Now that you’ve had a chance to play the Mission Alpha for Company of Heroes 3, we'd love to know your thoughts and feedback. We appreciate you keeping your criticism as constructive as possible so that our team can make the best use of it. We want to make the best Company of Heroes game possible, and we can only do that with your input and support. Please keep in mind while providing feedback that the core structure of our game is set. We’ve been working with the community right from day one to build a terrific foundation. What we need help with now is tuning, bug fixing, balancing, and making the game more fun. Please keep in mind that many art assets, UI elements, FX, animations, etc. are all works in progress.
Examples of feedback we won’t be able to address:
“I don’t think the Mediterranean is the right setting for CoH 3.”
“I think you should remove the US Forces.”
Examples of feedback we can use and address:
“This unit is not powerful enough and does not feel useful.”
“It is not clear how to use abilities or unit call-ins.”
From my first round i got some "fresh" impressions.
First. Thx for the alpha. Great fun!
For the feedback after the first round:
- Flamethrowers: For me i think flamethrowers are too dominant and too strong. Perhaps this was done for the mission but it is a bit hilarious how easy it is to decrew weapons and wipe units with a flamer in no time. For that reason the italian L6/40 tankette feels useless because its Breda 2cm cant deal such an amount of damage compared to the Flamer of the Panzer III.
And with the flamer upgrade the L6/40 isnt much better because the Flammenpanzer III has more HP, more armor and feels better. So perhaps it could be worth to reduce the flamer damage and boost the small machine gun damage of a ~2cm autocanon.
Historical note - because i have to ask xD
- Why Flammenpanzer III in Africa. U have seen pictures of a Flammenpanzer II Flamingo and u though u need a flamer tank in africa? And a Flammenpanzer III without turret box and without spaced front armor feels wrong and looks wrong. That is just a small hint but i think u just put the flamer barrel on the "basic CoH3 Panzer III" without adding the real Flammenpanzer III i think.
Agree with above. The flamethrowers are just insanely OP at the moment. Driving around the flamethrower tanks just have no counter-play since they can easily drive around anything and rotate the flamethrower 360 degrees. The Stug ability you'd assume is a long-range barrage like most tanks of its class but instead it has a point-blank shot? Very counter-intuitive and for what purpose? I wish we were given more insight into the DAK tech tree and how their other units perform. Seems to be a Battlegroup system like COH2 Wehrmacht?
The mainline infantry of Panzergrenadiers just seem really strong as if COH2 grenadiers were melded with Panzergrenadiers, and this is really cool but what keeps their strength in check? How does it scale? Certain abilities or buffs should be kept behind Battlephases at least. Otherwise, these units also verge on OP territory due to dominating strength in every situation for every single need. The Italian units are fun but also seem like an ace at everything, like if you took COH2 Penal Squads and combined them with engineers. Really really strong and the flamethrower only makes them stronger. Giving them smoke is kinda busted since that removes their one weakness to long-range units. Also removes the need for Panzerpioneer/engineer squads it seems.
The LEIG is insane. Range is akin to a short range howitzer instead of a mortar. The damage I'm not sure about but the range is maybe a bit OP.
All the call-ins are fun but literally impossible to tell how many Command Points we need to unlock them during the Alpha Mission. Maybe an icon badge (styled like app-notifications)? I assume we cannot click to see more abilities or the tree since it hasn't been fully worked yet, but it was a bit confusing.
I think the biggest issue boils down to how DAK infantry units are very few "types" and doesn't promote a ton of combined unit gameplay. Panzergrenadiers can nearly do it all while engineers are nearly unrequired since all the units can repair. Assault Grenadiers are fun and nice for breaching but offer such little utility compared to the do-it-all Pgrens, and since they come later its hard to justify buying them.
First, the MG34 HMG team's model is not in place. The HMG is meters away from the actual crews, I m not sure if it is because they entered the building or it is always like so.
The Bofors gun can be captured, but the model disappears as soon as soldiers get on it. The gun still works, it is just three soldiers standing in the thin air.
Train cart can be stationed, however, the soldier inside does not seem to shoot? At least the machine gun team inside is extremely dum, they cannot shoot to all angles.
I believe the HMG teams need more polish anyway.
Others are currently working ok, but another small detail is when the tank is repaired, there are tank tracks both on the tank and on the ground, not a big deal, but looks quite strange in close.
Currently finished the mission the third time, and probably will play several more rounds later to see other issues.
I kinda agree with the L6 being a little weak, but I guess it works pretty well as the German/Italian Humber car, considering they are 15mm and 20mm autocannons. But the only problem is the Foot Guards and Boys infantry, there are too many foot guards with Bazooka on the map. It is ineffective against any heavy armor, but extremely deadly to light armor, L6 in this case. So these Boys Tommy and Foot Guard are just unfriendly to Light armor at the moment, but not the heavier ones, like Panzer III.
I kinda doubt about two things, first of all, are these Bazookas going to be more effective and less foot guard in missions. I hope these units can be scary anti-tank/CQC elites to see, not just a unit shooting nerfed bazooka at Panzer III with no effect, and shooting the same Bazooka at infantry to just see a boom and no damage.
Another thing is about PIAT, are they going to appear in the game? I found when the Pioneer upgraded with GRB39, they have the PIAT icon, so I doubt they are going to be in the game or not? PIAT did appear in the Italian campaign, so probably still good to have them, at least to some battlegroups if they cannot appear in the base units. Like Canadian units or South African units with PIAT can be pretty cool to see.
About the two-pounder, really cool to see them in the game, however, possible to improve how the two-pounder work? The real 2 pdr anti-tank guns can rotate 360 when sitting down. Is there a chance to make them take longer to sit down and pack up, but when they are deployed, they can be 360 rotated, making them really effective in defensive warfare, but kinda bad in mobile warfare, after all, that is what the 2pdr was designed. I believe making the 2 pdrs 360 can be effective in to fight against Flamepanzer III. Currently, the Flamepanzer III is too tough to deal with, but another problem is when it faces AT guns, it can just roll in and rotate the turret to deal with it. Making the 2 pdr 360 rotation makes the rolling in movement kinda useless, and forces the Flamepanzer III to retreat instead of just rushing in and outrun the anti-tank gun.
Watched the stream and I am really glad the team mentioned about towed artillery, which is the 17pdr for the British. However, is there any possibility the 3.7-inch AA gun will end up in-game and work similarly to the Flak 36 88mm? The British used many 3.7 AA in defensive warfare, such as Tobruk, where 18 of these guns were deployed, and they are also used in Italy as some heavy AA and even indirect artillery support because Luftwaffe was not a big threat in later wars.
I saw the Britsh (or American L4 grasshopper) in the game, but the Flak 36 cannot shoot it down. Is that a little ironic since it is still a AA gun? Possibly to have an AT/AA mode on the switch? I know when the gun is on the carriage, it cannot shoot air, but it is still an AA gun... just asking...
From my first round i got some "fresh" impressions.
First. Thx for the alpha. Great fun!
For the feedback after the first round:
- Flamethrowers: For me i think flamethrowers are too dominant and too strong. Perhaps this was done for the mission but it is a bit hilarious how easy it is to decrew weapons and wipe units with a flamer in no time. For that reason the italian L6/40 tankette feels useless because its Breda 2cm cant deal such an amount of damage compared to the Flamer of the Panzer III.
And with the flamer upgrade the L6/40 isnt much better because the Flammenpanzer III has more HP, more armor and feels better. So perhaps it could be worth to reduce the flamer damage and boost the small machine gun damage of a ~2cm autocanon.
Historical note - because i have to ask xD
- Why Flammenpanzer III in Africa. U have seen pictures of a Flammenpanzer II Flamingo and u though u need a flamer tank in africa? And a Flammenpanzer III without turret box and without spaced front armor feels wrong and looks wrong. That is just a small hint but i think u just put the flamer barrel on the "basic CoH3 Panzer III" without adding the real Flammenpanzer III i think.
Flammenpanzer III are used in Italy since 1943. Yeah, not really in Africa, but probably not a big deal.
But you are right about the flame tank, rally op at the moment, counter any infantry units including AT guns, and is extremely strong against most British tanks, can bounce m multiple rounds and survive for minutes under constant fire.
I guess your point of Flammenpanzer II was much better, or just the L6 or even CV33 as flame tanks, because they are lightly armored, and can be easily targeted by anti-tank weapons. However, I believe the Flammenpanzer III should not be a base unit in the faction, probably more a battlegroup unit, so I guess we do not need to worry about it too much at the moment.
Personally, I felt the Foot Guards' Bazooka is too weak, it can hardly deal any damage to a medium panzer, however, they are everywhere on the battlefield. I hope their role of being an elite unit can be better represented in the game, where they are feared AT/CQC units, not just a cannon folder unit with really nerfed Bazooka.
Agree with above. The flamethrowers are just insanely OP at the moment. Driving around the flamethrower tanks just have no counter-play since they can easily drive around anything and rotate the flamethrower 360 degrees. The Stug ability you'd assume is a long-range barrage like most tanks of its class but instead it has a point-blank shot? Very counter-intuitive and for what purpose? I wish we were given more insight into the DAK tech tree and how their other units perform. Seems to be a Battlegroup system like COH2 Wehrmacht?
The mainline infantry of Panzergrenadiers just seem really strong as if COH2 grenadiers were melded with Panzergrenadiers, and this is really cool but what keeps their strength in check? How does it scale? Certain abilities or buffs should be kept behind Battlephases at least. Otherwise, these units also verge on OP territory due to dominating strength in every situation for every single need. The Italian units are fun but also seem like an ace at everything, like if you took COH2 Penal Squads and combined them with engineers. Really really strong and the flamethrower only makes them stronger. Giving them smoke is kinda busted since that removes their one weakness to long-range units. Also removes the need for Panzerpioneer/engineer squads it seems.
The LEIG is insane. Range is akin to a short range howitzer instead of a mortar. The damage I'm not sure about but the range is maybe a bit OP.
All the call-ins are fun but literally impossible to tell how many Command Points we need to unlock them during the Alpha Mission. Maybe an icon badge (styled like app-notifications)? I assume we cannot click to see more abilities or the tree since it hasn't been fully worked yet, but it was a bit confusing.
I think the biggest issue boils down to how DAK infantry units are very few "types" and doesn't promote a ton of combined unit gameplay. Panzergrenadiers can nearly do it all while engineers are nearly unrequired since all the units can repair. Assault Grenadiers are fun and nice for breaching but offer such little utility compared to the do-it-all Pgrens, and since they come later its hard to justify buying them.
I believe they buffed most indirect fire units in the game? The British 25 pdr, 5.5 inch gun, and US 75mm half-track seemed to have pretty far range. I believe it is not a bad thing, considering the laughable range in COH2, this seems more legit.
ok for me i think is beautiful but wee need to add more Imersive audio , exemple :
1 = German speak German and Italian speak italian .
2 = When you capture a static weapon ennemy the portrait is the original Army , exemple i have captured Mg static weapon with DAK and the portrais is British .
3 = The sound is broken or bugged , The tank and vehiculs is realy low or complitly bugged , same for fire fight .
4 = Ability is realy not cool . I prefer the generals system .is better for the slogan " Chaque bataille raconte une histoire" Is my opinion of course :)
5 = Can you tell more for the Cosmetic Infantry and tank system . Is possibel to win Cosmetic in Multiplayer or Not . Or is a store for buy Cosmetic or again is little DLC for add more Cosmetic . I Love Cosmetic ;)
6 = The camera is old system . Wee need to add more control for the camera . "zsqd" and mose rotation 360 .
Final : COH3 is beautiful . Siriously Good jobs . i am contant creator on Coh 2 / Map , Camo and more . I realy want to see the same system for the creation in coh 3 . Generals , camouflage , Ability and more ... the system for win camo tank and infantry and generals is Multiplayer is the Best option form . i realy don't like the battle Group system . Wee need to add more personalisation of army player . For add surprise in the battle . When i use the my favorit commander in coh 2 the other player d'ont know my strategy and the battle is realy cool . Now with battle group system all battle is same . You can not surprise your ennemy .
Is my opinion . Thx Relic for the cool experience .
The game seems even better optimized now, runs smooth even on 4k, I ignored recommendations to play at 1080p, as well as warnings on launch that I don't have enough memory although I have 32GB of RAM.... But, I also have like 200 tabs opened in Edge, so maybe that's the reason? But still, I have like half of my RAM free....
I'm glad to finally see infantry riding tanks, recovery vehicles making a comeback, weapons towing, and Panzer 3 (distant Dane's cry of joy).
Panzergrenadiers, while strong, lose models entirely too quickly. I feel like there should be a little more HP loss before a model dies.
Panzer III turret rotation seems a tad fast. Not sure if it's meant to be accurate to the real thing, but it's ability to acquire a target is much much faster than comparable tanks in COH 2 or
Mobility felt really good with the armor. I still dislike the engine's AI when it comes to reversing, though. I think it uses a combination of range and a cone behind the unit, ie there's a 40 degree arc and a 20 meter range where it'll reverse. Personally I feel like if I click directly behind a tank but 30-40 meters behind, it should still know to reverse without me needing to use the reverse order.
Salvaging/restoring vehicles is a little ambiguous. I couldn't find a way to salvage a wreck with either my engineers nor my recovery vehicle. Not sure if it was just blocked in the tutorial. For recovery, I strongly recommend including a pop cap red flash in the UI and/or a voice prompt if you're pop capped. Currently the recovery vehicle will start and immediately stop the recovery with no message as to why.
I like the auto-reinforce feature added in COH3 for the HQ and ambo. However I noticed that if multiple injured units are in proximity, it only auto-reinforces 1 unit at a time. It should, IMO, queue up a model to reinforce per unit in its vicinity.
Wasn't sure what the yellow outlined white circle was above my panzergrenadiers' heads. Was there all game. Icon looked like an explosion with a + sign.
Maybe more of a UI thing, but upgrade progress being suddenly in between the unit card and action card was really bizarre. Just make the icon which prompts the upgrade have a yellow indicator of progress.
Costs next to commander abilities would be nice. They're small icons as is, and hovering over them felt annoying.
Overall really great feeling faction. A little more infantry variety will be welcome, but I imagine it's limited given that it's Mission Alpha.
So it's only been a day but here are my current thoughts on DAK. This is of course not a complete review because many units and entire buildings aren't available but it is what we have available.
Infantry: Overall I feel like this infantry is quite bland and boring. It took me a while to pin down why but I believe the reason is because this roster feels almost point for point with the coh2 Ostheer roster. It's a engineer unit, a long range mainline with an MG upgrade, and an expensive but potent CQC squad. The units have some unique things but the core of the infantry feels like it isn't bringing anything new to the table. For comparision the Wehrmacht also has several infantry that have parellels in coh2 but I think distinctly they come from several factions and when combined offer a unique experience. Grenadiers are like conscripts, Panzergrenadiers are well panzergrenadiers from Ostheer, stosstrupp are similar to Obers. It take elements from several places and combines them to feel like it stands out. The DAK doesn't do this and as such it's infantry feel like a rehash of Ostheer but in North Africa. If I were to give out ideas maybe these infantry could somehow be vet locked? So like imagine the Panzergrenadier could choose between a weaker MG15 that is available right away or it could wait until reaching vet 2 to get the more powerful MG34 and you could only get one of the other. I know this has a lot of implications but would create some interesting decisions where you choose between the immediately available but weaker power spike or waiting to reach a much stronger power spike later down the road. Just an idea but would make these units feel more interesting without needing to rework them entirely. I should mention however that I extremely like the ability of infantry to ride tanks. This is not only incredibly cool but also is actually really nice in terms of allowing aggressive plays by like diving with a tank and infantry to shut down enemy AT guns and machine guns.
Support Weapons: Overall I don't have many issues with the current line up. It checks the boxes of Machine Gun, AT Gun, and indirect light artillery piece which is the baseline every faction needs. On top of this I must praise the ability for vehicles to tow these weapons. Really cool to see but I also really like the play this can allow for with quickly moving team weapons to the front or to crucial positions. The Flak 88 is really cool because it's very hard hitting but can't move without being towed which is more realistic than a couple guys pushing it while also being much better designed then the non moving emplacements. I honestly think this design would be the best way to do heavy weapons because it makes them not instantly useless once an enemy gets indirect fire.
Vehicles: We are definitely not seeing what is meant to be the strength of the faction so I can't say to much here. For what we can try out the Panzer III does seem like a solid medium tank and I expect it to likely be weaker than the other medium tanks but cheaper overall. I hope we see the side armor to be a big thing for this faction. Relying on speed to flank and trade up against heavier tanks through attacks in the weaker side armor. I think the biggest thing that has me worried is that Tiger tank. I hope to god this is limited to 1 tank at a time so it can't be stacked like the Panthers from coh2.
Tech and other elements: We pretty much don't have anything here outside of the forward medical tent that can be built on points. I think it fits well with the theme of aggressive plays and I hope the tech is interesting and not just like straightforward with limited side techs.
I like the DAK overall and see some interesting ideas but we don't have the full picture so I hope there are things we aren't seeing that makes the faction unique and interesting. Right now it's well rounded but only has a couple things that stand out right now. If there isn't some big unique part of the faction (such as a interesting tech path, side tech options, or something like the field marshals in Wehrmacht) then I think something needs to be done to implement something new and interesting to the faction as otherwise it will end up to bland.
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Here are my thoughts after having played the missions 3 times, and trying different units and upgrades each time:
1) Panzergrenadiers are a pretty solid mainline infantry unit, and I like the mix of abilities they have. They seem to reward keeping your infantry with your armor, and that makes great sense for the faction. I am a little leery of having bundle grenades on a mainline infantry unit, as it may seem too strong to have such a powerful grenade on your mainline unit (imagine if infantry sections had the light gammon bomb),
2) Panzerpioneers seem like an interesting unit, and I like the idea of having an engineering unit with multiple upgrades that makes them more flexible. That said, I think the grenade launcher might too strong as implemented, and can potentially lead to this unit being spammed.
3) The Assault Panzergrens were fun enough to use, but seemed a bit overshadowed by the Italian callin infantry and the stock panzergrens funnily enough. The bundle nade seemed like a better option when attacking fortified positions than the grenade assault, and was available on a squad that could sit comfortably at range to win fights anyways.
4) The MG34 team sounds great, though the animations still bug out a little bit. No real issues here.
5) the LEIG feels good to use, and I love the ability to tow weapon teams for added mobility.
6) The Pak38 is a pretty standard AT gun, no pointers there.
7) The Medical truck seems like a pretty standard reinforcement vehicle, but I saw that there is a regular halftrack in the tech tree as well. I feel like this vehicle could quite well be useless if I could get the same capability out of the more survivable halftrack. Something to keep in mind.
8) In terms of the locked units in the tech tree we had no access to, the one that worried me was the tiger. Maybe it is only a stock unit in the campaign, but I would not want to see it be a stock unit for the faction in multiplayer. If the DAK is meant to be a mobile and aggressive army, it has no need for such a heavy unit at the end of its tech tree. It seems like something that quite runs counter to the spirit the faction is aiming for, and also has been proven to be a bad idea for teamgame health when done in previous COH games (see KT as stock in OKW). If the intent is to give the faction a unit to survive in the lategame (like USF in COH2 struggled with), then a unit like the Flak 88 makes more sense to help the faction transition to a more defensive approach (and makes a lot of historical sense with how the DAK was forced to fight IRL).
9) I love the salvage mechanic for this faction. It makes a lot of sense when considering how strapped the IRL DAK was for equipment. The prices may need changes for balance, but the idea works great.
10) The Stug is a useful support tank, but the point blank shot ability seems a bit unintuitive. A barrage ability may be more useful, and could also be used at closer range at a risk-reward.
11) The L3 with flamethrower is good, but seems to struggle to shoot on the move. I do not know if this is an intended downside or not, but being unable to shoot on the move will make this a hard unit to use in multiplayer. The standard 20mm isn't very good, but that may be because other weapons like flamethrowers are far too strong.
12) The Italian engineer squads are very good. I love their design and use, but feel they may be too versatile. At current, they slaughter infantry at close ranges, and can even destroy vehicles with their anti-tank satchels. I would like the see the satchel either removed or turned into a standard anti-fortification satchel, so the unit can be countered by vehicles (which is typically how elite units are designed in coh).
Other Thoughts:
-I am not a fan of going back to the COH1 style of infantry cover. Infantry in COH3 seem to take orders as suggestions, and prefer to spread out of cover or onto the wrong side of cover instead of tightly packing into the green cover I selected. This leads to frustrating gameplay, and feels very much like a step back from the far superior COH2 infantry combat.
-The UI for recovering vehicles needs more work. There needs to be some warning when you order the vehicle to salvage a vehicle when you have no popcap or not enough resources. Without a UI element, it just makes the ability seem buggy. I also think the cost to salvage should show when you have the salvage vehicle selected and mouse over a wreck, instead of only when you select the wreck.
-The focus fire ability on panzergrens seems like bloat and an example of an uninteresting ability on a mainline. Clicking a button to shoot better is the kind of ability that should not be in the game. Abilities should require positioning, tactics, and/or have utility to fit in a game like COH. Grenades, for example, are strong but have counterplay, and also expose the grenading squad if they have to move closer to throw the grenade.
-Flamethrowers are too strong at current, especially on the vehicles. They wipe squads faster in the open than machineguns, and enemies in buildings in moments
1) why do the desert berbers sound and look indian rather than arab?? ya talked about cultural authenticity but you literally put indians EVERYWHERE who sound and look nothing like arabs instead of actual arabs.
2) the optimization is still horrible, only sometimes after setting the settings to 60 and 1080p did the game run at 60 fps constant, i tried relaunching the game several times with the exact same seettings and only like 3 times out of 9 did i get the appropriate smooth gameplay i was supposed to get.
3) the depth of field and Anti aliasing in the game is horrible, it makes everything blurred so iam forced to play with AA off.
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Nothing is too difficult for the man that doesn't have to do it himself...
If the game is going to be localized in German, Italian, and British languages...please provide an option to have every faction speak their own languages in the same game. This was discussed about last year and means a lot to many players.
Seriously. Sometimes I wonder if 90% of all feedback falls to deaf ears.
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My biggest gripe so far is the range of the flamethrower Pz III, it is the same as the normal Pz III
I might add more to the post, but there is so much and the game doesn't feel good, don't know if i invest alot of time in this alpha, since alot of feedback from previous rounds got ignored anyway.
-It seems like Time To Kill is too fast for flamethrowers and tank cannons. These things absolutely massacre infantry no matter what the situation is and extremely quickly.
-Tank battles also are over very quickly for how expensive and hard to replace tanks are.
-Anti Tank units, like AT guns, Bazookas, and AT rifles seem extremely weak. I noticed this when playing the earlier skirmish alpha as well, they deal almost no damage to vehicles and get absolutely massacred by them in return despite being a dedicated counter unit. Tanks are faster than infantry and Anti-tank guns, you can't go with the logic of "Just flank lmao" when the tank is faster than the unit trying to flank it.
-Unit responsiveness: Tanks and infantry have poor responsiveness to controls. They have too much inertia and take too long to respond to commands. Infantry tends to get separated from their squad leader too easily.
-Afrika Korps is too German centric. It really should have mainly had Italian infantry. However most of the Afrika Korps Battlegroups are Italian Themed, then I'll retract this, as it seems like the faction is heavily dependant on battlegroups with significant and strong doctrinal Italian units to fill gaps in its roster.
-Bundle grenades on Pgren line infantry is pretty crazy, I'd change that to incendiary or Frag+Breach.
What I did like:
+I like that the game seems to be designed around giving units a lot of tools and upgrade/tactics options. This is a great step over COH 2, which can feel very railroaded. +I do like the faction design of Afrika Korps. If you do the maths from playing the previous alphas, you'll realise they have weaknesses I'll outline below.
1. In general, I'd suggest lowering the Fire Rate of tank Cannons and flamethrowers, so their shots can still feel powerful while retaining a tactical maneuver side to the game.
2. I'd also suggest megabuffing anti tank units. My 80 fuel Panzer 3's were absolutely massacring elite late game anti tank bazooka squads (guards), AT rifle squads, and AT guns while they were in defensive cover, I basically just rolled my armour right over every enemy in the map, occasionally reversing to repair.
3. Don't give Bundle Grenades to Panzer Grenadiers, give them regular grenades and Breach Instead for anti-garrison.
DAK Overview:
Note: this is speculation. I am using the Mission Alpha as a baseline for all battlegroups.
+DAK infantry has good stats, repair kits, and good abilities and upgrades.
+Its vehicles feel strong and cost effective
+The units it DOES have are great and fill the slot very effectively.
+Non-doctrinal Tiger for last resort trump card/Finishing move.
-Infantry is expensive and can be ground down by cost effective allied infantry
-The faction has significant roster gaps Non-Doctrinally that are likely partially filled by battlegroups. No cheap Line Infantry, no Elite infantry, no Scout Car or Light Tank equivalent, no Tank Destroyers, no Premium Mediums. EG: the Italian Battlegroup in this mission gives you Italian elite infantry and an Italian Light Tank.
-The DAK has no stackable unit upgrade Techs from the HQ, and its battlegroup mainly made up for weaknesses in the roster instead of expanding on strengths. The allies and Wehr have a good Tech/Battlegroup Synergy, allowing for very focused strategies that get stronger as they tech up.
Updated 3 years ago.
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You do know we are grenadiers not pioniers, right?
It pains me to say this, but the L6/40's voice lines are wrong-ish the guy that speaks I assume it's the commander but he refers to a "gunner" and to a "driver" the only issue is, the tank only has a max of 2 crew so either the driver speaks sometimes then the commander other times, cuz they have the same voice and it's a bit funky, maybe delete some voice lines/recoard a different set?
The mg on the Flammeenpanzer dosent work. Also the whole Flameenpanzer is kinde of too Op. It kills enemy in bulding in like 20 sek wich makes putting troops kinde of ussles.
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6 200g2g ptsReport comment
Why do you report ShrapnelSteve?
Are you sure you want to block ShrapnelSteve ?
BlockCancelAre you sure you want to unblock ShrapnelSteve ?
5 700g2g ptsReport comment
Why do you report ComplexStrategy?
Are you sure you want to block ComplexStrategy ?
BlockCancelAre you sure you want to unblock ComplexStrategy ?
3 200g2g ptsReport comment
Why do you report comm_ash?
Are you sure you want to block comm_ash ?
BlockCancelAre you sure you want to unblock comm_ash ?
3 700g2g ptsReport comment
Why do you report yasarcool123?
Are you sure you want to block yasarcool123 ?
BlockCancelAre you sure you want to unblock yasarcool123 ?
Nothing is too difficult for the man that doesn't have to do it himself...
3 600g2g ptsReport comment
Why do you report AlphaBravoFoxtrot?
Are you sure you want to block AlphaBravoFoxtrot ?
BlockCancelAre you sure you want to unblock AlphaBravoFoxtrot ?
3 200g2g ptsReport comment
Why do you report A49ER08?
Are you sure you want to block A49ER08 ?
BlockCancelAre you sure you want to unblock A49ER08 ?
900g2g ptsReport comment
Why do you report MakeItSoSayWeAll?
Are you sure you want to block MakeItSoSayWeAll ?
BlockCancelAre you sure you want to unblock MakeItSoSayWeAll ?
1 000g2g ptsReport comment
Why do you report RAZORLIGHT?
Are you sure you want to block RAZORLIGHT ?
BlockCancelAre you sure you want to unblock RAZORLIGHT ?
3 300g2g ptsReport comment
Why do you report AtomicGandhi?
Are you sure you want to block AtomicGandhi ?
BlockCancelAre you sure you want to unblock AtomicGandhi ?
You do know we are grenadiers not pioniers, right?
7 700g2g ptsReport comment
Why do you report Ghost0310?
Are you sure you want to block Ghost0310 ?
BlockCancelAre you sure you want to unblock Ghost0310 ?
3 200g2g ptsReport comment
Why do you report potok10?
Are you sure you want to block potok10 ?
BlockCancelAre you sure you want to unblock potok10 ?