Now that you’ve had a chance to play the Mission Alpha for Company of Heroes 3, we'd love to know your thoughts and feedback. We appreciate you keeping your criticism as constructive as possible so that our team can make the best use of it. We want to make the best Company of Heroes game possible, and we can only do that with your input and support. Please keep in mind while providing feedback that the core structure of our game is set. We’ve been working with the community right from day one to build a terrific foundation. What we need help with now is tuning, bug fixing, balancing, and making the game more fun. Please keep in mind that many art assets, UI elements, FX, animations, etc. are all works in progress.
Examples of feedback we won’t be able to address:
“I don’t think the Mediterranean is the right setting for CoH 3.”
“I think you should remove the US Forces.”
Examples of feedback we can use and address:
“This unit is not powerful enough and does not feel useful.”
“It is not clear how to use abilities or unit call-ins.”
The A.I. is pretty dumb I think, the units just move towards you without much brain. Idk, it just felt like the A.I. enemy didn't have tactics or anything like that.
what is the point of the StuG III's special fire ability, it has a very small range radius, and to use it you need to drive very close, when similar tanks can shoot much farther in СoH 2.
Super nitpicky, but why do the elite units (like Guards) have Bazookas in a campaign mission set early in the war? I understand in MP but it's a piece of gear and capability that wasn't available.
The British didn't feel like a huge threat in the Alpha Mission. They seem sufficiently smart given their low amount of units/tools, but clearly (by intention or not) we're just meant to knock them down like pins. The city at the end was such a roll-over that it didn't feel "tactical" or earned to take it. Fair amount of buildings but not enough units to make the urban combat dynamic enough. The counter-attack was also just all light vehicles and infantry? There was no challenge at all, which is good for beginners I guess but also a bit boring for people familiar with how to play COH.
The AI very noticeably had prompts based on my movement. It was super easy to probe the fog of war and kite them into my fire. It felt like they were in hibernation, and as soon as I pushed to X range, they woke up and acted like regular AI. I'd love to see some countercapping and probing of my lines instead of this static defense we're seeing.
The infantry AI moves too much and never presents a threat since they never hold position and fire. The tank AI never repositions when you go for their rear armor
Within the Alpha Mission we have it feels like the AI is extremely basic. The AI did move some units into cover or used a couple abilities but this honestly did not feel like a challenging AI to face. I think part of this is because the AI is in a scripted mission where it can't do anything to radical. I think we would honestly need to be able to play like a regular skirmish game to see how the AI preforms. The current set up does not give a good limitus test for the AI.
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I can't speak much to the AI, but it seems fairly standard for a scripted RTS mission. I will say that there was not much difficulty at all, and that there likely needs to be more enemies present (especially for the final part of the mission).
In terms of the British units we see, I must profess that I am in love. I am extremely happy to see famous early war tanks like the Matlida and Crusader in action, and hope to see more of their kind in the future with the full faction reveal.
As far as infantry, I must admit that I am a little disappointed. We saw the same Ghurkas we have been seeing since the alpha, alongside the infantry sections and guards. The Infantry sections looked alright, though it seems odd that every squad has their own officer model. Guards kind of confuse me, as their bazookas seemed quite pointless against even panzer 3s, and the anti-tank weaponry made them horrible against infantry. I am not sure what their purpose is meant to me. Ghurkas are amazing as always, but I would like to see some other commonwealth forces represented in these battles (though I suppose that is a little bit of bias on my part from having seen them already in the alpha.)
The 2-lber AT gun should probably have 360 degree aiming capability, as that is the point of its odd mount. The bofors emplacement fired very slowly and was quite weak, but I also think the bofors should likely be a towable weapon like the flak88 for game health reasons.
I feel like if the enemy tanks would use a bit more "atack move" they would use their max range a bit better. Wich makes them harder to flank, which gives some longer engagements. Now they're definitly aggresive which is fun to defend against, but it makes the fights over so soon. Makes it you barely have time to reposition your troops.
This was a pretty tank orientated mission though so not understandably not much room for long infantry engagements.
The enemy AI needs to behave like a legitimate threat, instead of behaving like static units. They should be reorganizing their units, moving units from Point X to Point Y, and formulating a plan to counter-attack my position, while I sit there preparing for my next assault, unaware I might get bamboozled. Overall, the AI was slightly easy and I basically pushed my way through the mission with ease. It definitely needs improvement, and I would like to see them challenging my "personal space" and outsmarting me with flanking manoeuvres.
Basics for the AI to make use of Operational thinking
The Ideas and Methods im gonna Present may be to much or simply not Feasible on the presented scale. Also these are my Ideas and dreams, they do not need or are intended to appeal to everybody or to speak for the whole community. These Ideas are meant to inspire the Devs or Player alike to make the AI a bit more Human or at least more interesting to play against. Also sry for the Bad English, im a native German speaker. When you have Ideas for improvent or criticism just post it.
1. Ideas for Basic Rootines
1. Abilitys
Usage of smoke:
The AI should be able to throw smoke for giving themselve the advantage of breaking sightlines with the player and forcing the player to change positions with support guns and troops.
The possibilitys are allready given, the AI holds Mortar pieces and Light tanks wich could give smoke and by that give concealment for their own troops. Others could be thru normal troops given smoke grenades or ability wise smoke barrages.
Advanced Usage of smoke:
Smoke and cover, by using a mixture of smoke abilitys the AI can prepare a front by helping cover a soft retreat to the next objective or repositioning to better cover constellations rather then traversing open terrain.
Usage of Grenades:
Simple throw a grenade at an enemy troop that sits in cover wich forces the player to move this unit out of cover.
The animation and ability is allready given, nothing more to say.
--- Advanced Usage of Grenades:
Not much maybe a manouver where a group of Infantry group spread out by an attack and every enemy Unit is given one grenade, maybe not synchronized so you have a chance to flee but nothing to op ( that could be a fun thing for an expert AI in skirmish)
Usage of Abilitys:
Preaty basic enable the AI to use all Abilitys, biggest problem it neeeds to be aware wich Abilitys are active because of veterency, needs to use them accordingly to the situation and what not, so a rather extreme project to implement.
2. Grouping/Support
Usage of Combined Arms
The AI needs to stop sending single units against the player (later when talking about behavior and Operations gonna pick this point up again) have them rather grouped in 2-3 units so it isnt only a slaughter wich takes place
Prepare like little groups wich will build up before attacking or just simply spawn groups
The right composition would be a prefered target, by mixing Tanks with Infantry (wich could even more use the new transport mechanic) and the right behaviour could be a good enemy push. By having the tanks being supported by the infantry, by that i mean that the tanks will always try to stay not only near its Infantry but also behind them, so they cant be instantly rushed by AT infantry.
Going to keep this Post Updated with more ideas,
plannend are Ideas for behaviour and manouvers
Also these ideas could be used for scripted beahavior of the AI
My initial impression is that the AI reacts very poorly to armour - Yes, they have some tools that could damage the tanks, but overall you simply rush in two tanks and there's not really anything that can stop them.
This is probably partially due to mission design however, but still they did not really offer proper resistance to tanks. With that said, they do dodge grenades fairly well and with how infantry is balanced currently the Panzergrenadiers don't actually really perform all that well against the British.
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Swift as the wind. Quiet as the forest. Conquer like the fire. Steady as the mountain
This is not a very important gameplay thing but it is weird that every British Infantry Section has an officer with it. Even weirder that when that model is killed you will sometimes hear someone yell "They got the corporal!". I think having an NCO model in each section is a really cool idea and prevents each squad being a squad of clones, I fully support it. I just hope he actually is an NCO in the final game and not an officer as he is currently represented.
If it is DPS/ gameplay we are worried about and don't want to add an extra rifle to the squad, do what they did in CoH1 with the Volksgrens/ US riflemen and have one model carrying an AR or Carbine and only have him fire it in semi automatic.
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The AI in general is messy, they just blob both for tanks and infantry.
To be honest I would like to see more fight and fall back type AI mechanics, where the unit fight until a threshold(hp/time) and fall back to another defensive position tank/trap/sandbags. Keep doing this until the final point. This then could make it easier for you to programme the AI whilst maintaining a level of realism.
Will the Commonwealth Forces get any additional faction mechanics like the US Forces and Wehrmacht had in the pre-alpha? The game's website only touts the faction being streamlined and easy to play. Being a fan of both CoH 1 and 2's British I am somewhat concerned what this means for my favourite faction.
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I have no idea how to give feedback to this game that wants your feedback but some issues I've already seen in COH3:
1. Why can I not look at the post-game stats? it auto kicks me out after a very short period of time.
2. Why do individual units only show a bar of xp and not kills and other stats? The other games had it.
3. why can I not chat post game? can't give a GG at the end?
4. Why is chat so censored? the voice actors swear but I can't type "hello" or "greetings" ? _____-It feels like the whole game is designed to remove any human interaction between players... which I thought was the whole reason of playing multiplayer?
I was such a die hard fan of the last 2 COH's and have been counting down the days for this one. These features were all present in the last games which makes me confused as to whyit would purposely be designed like this? I am angry and upset that my favorite game franchise has fallen so far :(
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Swift as the wind. Quiet as the forest. Conquer like the fire. Steady as the mountain
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