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Company of Heroes Legacy
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No longer launches at all

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4 months ago
Dec 18, 2023, 1:44:11 AM

Just upgraded my rig, thought I'd tried good old COH2. I get the COH2 splash screen for a nano-second, no audio, bombs back to steam without error.

Yes I've tried the -refresh 60 thing. And 120. And 144. 

Yes I've done the -forceactive and -window things too. 

Yes all my drivers are upto date. 

Yes I've validated it in Steam.

No I haven't got any old configs from the old rig.

No, no other game has this issue, of the hundred+ I've tried so far.

No, the COH2 log thinks everything is running just peachy.

So what now, Sega? Or do I just delete it and move on with my life?

4 months ago
Dec 27, 2023, 11:39:17 PM

Have the same issues. I load the game and it gets stuck on the opening screen. I can hear the menu music and intro in the background but nothing else. What's the deal here? I can no longer play a game I paid for? Should we be compensated? It seems the developers havent been responding to this issue which has been around for quite some time now. Glad I havent dropped money on COH3, I have a feeling it will end up like this game where I wont be able to play it in the future. What a scam


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