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The in-game store and Warbonds? Is this an Early April Fools?

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a year ago
Mar 28, 2023, 8:51:57 PM

Like... are you serious...

You release half a game with a PLETHORA of issues...

Then magically make a store without flaws. (Shows us where the real focus of the devs were)

To be honest my friends said you would do this and wouldn't buy the game, i tried to be a loyal fan and hope they were wrong, but this just proved them 100% right.... and makes me look like a naïve idiot, which maybe I was.

And the prices on your warbonds are ******* INSANE. You're game in its current state is barely worth half that on its own, what a set of dethatched devs who have no idea what your community wants. You do NOT have the playerbase of Warthunder or Starcraft2, to start demanding insane prices on cosmetics on a game that was so half-arsed, with so many issues and lacking basic content. This is literally DOW3 all over again.

You didnt even give any currency or bonus for those who bought the special edition or preordered the game. What a kick in the nuts to everyone who supported you. I literally feel like ive been scammed by some dodgy dealer at some car-trunk sale in some dark ally with an un-reassuring accent.

ALSO... pretty sure it was said somewhere the first pack would be free for those who bought premium??????????? (fraud, nice one). 

I paid £80 for the special edition, and you instantly want me to pay more to have access to some skins? GET A GRIP OF YOURSELVES.

Think this is me out after 14 years of COH, im so upset and annoyed..., but you guys REALLY let us all down. This is pathetic.

How the hell did you not learn from Dawn of war 3? Like serious id do your MD's job for free and do it 10x better. Its almost like you have focus groups on "how to kill a franchise,"
These cash grabs make way less cash in the long term, and a game that is made WELL and caters to its fans and has good content and such.... Makes WAY more money in the long run... if you think about the extra players it attracts, the sequel or expansion potential etc... its such a no brainer to make a better game, will result in more money, (A fact that you and most other game developers these days cant seem to comprehend, which literally blows my mind).

Only thing you can do to save the game at this point is to make warbonds (cosmetic stuff) grindable and focus on all the other issues like lack of maps, bugs and balance.

Until then...
Well done Relic, I dont blame the coders, or the designers, Im sure you guys worked hard and this is all the decision of upper management. But here we are... another franchise possibly killed by greed, if Saga dont scrap you, maybe have gamers run the projects rather than some fund manager trying to hit a mark on his/her graph.

Id also ask that those fans reading this, also voice their concerns or at least upvote this and pile on a tad, because I genuinely dont want to see this game die. And the only thing these guys are gonna listen to, is if we do speak up, because apparently 61% steam approval of (mixed) wasnt enough. 

Updated a year ago.
a year ago
Mar 28, 2023, 9:49:04 PM

Totally agree with you, I truly feel scammed. Like someone looked at that warbond prices and really thought that it'll be a good idea to implement it. Wow. Good luck with your playerbase. 

I don't mind grinding for my camos, but with those prices and most of the paid challenges refreshing only every week it is just too much. I think you should earn some of the currency not only through challenges, but also for playing and winning skirmishes. And don't even get me started on that fomo mechanic for free camos. Like come one.

I'm super curious how much will they want for the battlegroups when they'll come out, 4000 Merit for vehicle skin so battlegroup will be what, 20k? Or even worse, they'll just sell battlegroup only for the warbonds. 

It is the same thing as with Darktide launch, core gameplay is really good, but bugs, lack of maps and predatory monetization systems are just tiring for full price games that are shipped in beta state.

I really thought that you were better than this.

Updated a year ago.
a year ago
Mar 29, 2023, 3:16:57 AM

Happy to support this post, as a mod'er of COH2 for years, & even COH3 now, I am rather shocked at the prices!  

It used to me a day to two days to make a skin pack for one 'race'.  

I am a Group General Manager with 70 staff & have to work 2 hours for 2.5 skin packs... for many that must be like a day & halves work.  It is also about the same price for 3 skin packs as the base game.  I am actually offended!  

a year ago
Mar 29, 2023, 6:14:45 AM

The funny part is that they're pricing like it's weapon/character skins in FPS or third-person shooters, but:

- it's a RTS, these skins have way less impact on the player experience.

- the skin packs only cover very few units

- the skins are barely noticeable in game. I mean, who will pays attention to the custom sniper camo suit during the action? Maybe if you're watching a replay... Oh wait !!

$15-$20 for a pack would MAYBE make sense if it covered pretty much every base unit in a faction and included some exclusive avatar/banner for the player profile, maybe some emotes, victory fireworks... The prices being charged for what is basically a "recolor" of only a few units is shocking. Seems like the store content and business model was rushed just like the game itself.

Even if it was a F2P game it would be hard to justify charging so much for so little in a game that has a lot of work to be done. (custom avatars/banners, replays, working end of match stats screen...)

a year ago
Mar 29, 2023, 8:51:15 AM

I agree - All premium edition supporters and pre order customers should have got war bonds or these cosmetics for free given the state of this release. Great way to inflict bad blood on the customer base - especially those that went out their way to buy the premium edition not just for the 3 cosmetics and mystery expansion pack but to support the game, the franchise and the very people behind it. How betrayed we all feel right now.

This is going to seriously impact the likelihood anyone is going to purchase micro transactions, the architect behind this opportunistic and exploitative move at Relic/Sega should have a serious talk with themselves. Yes its about money I understand but this is not the way to incentiveise long term customer support through micro transactions. Look after your players and the micro transactions look after themselves.

The implementation of the merit challenge system is absolutey ridiculous; issues such as create 5 bunkers in a match or kill 3 british medic trucks. Not only do they incentivise "troll" like gameplay but they are also incredibly unrealisitic and barely achievable. How many people are going to become infuriated and stop playing as a result of people in online matchmaking grinding for these daft challenges. How can the development team behind this system be so disengaged with the community base?

How not to launch a game 101. A sincerely hope they can rectify this terrible situation before it is too late and too many people become disinclined by the direction that some staff at Relic seem clear on this destructive anti-consumer agenda. We have a right to be angry after paying top doller for either the base game or even more so the premium edition and receiving this half built game lacking even basic features such as replay systems and observer mode. 

Internally, Relic need a serious conversation with whoever the puppet master is behind this PR nightmare within the hierarchy of Relic, Sega or both and they need to be enlightened on why this will affect both the likelhood that players will stay with the game and further support the game. As they clearly are very detached from the gravity of the situation!

a year ago
Mar 29, 2023, 9:52:59 AM

Yes, and daily challanges are terrible as well, we will have teamates leaving the game when they compete or if they can't.

The chalanges they should be changed to only deal damege ,win matches ,capturing points but not this. As you will se now your teammate making 5 mgs nice thinking there or 20 tank traps.

Or just use the coh2 system after each match which is much better then any challanges. 

Updated a year ago.
a year ago
Mar 29, 2023, 10:02:52 AM

Absolutely agree.  This is just greedy, and Relic need a wake up call.  

The game is overmarketed trash, peddled with the same cynical view as most mobile games - they assume their customers have an IQ below 90 and can be conditioned Pavlovian style to feed them a constant revenue stream.

I have two words for Relic: "fuck you" - sincerely


a year ago
Mar 29, 2023, 10:46:24 AM

- game shop in this state of game? come on... complete shameless

- price for warbond? for only one faction around 20 euro... IN RTS game ... complete shameless

- winter skins in the africa and italy threate ... complete irracional thinking (jsut waiting for pink panthers)

- challenges are just stupid... 50 vehicle kill with armor cars.. good luck in MP... complete stupid and encourge stupid strategies and trolling

- not even talking about balance

every single step of relic is worse what a shame. I would love this game.. maybe in different hands...

a year ago
Mar 29, 2023, 11:25:28 AM

Absolutely agree. I'm not sure I have anything else meaningful or new to add to the conversation, but I offer my support to this thread and issue. 

This game is in shambles and they have the audacity to roll-out a Store bug free!

How about you fix the game, Relic, and make up for your insults to us, your customers?!

a year ago
Mar 29, 2023, 6:04:39 PM

Ya totally agree.  You guys nailed it and I won’t bother to say anything else… except…

I don’t know if I’m doing something wrong, but even if I wanted to, I can’t buy anything in the Store without having to spend Warbonds (aka real money). Is that right?  I was under the impression that having to spend warbonds was the exception (or only a few skins would require warbonds). Seems like I MUST spend warbonds and maybe merit too. Am I missing something?

And as someone else already said… what are battlegroups going to cost?

a year ago
Mar 29, 2023, 6:53:55 PM
Prostenall wrote:

- game shop in this state of game? come on... complete shameless

- price for warbond? for only one faction around 20 euro... IN RTS game ... complete shameless

- winter skins in the africa and italy threate ... complete irracional thinking (jsut waiting for pink panthers)

- challenges are just stupid... 50 vehicle kill with armor cars.. good luck in MP... complete stupid and encourge stupid strategies and trolling

- not even talking about balance

every single step of relic is worse what a shame. I would love this game.. maybe in different hands...

Intresting moment, challenges can be completed in custom games with mods)
yeah, cheatcommands + 10 minutes and u make all daily and weekly challenges

a year ago
Mar 29, 2023, 6:55:36 PM
Shingles007 wrote:

Ya totally agree.  You guys nailed it and I won’t bother to say anything else… except…

I don’t know if I’m doing something wrong, but even if I wanted to, I can’t buy anything in the Store without having to spend Warbonds (aka real money). Is that right?  I was under the impression that having to spend warbonds was the exception (or only a few skins would require warbonds). Seems like I MUST spend warbonds and maybe merit too. Am I missing something?

And as someone else already said… what are battlegroups going to cost?

we will bring new battlegroups at the end of year
game will be dead and cost of 'em will care nobody

sry for my english

a year ago
Mar 29, 2023, 7:00:38 PM
Corsin wrote:

Like... are you serious...

You release half a game with a PLETHORA of issues...

Then magically make a store without flaws. (Shows us where the real focus of the devs were)

To be honest my friends said you would do this and wouldn't buy the game, i tried to be a loyal fan and hope they were wrong, but this just proved them 100% right.... and makes me look like a naïve idiot, which maybe I was.

And the prices on your warbonds are ******* INSANE. You're game in its current state is barely worth half that on its own, what a set of dethatched devs who have no idea what your community wants. You do NOT have the playerbase of Warthunder or Starcraft2, to start demanding insane prices on cosmetics on a game that was so half-arsed, with so many issues and lacking basic content. This is literally DOW3 all over again.

You didnt even give any currency or bonus for those who bought the special edition or preordered the game. What a kick in the nuts to everyone who supported you. I literally feel like ive been scammed by some dodgy dealer at some car-trunk sale in some dark ally with an un-reassuring accent.

ALSO... pretty sure it was said somewhere the first pack would be free for those who bought premium??????????? (fraud, nice one).

I paid £80 for the special edition, and you instantly want me to pay more to have access to some skins? GET A GRIP OF YOURSELVES.

Think this is me out after 14 years of COH, im so upset and annoyed..., but you guys REALLY let us all down. This is pathetic.

How the hell did you not learn from Dawn of war 3? Like serious id do your MD's job for free and do it 10x better. Its almost like you have focus groups on "how to kill a franchise,"
These cash grabs make way less cash in the long term, and a game that is made WELL and caters to its fans and has good content and such.... Makes WAY more money in the long run... if you think about the extra players it attracts, the sequel or expansion potential etc... its such a no brainer to make a better game, will result in more money, (A fact that you and most other game developers these days cant seem to comprehend, which literally blows my mind).

Only thing you can do to save the game at this point is to make warbonds (cosmetic stuff) grindable and focus on all the other issues like lack of maps, bugs and balance.

Until then...
Well done Relic, I dont blame the coders, or the designers, Im sure you guys worked hard and this is all the decision of upper management. But here we are... another franchise possibly killed by greed, if Saga dont scrap you, maybe have gamers run the projects rather than some fund manager trying to hit a mark on his/her graph.

Id also ask that those fans reading this, also voice their concerns or at least upvote this and pile on a tad, because I genuinely dont want to see this game die. And the only thing these guys are gonna listen to, is if we do speak up, because apparently 61% steam approval of (mixed) wasnt enough. 

I totally support you and your post!!! Relic is so delusional that is hard to believe!

a year ago
Mar 29, 2023, 7:27:56 PM
Roosevelts_cat wrote:
Prostenall wrote:

- game shop in this state of game? come on... complete shameless

- price for warbond? for only one faction around 20 euro... IN RTS game ... complete shameless

- winter skins in the africa and italy threate ... complete irracional thinking (jsut waiting for pink panthers)

- challenges are just stupid... 50 vehicle kill with armor cars.. good luck in MP... complete stupid and encourge stupid strategies and trolling

- not even talking about balance

every single step of relic is worse what a shame. I would love this game.. maybe in different hands...

Intresting moment, challenges can be completed in custom games with mods)
yeah, cheatcommands + 10 minutes and u make all daily and weekly challenges

yes, but is it fun? Challenges should be fun. It shouldn't feel like work. And not even speaking about trolling strategies that those challenges encourage in MP, not everyone is using cheatmod.

a year ago
Mar 30, 2023, 1:08:47 AM

Age of empires iv came out incomplete, with terrible bugs and after a year it is in good condition

a year ago
Mar 30, 2023, 5:57:48 AM
HasanIchess wrote:

Age of empires iv came out incomplete, with terrible bugs and after a year it is in good condition

I think its just due to Age of empires being more popular than coh franchise. At least that's what I think.

a year ago
Mar 30, 2023, 10:28:41 AM


I'm waiting for pink panthers since coh1!  And if i get them, i hope all of you will get offended :D

But yea, the pricing is way to excessive ...

a year ago
Apr 1, 2023, 11:12:44 AM

How dare to publish an unfinished game and then add the shop with an "update".

There are tons of other things that would have been more important than the war bonds. Shame on you. CoH3 does not even have half of the features of CoH2, but the shop is working ...

a year ago
Apr 1, 2023, 6:28:59 PM

I've really tried to be optimistic about the game despite it launching in a blatantly unfinished state but everything surrounding this shows an astonishing amount of greed and just sheer disrespect to their player base.

I truly hope this was the publisher that foisted this on Relic, but all the same, but an incredibly shitty move. I really feel like Coh3 had good bones...too bad they seem to be keen on fucking up everything else with the game.

a year ago
Apr 3, 2023, 9:04:59 PM

I concur.  If we don't speak up, they keep doing this kinda thing. Enough is enough - COH3 is bad, bad ,bad, and costs way too much.  What Relic are doing is scummy, and this is becoming a pattern of behaviour.
