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time to say goodbye to dak now

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a day ago
Sep 27, 2024, 1:50:00 PM

You wanted to say: "Goodbye DAK"

What you really said with your provided pictures: "About 80% of games are won by the team with the higher ELO."

In your pictures there are only three examples where the inferior team (according to ELO) won, one by inferior axis and two by inferior allies. Furthermore there are two games where the ELO was pretty equal, one was won by axis and one by allies. Isn't this how it should be? 

Updated a day ago.
an hour ago
Sep 28, 2024, 12:34:10 PM

how many times DAK went through having 30 % win/rate, with no HOT FIXES ! and how many times DAK got nerfed to the ground after this for months???? RIGHT 100 % of the time... ! Team Allies FTW ! 

Dont forget if you lose with Axis you have to adapt, if you win with allies its solely based on pure skills and you are a wehraboo... 

Panther used to wipe infantry = nerfed, 3 panthers cant kill guards, now 3 matildas can destroy your whole inf, its totally balanced ! Doesnt matter, how much we try to explain we are not be heard even worse if you are DAK, 

DAK is not the faction that the top players like, none of them wants to main DAK, they all agree its a one trick poney faction, with no late game, with no other resorts to mindless blobbing to survive, not to win ! but to survive !

Oh but git gud ! 34 % of Winrate is not nerfed enough lets aim for 10 %

totally disapointed, and being totally honest this faction is supposed to be an early aggressive one but how???????? 30 sec to deploy mainline,

Pjaegers were nerfed because OMG they could finally answer to LV spams that been there for months, it took 2 weeks to "tune them down"  now we have everything nerfed at 30 % win rate, and nothing is going to change !

Deal with it play DAK if you really want to make a statement that your opponent is a total worthless guy, you set up yourself for failure no matter how much you dominate your units will get wrecked in late game


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