_Sousse Wetlands (4v4)

The map is open field, but the walled area doesn't feel like open field. I will describe this later.

001.At the east base, the stones must be removed to allow you to build a Tech.

002.East Bunkers.

The arc of the east bunkers enter a capture point. 

It is best to move the bunkers, rather than moving the point.

003.Impass, remove


Cut off around walls and rocks from around the game.
It's like a scalpel operation (it is 1 or two cells deep in general).
I have used blue brush in the image as an example.

005.Impass North. The ATgun is difficult to access.

-cut off impass.
-move the rock or replace it with something crushable

006.Impass North.

This is like a bridge. You cannot put an atgun on the inclination of the 'bridge'. So it is narrow to defend that point.
suggestion: this 'bridge' must have the same level as the ground

007.South. Units can pass.
-remove bush so that the player sees the access.
-add rocks to delimit the non-walkable area.

008.South. add entry.

units cannot pass

009. South. add entry.

There is the arch of a nearby bunker. so that friendly and enemy units can walk around here. In this area some bushes should be removed or the rock moved to create a path.

010.South. add entry.



A tiger and a Churchill can pass. but it is better to separate the rocks a little to show the player that he can pass.

013. South Impass.

-There is no problem being straight instead of curved, for better path

-Add rocks to delimit the non-walkable area.

014. Middle. add entry

In the north of the image there is full access (blue arrows).
-There is a small rock in the northwest of the image that allows you to pass through, it grants green cover, but it gives the player the feeling that it cannot be crushed. Therefore it is best to eliminate it.
-In the south of the image it does not allow passing (red arrows). Add entries in the south of the image

015. The Wall.

The wall area due to the height it represents (4 or 5 floors), the player feels trapped. The preference is to always play in the open field, due to its skill to make the strategy that the player wants.
Inside the strategies are reduced and it seems to be inside a huge box.

My suggestion: walls/towers decreased in height between 12 or 16 (depending on each case)

In the left image it shows the walls/towers at their height in coh3live, in the right image I have decreased the height to 13.
The first number is in coh3live (example 15.5) and the second number is what I have modified (example 13). Some walls only have one number (example 16,1), that is because it is not necessary to decrease.

016.The Wall.

These changes provide an area for East and West players to defend the VP. And we eliminate part of the box feeling. In blue: elimination of these 2 blocks of wall/tower

017.The two complete sections would be these:

The result is everything clean. 

But I would really like it to be used (na_damaged_low_wall_cover_01_sand) to make two parallel lines of walls, also using bushes, broken low walls, open paths, sand bags, etc.

similar in the image on the right

The elimination of these 2 blocks of wall/tower is to expand entry on both sides and provides an area for the East and West players to defend the VP


The change of model in houses, we have more visibility in our troops and less feeling of 'box'


With the proposed change. That house must be eliminated so that the EASTplayers have a large area like the WESTplayers.

020. House. same answer as in 019. 

With the proposed change. That house must be eliminated so that the EASTplayers have a large area like the WESTplayers

021.North Covers

-in the area of houses with that low wall line is enough. To leave a patch you have to eliminate that corner of covers.
-In the VP it is not necessary too cover. By eliminating low walls, we create a path for other units and players coming from the north to capture.


This path has an elevation, which means that a unit that is on one side cannot shoot another unit on the other side.

In the images we see how we have vision through another nearby unit or flares and we cannot shoot it.

Whoever is on the road or behind it defending it has an advantage. This is frustrating because while a unit is climbing the elevation it is being seen by the enemy, so when it reaches the top it is wiped. This is frustrating and I hope this path lines up with the ground.

In reference to Sousse Wetlands (4v4)  discord.-