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Bug: "Volturno Breaker" - (Break the Volturno Line) achievement doesn't work

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2 years ago
Feb 27, 2023, 11:50:53 PM

I've completed the Italian campaign, complete with the "Hot Dog!" (Complete the Italy Campaign) achievement.

After finishing and looking at my achievements it seems the "Volturno Breaker" didn't fire. 

Sadly i have no save-game around there left and i can't bring myself to play the whole campaign again for the one missing achievement.

a year ago
Oct 17, 2023, 10:45:10 AM

Well I finish the campaign I have no "VOLTURNO BREAKER" and I didn't get "GOT DOG!" either.

BTW its October now, and:
-units move 2 steps > stop > 2 steps. During the movement phase on Italy Campain.
- Flags are gone from the brigade's models
- Camera does not follow enemy phase, moving units. (Which units is under fire by the artillery)
- Can you add a movement gauge in the army HUD so we can know who moved and who didn't?

And please fix the movement, I spend more time waiting for my units to move than fighting skirmishes

a year ago
Nov 12, 2023, 9:42:11 PM

Same exact thing happened to me. Just finished the Italian campaign, no Hot Dog achievement nor Volturner Breaker. Extremely annoying 

10 months ago
Dec 21, 2023, 6:52:55 PM

Same here, for both achievements.

This post is from 10 months ago... it will be fixed?

7 months ago
Mar 13, 2024, 9:35:50 AM

Same problem, here I am two turn before the allied will bomb Montecassino and I haven't got the Volturno line achievement. Plus is it possible to add a main Manu tracker of the SP achievements and collectables like in CoH2? I have collected a lot of "letters" from skirmishes but I have no idea how many exactly and I have no idea of my progress in the achievement. This is stupid considering that basically all achievements, apart from win 25 MP game, are SP related. This game even after 1 year is a continuous disappointment.

7 months ago
Mar 16, 2024, 11:47:52 PM

@Gianp90 @YouMoMCallME You must break Volturno line before bomb information show up. If showup object "Turn before the allies bomb Montecassino" You start new line (Gustaw line). This why hard to achieve this.

5 months ago
May 17, 2024, 2:16:57 PM

This bug has been reported for a long time.

do you have any thoughts on fixing this bug?


5 months ago
May 17, 2024, 2:24:45 PM
WebsterBolek wrote:

@Gianp90 @YouMoMCallME You must break Volturno line before bomb information show up. If showup object "Turn before the allies bomb Montecassino" You start new line (Gustaw line). This why hard to achieve this.

So I pushed the Voltourno line really quickly. 

A message came up in the game that you broke the Voltourno line. 

However, the challenge has not been achieved. 

Then I was tasked with breaking through to Gustav

Just in case, I conquered all the way to Rome.
But the challenges are not being made.

5 months ago
May 17, 2024, 2:37:28 PM
Gianp90 wrote:

Same problem, here I am two turn before the allied will bomb Montecassino and I haven't got the Volturno line achievement. Plus is it possible to add a main Manu tracker of the SP achievements and collectables like in CoH2? I have collected a lot of "letters" from skirmishes but I have no idea how many exactly and I have no idea of my progress in the achievement. This is stupid considering that basically all achievements, apart from win 25 MP game, are SP related. This game even after 1 year is a continuous disappointment.

I'm in the same situation


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