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Suspended for Bug Exploitation (unintentional)

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2 years ago
Aug 17, 2022, 11:20:00 PM

i get it, it wasn't unfair for the opposing players to play against USSR + USA General.
what am i suppose to do ?
your game bugged in the lobby; i was choosing Soviets then changed my mind to play USA
and i picked USA

we were playing 4v4 with my teammates late at night with no possible game to enter
that's why we switched allies since most people are axis and looking for allies
in the loading screen i see it is still USA.

when the game started i found out 4 seconds later that these are russian engineers.

so are u telling me i have to wait 72 hours for no proper reason under the pretext of bug abuse
obviously the player playing against me in that part of the map was pissed off
i literally told him i dont know its a bug and it is 1st time to see it ( i dont play the game frequently)
report it to the developer, bruhh reported me.
he was very accusive and rude to me claiming that i did it initially

i played the game i didnt initially cause the bug why are u punishing me.

FIX YOUR GAME 1st then start punishing people.
dont punish people for playing the game guys for real. 

and what if i encountered this again. i shouldnt use my commander ?

or just abandon the game.....

just for the record i only started using the USA general only when i was losing since ofc. i was in a disadvantage not using my commander.

yeah and i know it will piss him off bec he started losing.
review the game again and u will know that i am telling the truth
also i asked my friends who frequently play on a daily bases
they said just use it nothing will happen and dont worry about it. yet i worried. i worried about something that i had nothing to do with in the 1st place
yet i didnt use the US Commander until later in the game when i started to lose. i had to 

i am very disappointed in the developer for such actions that i m being punished for something i have nothing to with it.
yeah yeah its just 72 hours ban why such a big deal why u crying about.

well since u reached this part
bec in 72 hours i wont be back for 28 days since i am doing Military Service in my country
and probably will be disappointed more if u guys answer me after the suspension time is over
then all these lines and words above will be meaningless.....

add insult to injury; Note: that i send this Complaint to Sega 17 hours ago (check this: https://support.sega.com/hc/en-us/requests/550642) 

 nd they transferred me to this website, kept searching for this forum or where i should write down my problem for 2 hours 

finally i would like to add this to Relic. 

despite this stupid bug, you ahve to ease the report/forum support operation like other game pub/devs.

why it took me 2 hours try to find this. 

Updated 2 years ago.
2 years ago
Aug 18, 2022, 3:49:00 PM

Please reach out to enforcement@relic.com to enquire about the status of your account and to file an appeal for any suspension. 

2 years ago
Aug 18, 2022, 4:39:54 PM

with all do respect that wont be necessary, i am leaving tmw morning to report in my unit.

thanks for wasting my time off.

2 years ago
Aug 19, 2022, 1:33:58 PM

Two positive things we can take away from this my friend. The first is that we learned that we cannot continue with a game with some bug or irregularity that could bring us advantages. The second is that Relic is actually punishing players who try to benefit.


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