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2 years ago Jun 09,2023, 17:00:55 PM

Wire Report - June 9, 2023

2 664 Views

There’s been a lot happening in the world of Company of Heroes, and we wanted to cover all of it here. Let’s not waste any time and just get right to it!


Brass Leopard 

This week we released the Brass Leopard (1.1.5) update for PC. You can find a high-level overview of the update in our Brass Leopard Mission Briefing, or dive into the Patch Notes for all the details. If you're in a hurry, check out our video summary below. 

As always, if you’re encountering any technical issues or bugs, be sure to report it to our team by filling out this form here. This ensures our team will see the issue and we can get it into our system for review. You can also find our current list of PC Known Issues here.  

Our team is preparing hot fix 1.1.6 for PC to address many of these top known issues, including overpowered loiters and planes, and you can expect it early next week after some additional testing. We know this might cause some frustration over the weekend, but we appreciate your patience as we work on this. 

Company of Heroes 3 Console Edition Launch 

We’re very happy to be welcoming all our new Xbox and PlayStation 5 players to the Company of Heroes community! The reception and feedback have been terrific so far. We plan to roll out an initial hot fix to address some of the top issues affecting console players in the next couple of weeks. As we mentioned above, reach out to our support team if you’re having any issues. Be sure to review the Console Known Issues list here

The Pub Landlord himself, Al Murray, helped us launch CoH3 on console. Check out his briefing in the Console Edition launch trailer!  


What’s Next? 

It’s been a tough couple of weeks for everyone at Relic, and we’re very grateful to all of you for the kind words of support you’ve sent our way. We know there was some concern about the future of Company of Heroes, but after some restructuring, our team is set up to support and continue improving CoH3 for the foreseeable future. You can find more details about “what’s next” for Company of Heroes in our Road Ahead of Us blogpost. Not only do we talk about next month’s update, Emerald Bear, but we commit to a steadier communication cadence, and we shared our updated Priorities Map for June and July. 

Brass Leopard Preview 

Early in May, we also sat down with our designers Marco (Marcus2389) and Miguel (DevM) for a quick preview of all the changes coming to Brass Leopard. Check out their insights from the livestream! 


With the launch of Company of Heroes 3 Console Edition, MoiDawg from our Creator Squad is getting console players ready to tackle the battlefield with a controller! Check out all of our console tutorials here. Here’s a preview of the series, where MoiDawg shows off how to use the Command Wheel in CoH3 on Xbox and PS5.

We also want to highlight some of the awesome maps we’re seeing submitted to Greyshot’s 4v4 Map Competition. You can find them all here (assembled by GBPirate).


We also love seeing the projects, screenshots, art and more that you are creating and working on! Be sure to tag us @companyofheroes and use the hashtag #CoHCommunity so we can check out and share your amazing creations. 

First up, is one of our recent favorite memes from Reddit moderator, Viceroy. 

Next, for all our co-op players out there, we highly recommend Shadowphreak’s Comp Stomp II. Repel the enemy advance and destroy them!

Cpl. Chen over on the official Discord has been sharing some heart-pounding moments from the battlefield. Check them out!


That’ll be it for this Wire Report! Don’t forget to submit your content for consideration by using the hashtag #CoHCommunity or by sharing screenshots, links and videos on our Discord or Forums.  


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2 years ago
Jun 9, 2023, 5:46:15 PM

Guys, you need to make more content and fast. More maps for pvp automatch, more battlegroups. CoH3 24 hrs peak of players is only 2400 while coh 2 has 5800. Even first coh has 1500 which means coh3 number of players is closer to coh 1 than coh 2. You need to do something really quick or this game is doomed. Instead of big updates once in the month it is better to make little updates once a week for example. 

2 years ago
Jun 9, 2023, 6:22:10 PM

You have to acknowledge your low competence. Every update has issues that reduce the game's persistence. The number of players falling is just the result being a figure.
Why do you hesitate to open new content? No matter how much effort you put into opening the contents, there will be a fatal issue.
So quickly expand your content first, and then resolve critical bugs and issues. I think it's better to do this because you're going to create issues anyway, whether it's slow or fast.

Updated 2 years ago.
2 years ago
Jun 9, 2023, 6:22:33 PM
matkenis wrote:

Oh wow, things are looking worse then I thought for this game!:(
One of the biggest problems - audio - last patch fixed literally pretty much nothing.
I don't know what to say guys, it's such a shame. And it's not the programmers fault. It's the designers and upper management.
Truly sad to see this to happen.

Are we playing the same game? Last patch had major audio improvements.

2 years ago
Jun 9, 2023, 10:39:20 PM

What are you on about, the game is almost turned anew from last patch xD

matkenis wrote:

Oh wow, things are looking worse then I thought for this game!:(
One of the biggest problems - audio - last patch fixed literally pretty much nothing.
I don't know what to say guys, it's such a shame. And it's not the programmers fault. It's the designers and upper management.
Truly sad to see this to happen.

2 years ago
Jun 9, 2023, 10:41:01 PM

Thanks for last update, that has to be the best patch so far in terms of immersion & epic scaling!

Planes, barrage + terrain deformation are amazingly fun to use or get wrecked by, audio is basically a whole new world altogether & gameplay overall is enhanced a hundred times from it! It has hooked me back in the game big time (not that I ever stopped playing, but I'm even more excited and so is my usual team mate!)!

2 years ago
Jun 9, 2023, 11:10:15 PM

It's been a bumpy ride but I'm glad the team working on coh3 have been fixing issues like this post launch which is often not the case with games.With the road map, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel where the team can focus on new content, and I think the games perception will be much better  before the end of the year. 

The op planes make the game kind of unplayable at the moment, though they are fun to watch destroy my army now haha..

I think the extra zoom distance is perfect amount and I don't have any complaints. The game looks great on a high dpi display. 

The audio.. I generally think it's better. Muffled sound effects have been replaced, and the levels have been tuned too. Though I think the previous USF bar sound effect was much more fitting. The sound effect sounds fine for an MG but why use the same sound for the bar? 

2 years ago
Jun 11, 2023, 4:55:54 PM

Are there any plans to fix the visual component of the game? It looks completely washed out as if it were designed to be played on a Mobile phone.

2 years ago
Jun 14, 2023, 1:25:01 AM

Onde estão os blindados pesados que fizeram seu nome na COH 2, faltando unidades emblemáticas e o pior de tudo entre tantas boas histórias de guerra nenhuma foi contada agora e a pior sem a participação do Exército Brasileiro. Eles não deveriam ter demitido a antiga equipe de desenvolvedores que sabiam muito bem o que estavam fazendo.


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