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CoH 3: Mission Alpha - User Interface (UI) & User Experience (UX) Feedback

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3 years ago
Jul 7, 2022, 11:55:56 PM

User Interface (UI) & User Experience (UX) Feedback 

Now that you’ve had a chance to play the Mission Alpha for Company of Heroes 3, we'd love to know your thoughts and feedback. We appreciate you keeping your criticism as constructive as possible so that our team can make the best use of it. We want to make the best Company of Heroes game possible, and we can only do that with your input and support. Please keep in mind while providing feedback that the core structure of our game is set. We’ve been working with the community right from day one to build a terrific foundation. What we need help with now is tuning, bug fixing, balancing, and making the game more fun. Please keep in mind that many art assets, UI elements, FX, animations, etc. are all works in progress.

Examples of feedback we won’t be able to address:

  • “I don’t think the Mediterranean is the right setting for CoH 3.”
  • “I think you should remove the US Forces.”

Examples of feedback we can use and address:

  • “This unit is not powerful enough and does not feel useful.”
  • “It is not clear how to use abilities or unit call-ins.”

You can find all our feedback threads here:

Find more information in our Frequently Asked Questions & Known Issues blog for the Mission Alpha.

You can also join our official Discord server here.

Updated 3 years ago.
3 years ago
Jul 12, 2022, 5:53:44 PM


I've just paused after being introduced to my base to type this.

The max zoom (out) level in this alpha is oppressively close, It's very hard to get a sense of the relative locations of units because it's so zoomed in and the tilt so shallow.

The max zoom (out) level in the multiplayer alpha was perfect. Close enough to see models and actions with room to zoom in on a specific engagement, yet still far enough to observe and manage a whole 'front/section' at once without frantic panning which I need to do now. 

It's actually producing mild motion sickness, due to both the panning and the difference in perspective from looking down my nose at something in the bottom half of the screen, close enough to see paint scratches, then out on the top half of the screen to barely see something through fog in the distance. It also really screws with figuring out where units are in relation too eachother, unless someone is really familiar with how much smaller units looks with distance, because it's not top-down enough.

Zoom level in the multiplayer alpha was perfect (and a great improvement on COH2), please revert

Updated 3 years ago.
3 years ago
Jul 12, 2022, 6:49:49 PM

I like the addition of unit stats in the UI, but I feel like the UI should look more like how it was in CoH1 & CoH2, there is no need to reinvent the wheel. The UI is not ugly, it just feels empty and it is confusing, for example, the resources are right on the bottom and it is a pain to check those because they are so far away from what people are used to (top right corner or the screen, on the CoH1 hood or on the top left corner of the screen). Please, consider placing the resources for example in a more visible place. Maybe trying a more traditional RTS UI as well would be nice, but maybe that's just because people are too used to the old RTS UI.

3 years ago
Jul 12, 2022, 6:52:22 PM

UI seems a bit cleaner now

the camera perspective is weird, seems you are using coh2 SP closer zoom for that SP experience

the tanks feels overly big, they takes up large view area, BUT the infantry units seems tiny like stick  figures

 As with MP pre-alpha, hard to spot infantry, not feeling the infantry combat unlike coh2. Tank combat is ok.

As user above mentioned, i get a bit motion sick too, the infantry and vehicle scaling feels off to my mind.

3 years ago
Jul 12, 2022, 8:05:29 PM

Do you want the truth? Do you wanna know how upset and disappointed I feel about UI/UX? I wrote this on another topic but nevertheless here it is...

"UI is complete trash! Delete everything, and fire the UI team. I would be more than happy with the old authentic CoH2 UI than this mobile game graphics. I'm truly concerned about CoH3's UI art style, and the theme direction that already going. So, I won't preorder just because of this Side hit!..."

This is all I got to say.

Updated 3 years ago.
3 years ago
Jul 12, 2022, 8:21:14 PM

I agree 100% and I talked at length about this in the survey offered at the end of the Alpha Mission. The zoom is tight and its nice to let us get good views of the infantry, but it suffers so so badly when you get closer to areas of elevation like hills. The camera needs to be DYNAMIC so that it zooms OUT instead of zooming IN when you get to a hill. Isn't the idea of hilltop supremacy to have better vision? If you have units fighting on a hill (notably the area where the ruined train and tracks are), the action is literally zoomed all the way in and its extremely oppressive. 

I'm not sure if its the jump from COH2 to COH3 or what, but its very hard to keep track of whether units are in combat or in danger at a quick glance. The UI indicators for damage-taken are very subtle and not quickly recognizable at first. These indicators might benefit from being "visually louder" so players can react faster. Contributing to this problem is the zoom because that also makes it much harder to see all the units in the area.

The left-most mini-map area is a little too large as well, taking up a massive chunk of the screen. UI scale is customizable and that helped to change it to 80% but it still felt a little unoptimized. Better than the pre-alpha in terms of style and functionality, but now a bit bloated in terms of design efficiency. 

All else considered, massive improvements from the last pre-alpha for UI/UX but there are still a lot of things to fine tune. Zoom needs to ride that fine line between not making infantry look like ants vs. being TOO zoomed in where you can't see enough of the action (especially since some units have insane range).

TomDRV wrote:


I've just paused after being introduced to my base to type this.

The max zoom (out) level in this alpha is oppressively close, It's very hard to get a sense of the relative locations of units because it's so zoomed in and the tilt so shallow.

The max zoom (out) level in the multiplayer alpha was perfect. Close enough to see models and actions with room to zoom in on a specific engagement, yet still far enough to observe and manage a whole 'front/section' at once without frantic panning which I need to do now. 

It's actually producing mild motion sickness, due to both the panning and the difference in perspective from looking down my nose at something in the bottom half of the screen, close enough to see paint scratches, then out on the top half of the screen to barely see something through fog in the distance. It also really screws with figuring out where units are in relation too eachother, unless someone is really familiar with how much smaller units looks with distance, because it's not top-down enough.

Zoom level in the multiplayer alpha was perfect (and a great improvement on COH2), please revert

3 years ago
Jul 12, 2022, 8:23:26 PM

Many Components of the UI feel too small like the map, grid, doctrin abilities. On the other Hand that big asset directly under the map is waay to big making it feel a little mobile game like yes. Which is unfortunate because right now it doesnt do the game justice

And please bring back Unit Performance information against other unit types from Coh 1. Thank you

Updated 3 years ago.
3 years ago
Jul 12, 2022, 8:35:49 PM

the user interface is not very good, as many already told it. i liked the unit icons in the top corner. better minimap pls. unit stats should be showd as in coh2. also unit weapon upgrades, the progress bar when you upgrade it, all this is worse than Coh2. 

Zoom: it is a bit too close and also a different angle (?) as in coh2? it seems more flat.

Fighting: infantry fightin feels dry, no micro needed. i hope you clean some stuff out that it is smoother and more responsive.

game is going in the right direction. keep going, but coh2 was not bad, there is no need to make everything different. battles and fighting was fast and agile. not it "seems" clumsy and more cartoonish. hope this will be finetuned and cleaned. 

Updated 3 years ago.
3 years ago
Jul 12, 2022, 9:07:01 PM

UI Points to improve:

  1. I felt like the left and right side of the lower screen was really cluttered. The unit card (with the portrait, veterancy, and loadout) was way too big, and also it spilling over the action card beneath it felt really odd. It's also larger in font, whereas the actual things I'll be interacting with, ie the upgrades and actions (I'm not an expert RTS player, I don't hotkey) are far too small. Same goes for the minimap. I feel like you drop shrink the bevel, remove the wasted space around the map, tighten up the map actions like objective markers rather than having them float, and overall the UI would feel better. Best way I can describe it is rather than having a rectangle view (ie my monitor), I feel like I have a T shaped view, with the bottom left and right obstructing a lot of the terrain. 
  2. Shots that hit in the flanks don't need text. Yellow for side and red for rear is clear enough IMO. 
  3. Upgrades in progress should be within the original icon you click (like COH 2), not a separate icon above the action card and below the unit card. 
  4. Have the Pop cap flash red and/or a stern voice command when you try to build or recover a tank at maximum pop cap. It took me a while to understand why the recovery vehicle would start then immediately stop recovering. 
  5. Yellow outlined white circle above my Panzergrenadiers' heads was there all game and I had no idea what it indicated. It had an explosive icon with a + in the middle. 
  6. Commander abilities were practically invisible to me. Weird placement, really small, icons were unclear. 
  7. Tanks, especially the light tanks, felt fuzzy. Their outlines weren't really distinct. 

UI points I liked:

  1. Didn't mind the new resource lay out
  2. I like that loadouts are shown. I think having a minimized view with a much smaller portrait/no description, w/ loadout would be better than how it is now. 
  3. New infantry support gun and grenade indicator (red circle) feels just right. Transparency and color are great. 
  4. Unit orientation felt good, although the max range of units was a little ambiguous.
  5. Auto-reinforce toggle was instantly recognizable. 
Updated 3 years ago.
3 years ago
Jul 12, 2022, 9:31:18 PM

The new UI feels a bit to cluttered, think AE nailed it with this video:


Here he demonstrates how clear it can be, and I agree with him. Or better yet give players the option to pick from various UI designs?

I liked the level or zoom, I didn’t find it to close. Still having trouble to distinguish between infantry models though so even though its closer this hasn’t improved the issue with the pre alpha. Still feels like infantry combat is health bar vs health bar. 

Updated 3 years ago.
3 years ago
Jul 12, 2022, 10:08:23 PM

I like the new UI, but obviously some tooltips are missing. There where symbols over my units or enemies units taht i did not know what they meant. maybe have them shown in the lower right corner so you can hover over them to get a discription of the effect.

3 years ago
Jul 13, 2022, 12:16:38 AM

I tried playing the mission but i gave up cause of the mini map, i mean the actual useful information of the minimap is just too small and it makes the whole experience frustrating.

The camera seems very zoomed in, just a tiny bit more zoomed out would be really nice.

The portraits of the units are just, too big and i feel they can make me miss important event on the screen, may be they could be somewhere else(?)

It's really sad cause it looks like there is a good game behind this ui, but if the devs read this, understand that i'm just trying to give constructive feedback.


3 years ago
Jul 13, 2022, 12:32:05 AM

The game is effectively unplayable on an ultrawide monitor.

I can't actually change resolutions to test, but I'm sure the horizontal FOV is clamped in some misguided attempt at balance, thus reducing the vertical FOV on wider monitors and worsening the limited zoom level.

TomDRV wrote:


I've just paused after being introduced to my base to type this.

The max zoom (out) level in this alpha is oppressively close, It's very hard to get a sense of the relative locations of units because it's so zoomed in and the tilt so shallow.

The max zoom (out) level in the multiplayer alpha was perfect. Close enough to see models and actions with room to zoom in on a specific engagement, yet still far enough to observe and manage a whole 'front/section' at once without frantic panning which I need to do now. 

It's actually producing mild motion sickness, due to both the panning and the difference in perspective from looking down my nose at something in the bottom half of the screen, close enough to see paint scratches, then out on the top half of the screen to barely see something through fog in the distance. It also really screws with figuring out where units are in relation too eachother, unless someone is really familiar with how much smaller units looks with distance, because it's not top-down enough.

Zoom level in the multiplayer alpha was perfect (and a great improvement on COH2), please revert

3 years ago
Jul 13, 2022, 12:54:20 AM

For the love of god, please, dont add recovery vehicles in multiplayer. It was already proven to be super overpowered during first alpha test. They are essentially destroys any desire to push the enemy or dive them with vehicles, because even if you played it right, you still will be punished by loosing your tank behind the enemy lines. Both CoH1\2 had proven that vehicle dives are essential, because you either need to dive to finish off enemy unit, or kill artillery.  

With recovery, you are not only will be able to resurrect your units but on top of that you will be able to steal enemy tank. Overall increasing your army value, while your opponent will gain nothing from it.

Updated 3 years ago.
3 years ago
Jul 13, 2022, 12:55:28 AM

The camera zoom needs to be addressed. It is way to close, and the tactical pause mechanic is just not needed. There is no tactical pause in war, and this mechanic has not been in previous COH games, I will never use it.  

3 years ago
Jul 13, 2022, 3:54:53 AM

The unit portrait is massive and intrusive. I did like the updated portrait even though I liked 2's better. The UI is oddly huge is places like the unit portrait that is unnecessary imo.

PLEASE INCREASE THE ZOOM OUT CAPABILITY. I had a friend try CoH2 and her main complaint was that the camera felt too close in. 

3 years ago
Jul 13, 2022, 4:04:14 AM

As others said the UI is really big and clutters the screen to much. I think my overall biggest complaint is that the info is spread all over the screen. The mini map is on one side, there is dead space in the middle, and the left side has a ton of info about your squads. I think unlike in coh2 the UI doesn't flow as well and for me I felt like I was much less capable of paying attention to things because the UI was all over the place and took up some fairly important space (notably the right side of the UI takes up to much screen and blocks what could be enemy units).

3 years ago
Jul 13, 2022, 5:41:53 AM

I would like to bring some UI elements to attention

First is the placement of the unit card. The 1st picture is the in-game unit card UI, and the 2nd one is from my quick adjustment using art software. The unit card and unit control are the two most unimportant pieces of information in the game as most players with more gameplay will generally have a good idea of what their units have and use hotkey. We would like those info to be as unintrusive as possible.

Next is the placement of commander abilities and resources. These are incredibly important information and tool for the players. They should be as close to middle or crucial area like minimap as possible. We see the CoH1 and CoH2 example here, players can very quickly glance slightly down and look back to the battlefield.

In this example of CoH3, the resources and commanders' ability require the players to look at 2 different areas, and also, they are around the area of unit card/commander, which are unimportant when the players use hotkey and are aware of the unit they control. 

On top of that, the commander ability is placed at a very bad spot - the edge of the map. In an intense moment, players tend to swing their mouses quickly to the area that they want to click on. Having the ability at that edge not only risk the player panning the map away from important focus, but also require the players to swing back a far distance to the center of the map as well to click on their target of interest.

In the CoH1 and 2 examples above, the players only need to run their mouses a very short distance to both reach the ability and to move back to their targets.

I really hope the dev pays attention to this detail. The UI placement was there in the previous 2 games for a good reason. We do not need to change for change's sake, and building up the UI should start with the working formula and then improve from there on.

3 years ago
Jul 13, 2022, 7:36:42 AM

I'll get behind the generel feedback made by AE here. I think he makes some important points.

The minimap section feels janky and disjointed to look at with buttons "floating" in dead space. The minimap also needs to take as much space as possible of that section of the UI.

I do like the unit cards, and the additional info when hovered. But please reintegrate into the general UI. Having it pop into the center of my view is an absolute no-no.

Both things speak into the UI currently looking janky and un-cohesive with all sorts of different shapes and angles. 

I will also get behind others' comments here regarding the max zoom level being a bit too close. Combined with the hard to read minimap it is difficult to retain an overview of the battlefield.

Updated 3 years ago.

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