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Company of Heroes 3
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Oh, Jesus, don't you guys want to proceed with the patch?

Copied to clipboard!
a year ago
Mar 15, 2023, 1:12:46 PM

If you leave the game broken without proceeding with the patch, I have no choice but to reinstall coh2

Are you guys watching the forum? This mess of users fighting amongst themselves.

Ps. Do you know that German trucks have no sound effects at all?  

Updated a year ago.
a year ago
Mar 15, 2023, 4:37:17 PM

Inb4 "We are sorry to inform you, but..." :(

a year ago
Mar 15, 2023, 5:42:13 PM

They really needed to release something yesterday or today… 

keep players good will who are actively trying to keep intersect in the game.

It’s Gona start bleeding the player base if issues are not seen to be rapidly addressed.

I like the game, I want it to succeed and I’m happy to support it with dlc etc.. But if not enough effort is being put into what they just know has been sub standard release,  and an unpolished product.. Then people/players like me turn into the negative review crew.


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