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AI bugs (new update)

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3 months ago
Jul 17, 2024, 6:42:29 PM

For some reason, after the last update, the AI has become quite weak :( (Expert AI) 

I noticed that now the AI is now quite long on points instead of capturing a point and moving on. Previously this problem was not. 

And according to my observations AI has become more passive in general in the attack

I've also noticed at the win screen when looking around that a ton of the AI's units are just doing nothing in their base.

Updated 3 months ago.
3 months ago
Jul 26, 2024, 4:50:55 PM
For some reason the AI still behaves more passive than before the global patch. Earlier before the global patch AI played much better and more aggressive. Also AI often collects troops in huge blobs. AI also gathers its vehicles together and thus it is very easy to destroy it. After the Hotfix the situation has improved but not much. Previously, the AI often stormed the enemy's base . Now I haven't noticed once that the AI did it. I play only on Expert difficulty.

Updated 3 months ago.
3 months ago
Aug 2, 2024, 3:47:37 AM

From what I can see, the AI neglects to heal or repair units, leading to lots of near-death squads loitering at their base because they're too weak to fight. I'm guessing this is because the AI is using all its resources to try and build more AT guns or Marders, because it desperately needs Anti-tank when it's getting wiped off the field by vehicles. Unfortunately, the AI is crazy aggressive (stupid) with its use of AT guns and Marders, which are supposed to be second-line units but the AI keeps charging ahead with them into the enemy and losing them, hence it gets stuck in a loop where it needs to keep building more but can never afford other units.


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