this isn't Dawn of War 2).

Unit pathing, said a million times and done to death but even with all the tricks involved with it, units sometimes like to drive into one another even if they had plenty of time to adjust their pathing and avoid a collision. Something I recall CoH 2 doing if units are given long movement orders is having the units adjust their paths to avoid one another. In this game they just collide and then pirouette back and forth endlessly until you fix them.

Nebelwerfer still not having it's flame damage count towards Vet progress.

Mine stacking is still a thing.

Units given a barrage order that are moving and move within their minimum barrage range, won't fire the barrage, won't cancel the barrage, and will be stuck doing nothing after finishing their movement command. Sometimes the barrage will cancel and the unit does nothing and other times the unit aims it's cannon as if it will fire the barrage and never does.

The Whizbang Veteran ability that turns it into a Sherman, doesn't gain any Sherman veterancy bonuses. It will always be a Vet 0 Sherman in terms of performance, similarly any mechanized upgrades that would apply to a Sherman don't apply to the Whizbang.

Loiters targeting units long after the ability has ended and the circle has disappeared.

Repair trucks still taking disproportionate amounts of time to restore units, taking less time for expensive heavy tanks and more time for mediums.

DAK Propaganda War when used on a 17 pounder, causes the unit to bug out and leaves it non-functional, forcing the owner of the unit to maintain the popcap until the unit is killed.

Certain early light vehicle units not actually giving any resources back when salvaged.

Engineers having a random line of sandbags appear on the map that they get queued to build, even if you didn't order them to go anywhere near there or build any sandbags! I've seen this in enough games/replays to know it's not an input error on my end.

Similarly, I have units decide to move/run back to base/in the direction of other units sometimes even though I never gave them an order to do so, usually happens in hectic engagements when I'm switching unit selections and giving orders quickly. I did NOT have this issue in CoH 2 so it can't be an issue with me, my only guess is the game gets overwhelmed and that it has something to do with me giving orders through the tac map.

Newly introduced in the latest patch is another input issue and that is the game just ignoring inputs randomly, if you don't believe me try spamming escape in game and watch as the menu goes from opening and closing to doing nothing. This applies to every input, from selecting a unit to trying to retreat. This also works in dev mode when watching replays, so it's very easy to test at your convenience.

Also introduced in this patch is abilities bugging out and not being useable for the rest of the game, like barrage abilities on mortars/artillery or smoke shells on tanks/vehicles.

Finally the DAK 250 can no longer tow abandoned MG's. Pretty sure it could do so last patch.

I'm sure I'm forgetting plenty more.

Would be nice to hear back from Relic about these bugs that have been in the game since launch, and what their plans are to address them as these are objective issues that need to be fixed. With the slow pace of updates communication on this is important.

Updated a year ago.
a year ago
Jun 19, 2023, 4:30:48 PM
GeeeNo wrote:

Anyone else getting input issues since the update? Half the time I hit mouse 5 to open up the tac map it fails, during hectic moments in the game hitting F1 or F2 for base structures does nothing and I have to click the button manually or wait. Not sure how the update messed these things up but I didn't change anything on my end since the update hit.

So I ask again, anyone else having input issues where hotkeys are doing nothing since the patch?

I'll add that it seems random, they're fine 90% of the time but 10% of the time nothing happens. 

Sorry for the delayed response on this. There are a few issues contributing to this, but it looks like the team is aware and should have the fixes in our next update. 

a year ago
Jun 20, 2023, 4:25:37 PM
John_RE wrote:
GeeeNo wrote:

Anyone else getting input issues since the update? Half the time I hit mouse 5 to open up the tac map it fails, during hectic moments in the game hitting F1 or F2 for base structures does nothing and I have to click the button manually or wait. Not sure how the update messed these things up but I didn't change anything on my end since the update hit.

So I ask again, anyone else having input issues where hotkeys are doing nothing since the patch?

I'll add that it seems random, they're fine 90% of the time but 10% of the time nothing happens. 

Sorry for the delayed response on this. There are a few issues contributing to this, but it looks like the team is aware and should have the fixes in our next update. 

Good to hear, appreciate your comment.


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