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Company of Heroes 3
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Late War

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2 months ago
Feb 13, 2024, 3:17:32 AM

Me and the guys think it'll be pretty cool if there was a late war expansion for coh 3. Nashorn, king tiger.

Maybe after a certain amount of time the map opens up more to allow for a change of game play with heavies. Or Maybe a map by the ocean could have the tides unveil new routes. Blow up a damn and the flood could be cool as well. How about a navel expansion?

Hope we don't see a DoW 3 patch. Get back to work Relic!

2 months ago
Feb 15, 2024, 11:51:13 AM

Dynamic maps isn't a bad idea at all. The gameplay is so safe with coh3. I've been playing team games more recently, and it always feels like there is barely any late-game at all if you're doing even moderately well against your opponents..


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