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CoH 3: Mission Alpha - General Feedback

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3 years ago
Jul 7, 2022, 11:32:09 PM

CoH 3: Mission Alpha Feedback Threads

Now that you’ve had a chance to play the Mission Alpha for Company of Heroes 3, we'd love to know your thoughts and feedback. We appreciate you keeping your criticism as constructive as possible so that our team can make the best use of it. We want to make the best Company of Heroes game possible, and we can only do that with your input and support. Please keep in mind while providing feedback that the core structure of our game is set. We’ve been working with the community right from day one to build a terrific foundation. What we need help with now is tuning, bug fixing, balancing, and making the game more fun. Please keep in mind that many art assets, UI elements, FX, animations, etc. are all works in progress.

Examples of feedback we won’t be able to address:

  • “I don’t think the Mediterranean is the right setting for CoH 3.”
  • “I think you should remove the US Forces.”

Examples of feedback we can use and address:

  • “This unit is not powerful enough and does not feel useful.”
  • “It is not clear how to use abilities or unit call-ins.”

You can find all our feedback threads here:

Find more information in our Frequently Asked Questions & Known Issues blog for the Mission Alpha.

You can also join our official Discord server here.

Updated 3 years ago.
3 years ago
Jul 12, 2022, 6:30:55 PM

Played through the mission. Overall graphically it was great, units felt great ect

But the zoom really makes me nauseous, it's way to close. Like coh2 is a zoomed in game but this was closer than that. Like in your face. Didn't feel great and really detracted from the overall experience.

3 years ago
Jul 12, 2022, 6:44:26 PM

Some game-design changes which I can see boding very well for COH3

It's two-pronged and both relate to the relationship between regular/mobile units and emplacements/support weapons.

- tank riders: Although infantry transports were there in previous COh games, they were never used to actually transport units because they were usually too weak to have driving round on the map, and too expensive to have multiple to move a few squads at once. This meant proper manoeuvre warfare was very hard to do on larger maps and multiplayer especially could turn into a game of grinding through weapon teams and emplacements . With combat vehicles doubling as transports now, it's so much easier to move around the map, flank, attack and retreat with a balanced force. I think this will drastically improve the fluidity of COH3's gameplay vs previous games because maneuvouring past weapon teams will be so much easier and possible without waiting for smoke/indirect which can somewhat easily be avoided. Support weapons now demand units around to protect far more than before. Softening the rock-paper-scissors relationship between support weapons/emplacements (namely MGs) and mobile units. They are now force-multipliers for mobile units and cannot be trusted as much to defend any point by themselves. I think this might be the fix COH has been looking for to the support weapons dynamic - especially in larger games.

- Less emplacements, more towed heavy weapons. Strong, powerful weapons which require set-up, but not as resistant as old-school emplacements to damage (less oppressive in small games) and able to be moved after each engagement to avoid artillery/off-map (no longer auto-shutdown by indirect and viable - with skill - in larger games) Again, this softens the extremes of their design. Maybe all permanent stationary emplacements should be removed from the game. Period. And replaced with less durable, towed variants.

e.g. I moved my flak 88 to evade destruction by a mortar, then moved it further into the village to take out the emplaced crusaders.

Boils down to more emphasis on how units are used and tactical skill, less about WHAT units there are and hard-counters. Which I like for gameplay and leaves more leeway for faction-roster design.



- towing ability should be more common? I couldn't tow with my medical truck. Any truck or halftrack chassis should have the ability at least.

-  Ability to chose deploy orientation when targeting location for towed weapon drop-off, they can take a while to rotate themselves.

Updated 3 years ago.
3 years ago
Jul 12, 2022, 6:56:13 PM

does changing the  graphics and sound settings makes a difference now?

performance seem much better. 3440x1440 3080Ti uses all 12GB vram, 340W, 99% core load. Very good. I get around 60-120fps at all max settings except AA is off

But Cpu utilisation still looks like 2 cores 4 lightly threads. quite a waste, perhaps cpu limitation is preventing high fps gaming and causing fps bottoming.

please push cpu usage more, much more

Updated 3 years ago.
3 years ago
Jul 12, 2022, 7:05:46 PM

at least they must have a friendly graphic configuration to make a pre-purchase

ok, thank you, I'll be aware of more details

Updated 3 years ago.
3 years ago
Jul 12, 2022, 7:21:05 PM

Came to say I was pleasantly surprised to see new gameplay mechanics such as tank riding, recovery vehicles etc. very appropriate additions that add to immersion/spectacle.

3 years ago
Jul 12, 2022, 7:23:17 PM

Hi @JohnT_RE , I have a question, can we still get all the skins like the M18 Hellcat Cosmetic for example without pre-ordering the game, but by buying it after it is released? Also, does the physical edition contain the same digital stuff like the pre-order?

3 years ago
Jul 12, 2022, 7:42:16 PM

Really enjoyed the alpha mission.  I encountered a couple of AI bugs (walking back and forth) when under fire.  Other than that I really enjoyed the experience.  It was great to be able to pause the action and make strategic decisions at my own pace without the game forcing me to push objectives rapidly.  It ran very well on my 3080.  Overall I'm really excited for full release.  Really well done to the dev team.  

3 years ago
Jul 12, 2022, 7:51:00 PM

I love it i the game fells like Coh in its own way it is not coh 1 or coh2 it is something else 

My expierince in the Mission was that i had no legs the pathfinding was working the Unit voice lines were fitting no strange bugs it was overall amazing and fun. 

The only thing i have to say is that you guys are going the right way with this game and you just have to continue.

The only thing left would be the discussion on the Mulitiplayer and balance but i cant say anything about that  becouse we dont know how all the factions are working and how the Inf. vs Inf/Tanks or the Tank vs Tank combat is, that would leave another room for a alpha for that.

Anyways that was it with my feedback i hope it helps you to make this game great.

3 years ago
Jul 12, 2022, 8:01:17 PM
Orangepest wrote:

Played through the mission. Overall graphically it was great, units felt great ect

But the zoom really makes me nauseous, it's way to close. Like coh2 is a zoomed in game but this was closer than that. Like in your face. Didn't feel great and really detracted from the overall experience.

I disagree with you, zoom looks perfect, it lets see the action. If developers zoom out the camera, units will become just dots, CoH is not about that. We need to see blows, bangs and each soldier.

My feedback

It's much better than the previous alpha where I had slideshow on my IntelCore i5. Now game runs smoothy on medium settings. Everything is just fine. One small thing: bright unit icons on overall very bright image sometimes hard to differ. Graphics it's too blurred but it's not critical. I've liked very much shots, explosions and the new destruction system. The new German fraction looks like the old Oberkommando West and it's OK. I look at this game only as a multiplayer game and now I feel that it's almost ready. Technical condition needs to be polished a bit, that's all, everything else is fine. I also hope that I will be able to buy this game in Russia.

Thank you for your efforts!

Updated 3 years ago.
3 years ago
Jul 12, 2022, 8:49:57 PM

ok for me i think is beautiful but wee need to add more Imersive audio , exemple :

1 = German speak German and Italian speak italian . 

2 = When you capture a static weapon ennemy the portrait is the original Army , exemple i have captured Mg static weapon with DAK and the portrais is British . 

3 = The sound is broken or bugged , The tank and vehiculs is realy low or complitly bugged , same for fire fight .

4 = Ability is realy not cool . I prefer the generals system .is better for the slogan " Chaque bataille raconte une histoire"  Is my opinion of course :) 

5 = Can you tell more for the Cosmetic Infantry and tank system . Is possibel to win Cosmetic in Multiplayer or Not . Or is a store for buy Cosmetic or again is little DLC for add more Cosmetic . I Love Cosmetic ;) 

6 = The camera is old system . Wee need to add more control for the camera . "zsqd" and mose rotation 360 . 

Final : COH3 is beautiful . Siriously Good jobs . i am contant creator on Coh 2 / Map , Camo and more . I realy want to see the same system for the creation in coh 3 . Generals , camouflage , Ability and more ... the system for win camo tank and infantry and generals is Multiplayer is the Best option form . i  realy don't like the battle Group system . Wee need to add more personalisation of army player . For add surprise in the battle . When i use the my favorit commander in coh 2 the other player d'ont know my strategy and the battle is realy cool . Now with battle group system all battle is same . You can not surprise your ennemy . 

Is my opinion . Thx Relic for the cool experience . 

3 years ago
Jul 12, 2022, 8:53:37 PM

So DAK gets Panzergrenadiers as mainline troops, and Wehrmacht gets Panzergrenadiers elite assault troops? or has Wehrmacht's unit roster been changed? I'm curious on how the factions have evolved since the MP pre-alpha.

3 years ago
Jul 12, 2022, 9:34:21 PM

Giving all or most of the tanks a quick smoke ability seems very overpowered. This makes AT guns pretty useless, especially against the AI which does not attack ground. But in multiplayer this will also be an issue I guess.

3 years ago
Jul 13, 2022, 12:29:06 AM

Only had done my first play through, so I'll definitely need to give a couple of go but here are my first impressions

better visuals/UI
- shows tank hits (side,etc)

- shows upgrades on units


- higher ground mechanics: a welcome change, so its not just fighting for cover but higher ground too!

- tank riding: awesome, is this faction specific? 


- Tanks responds quite well and fast but at the same time they seem to do very well against everything. Will there be more terrain in COH3 that hinders tank movements outside of roads? that may balance it

3 years ago
Jul 13, 2022, 12:30:58 AM
Orangepest wrote:

Played through the mission. Overall graphically it was great, units felt great ect

But the zoom really makes me nauseous, it's way to close. Like coh2 is a zoomed in game but this was closer than that. Like in your face. Didn't feel great and really detracted from the overall experience.

Agree with you! CoH shouldn`t be too zoomed out or otherwise a lot of atmosphere gets lost, but this is way too zoomed in. The max zoom out level should be a fair margin higher than in CoH 2, but it shouldn't be too much. (I guess this helps with performance too)

3 years ago
Jul 13, 2022, 3:03:27 AM

TLDR: I really don't like the audio and hope it changes before the launch of the game. Weapons in COH 1 (and less so 2 in my opinion) sounded distinctive, and you had a general idea of how much you needed to panic by the mere sound of enemy fire. 

Is there a chance that we'll get that World War 2 is going off in your room feeling from the audio? Don't get me wrong everything is functional, but nothing to me stands out. When tanks fired in COH 1 and 2 it felt as if any hanging decorations were going to fall off your walls. When rifles fired in the game you nearly wanted to quickly duck yourself. Just a thought. I look forward to seeing the development of this game, and as a long-time fan of the COH series (I really loved 1, and wasn't a massive fan of 2 due to commanders) but I look forward to seeing what 3 brings to the table.

3 years ago
Jul 13, 2022, 3:07:07 AM
SefdznskiR wrote:

Hi, will there be more? missions in alpha?.

I hope they do.

3 years ago
Jul 13, 2022, 3:42:05 AM

9 hours after playing the alpha, im having motion sickness ...

something is not right with the camera height, the fov, the units distinction... I can't buy this game if it makes me sick like some FPS

3 years ago
Jul 13, 2022, 5:01:56 AM

already been said. but the tanks need to be bigger and have a bit more weight. their pathing should be fixed as well. And please for the love of god turn down the colors they are way to bright. maybe tone down the tracers as well.


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