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[MEGATHREAD] A mega list of every improvement needed/issues/missing features/bugs and fixes here.

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2 years ago
Mar 15, 2023, 2:49:47 AM

 For Relic developers, I strongly recommend to read the bugs/features suggestion made by M3ta on his thread here so you can also see his posts. He post on his thread regularly and makes clear and concise information on his posts with images so you can follow what he meant . Also read the mega topic made by capiqua about the UI/UX, Design and Minimap here.

I repost what was said on reddit and on another thread there so it's in the General Discussion now instead of the Multiplayer section, then i added a Fixes & changes section that contains the latest and upcoming general fixes (UI, campaign, multiplayer etc.) to see how far Relic devs has been dedicating (and still are) fixing the magnanimous amount of issues and improving the game with QoL features. For units and factions changes, they will be only included in the link of hotfixes at the bottom of the post. On top of all of this, i also listed additional issues related to this game that needed fixes and QoL features and the list keeps growing to this day.

UPDATE : I will now start to add images/screenshots for context about anything that it is discussed on this thread.

A source section had been added to reference the videos, topics etc. at the bottom of the post which address the many problems the game has.

Note that every issue or  suggested/missing features with a strikethrough means that is already fixed/included in the game and that issues/bugs marked with an asterisk (*) are linked with the fixes & changes section, which problems had been addressed and fixed.

Don't hesitate to post issues and bugs that you've encountered while playing the game so i can update the list and all the while i will try to be constantly present for it. Additionally you can suggest features here so i can add in the needing improvement list.

List updated as of 02/05/23

Things currently in COH3 needing improvement :

  1. Add an in-game leaderboard in the Menu section including a section for pre-made teams. Also include the ELO points (either gained or lost).

  2. Unique players colors needs to be assigned properly. E.g you're playing as yellow, your opponent is cyan and your teammate's colour is red. The correct colour assignment for your teammates (4v4) is cyan, green and yellow and your opponents is red, purple, pink and orange. The player that play his own units has to be always blue OR being able to choose his own color and being applied consistently and identically across all game modes .

  3. Pings sound were fixed and are distinctive from each other. However there is still problems when it comes to leave a mark with Pings on the physical map, it is too short (2 seconds) leave it at 5 or 10 seconds so the alerted players would had the time to see what is going on. On the tactical map, the ping animation symbols can be confused with notification alerts symbols ( when an unit is getting attacked or in low health for that matter). What it needs for these pings animations, it requires each to be distinctive from notifications alerts on the mini map and also distinct from each ping. Take a look at the pings made in CoH 1 here, red for attack, yellow for defending, white/blue for capturing, each one of them are clear and distinct : 

  4. For ownership, add player's name to his units & buildings and for every opponent and teammates across all game modes. Also add an hotkey that can show player's name over his units and buildings like in CoH 2. 

  5. Poor sound mixing. Extremely muffled and needs revamp. A lot of audio sounds across units, sound effects still need to be worked on including Dynamic sound (far & closes sounds).

  6. Add a chatroom in the game's menu for different communities across different languages like in CoH 1 and CoH 2.

  7. Add a feature to be able to save a replay after a match and watch it afterwards instead of the workaround method would be (very) nice.

  8. Add a Surrender option during the match.

  9. Being able to provide an history match for past and present games with detailed statistics. If you read this and can provide such elements and features, this can be discussed here on this thread.

  10. Fix the statistics after the match, a lot of data are disproportionally inaccurate, particularly damage dealt, the numbers of units killed/vehicles destroyed are missing/inaccurate among other things. And team weapons and emplacements should be also featured in the stats. *See in the general gameplay section below specifically for the teamweapons.

  11. Fix the hit registration of keys & mouses inputs, sometimes it is registered, sometimes it doesn't register properly. It needs to be registered consistently without fail. 

  12. Reduce the input lag for better unit responsiveness. The units seems to be a bit slow to react depending on multitude of situations like retreating, dodging a grenade, exiting a building/vehicle etc. (even being a fast player or having a high-end pc doesn't drastically reduce the input lag whatsoever). Also being able to exit vehicles and building faster would be nice.

  13. Being able to import the previous In-game Supply currency from CoH 2 to CoH 3 would be nice for CoH 2 veterans.

  14. Import the most played maps from CoH 1 and CoH 2 across all gamemodes.

  15. Gifting extra in-game currency (Merit points) for players that already owns CoH 1 and CoH 2 into CoH 3.

  16. Give Merit points when finishing a game like it was already the case with the Supply currency in CoH 2.

  17. Give people that owns the Launch and Premium editions free skins, it feels very like that Relic is trying (or at least being pushed by Sega) to milk out most of the money in their customer base with a dishonest practice. And that's not just one personal opinion, many players are pointing out this issue. See the thread here.

  18. Being able to earn Merit after each match across all game modes in ranked as well in skirmishes and custom games. In CoH 2 you earned Supply currency by just completing matches, and that was a fine system as long as the player played the game for a very consistent period of time.

  19. Re-introduce some of the previous mechanics that punishes blobs from CoH 2 such as the stacked damage barrage bonus emitted by any rocket artillery unit and MG suppression supported by infantry squads to delay the removal of suppression effect. The game is lacking anti-blob mechanic compared to CoH 2, where there are several more ways to punishes blobs.

  20. Add a more clear and distinctive Status Effect on the vertical bar (just below the manpower's resource icon at bottom mid-section) that also shows aura bonuses provided from vehicles and unique abilities from battlegroups and such that describes their buff (and debuff) effects on combat. (See missing content/features/elements list with n°67)

  21. Being able to veto maps in automatch lobby would be nice.

  22. The retreat and reverse orders should have both separate grid keys so the player cannot longer press the same hotkey by mistake and that both orders are applied accordingly for both vehicles and squads. OR you can prioritize the retreat order button before the reverse order button like it was already the case in CoH 2.

  23. Being able to rebind modifier keys like Shift, Alt, and Tab would be appreciated.

  24. Add some tacmap improvements to make it more usable. Unit icons are way too large, this often creates situations where they are overlapping in engagements so you cannot see what is happening or effectively control anything from it. COH2 had unit icons at like half the size of COH3's
  25. Improve vehicle's pathing, a lot of vehicles in the game have terrible pathing, resulting in loss of time to their destination, poor positioning or are getting stuck between two world objects.

  26. After a game ends, let the player play around the map, chatting with his teammates and his opponents. Don't make the stats to end abruptly either.

  27. Make the Menu UI functional and stable.

  28. AI needs a lot of improvements. (See the bug & issues list for AI below)

  29. Replace the proper unit's icons/placeholder such as the Kradschützen, M3 Grant, Nebelwerfer etc. instead of the confusing and inaccurate icons/placeholder from CoH 2. Some of the placeholders, icons and symbols are still confusing, the Kradschutzen uses the Kubel (GUC) unit icon and Bishop uses the Sexton from CoH 2, The Crusader uses the Cromwell.

  30. Zoom level adjustments needed. Some parts of certain map feels claustrophobic (E.g Mignano gap on the middle part, because of the height, the ground is closer to the camera despite zoomed out to the maximum)

  31. Improve the Online player's status by indicating if he is during a match, playing a specific campaign (DAK or Allies) or in the menu, it happens that inviting friends online, they are likely to be in-game and can't receive message notifications via the in-game social.

  32. Small unit icons. Need to be bigger, they are even smaller than COH2. A feature to be able to resize the unit UI for the player would be nice.

  33. Clicking on a unit should tell you how many kills it has without having to hover over a certain spot on the UI.

  34. Being able to resize the overall UI via the settings, for some players it may seems to be big and others, too small. Being able to change the size of the  mouse cursor would be also appreciated.

  35. Ability to reconnect back into games that you disconnected would be appreciated.

  36. Add unit's voice lines in German, Italian, French etc. It is said that Relic has considered giving other voicelines for CoH 3 but there are other features and Audio elements that takes precedence over the various voice lines languages. Here's the thread that says it officially.

  37. Give a whole set of mod tools so that the modders can make mods from scratch with the game engine (like in CoH 1)

  38. Add both infantry & building crush for vehicles.

  39. Add a fire range radius and a barrage circle UI on the mouse cursor while using the Tactical map for all indirect fire units in the game.

  40. Change the unit's icons displayed in the FOW with the Signal Detection ability/when using recon loiter from USF (See issue n°116 in the bug & issues list below), both icons in the Tactical and physical world map on the ground, the unit icons should exactly describes in accordance with the units that are shown in the FOW. E.g a sniper should be represented with the same UI GUC sniper unit icon, the same is applied for all the units in the game with their respective and distinctive UI GUC units icons. And don't show that an 6-pounder anti-tank GUC UI icon have the same icon as the 17-Pdr anti-tank in the FOW, that would be erroneous, simplistic and confusing. Take a look at the screenshots below why this an issue :Take a look at the Tact map, that all red/black shield with an exclamation point doesn't indicate what specific kind of unit are shown.Now take a look on how CoH 2 has already fixed this issue with 3 screenshots below (despite the units icons being small because of the size of the map is bigger, they tend to scale smaller in large maps in CoH 2 same as in CoH 3) Take note of the description text hovering on the unit icon in the tact map (in this case the .55 cal Armor piercing sniper) : Another set of example : 

  41. Being able to enable/disable smooth camera movement in the settings.(see the n°75 in the missing feature list)

  42. Add a Spectactor mode in the game's menu with a paging list, the type of game mode, sorted by rank with players with their rank (and not the level XP they has), sorting by map, factions played etc.

  43. Change the straight white line in Tact map/minimap (when you order an unit to move from A to B) with an path that actually draws where the unit will go, what specific locations it will cross before reaching its destination like in CoH 1 and CoH 2. Do the same thing for the retreat path as well.

  44. Add a feature to name your custom games and being able to sort out customs games by maps/gamemodes etc in the list of custom games, also including a paging of the customs game too.

  45. Add a feature to select which AI difficulty you want to get while having co-op vs. AI automatch sessions.

  46. Being able to CTRL+ Left click mouse button to select all identical but scattered units via their UI placeholder (Global Unit Control) would be nice.

  47. Add a health bar on the UI for the teamweapons and emplacements (like the howitzer & flak) so the player can see them and repair them if necessary.

  48. Rally points symbols should leave a permanent mark  both on the minimap and on the physical world map so the player can see where his units are going.

  49. Being able to provide an exhaustive (complete) encyclopedia in the game's menu with detailed info & stats of unit's and battlegroup's abilities across all factions showing its armor, damage, penetration, range, health, abilities etc.

  50. In-game visuals look too washed out/bland, require better lightning/contrast. As such, soldiers also tend to blend with the ground, sometimes not being able to instantly see where the model is standing. This can be fixed by using a ReShade preset here

  51. Tank explosions need work. For example, an exploding tank will only become static and give off a tame explosion VFX, unlike in COH2 where it would physically shake, create larger more dynamic explosion, and you would see parts and bodies flying off.  

  52. Being able to see player's own rank and level XP during the automatch lobby like in CoH 2.

  53. Being able to have lock/unlock facing orders for garrisoned MG squads like in CoH 2 would be nice. See several examples here :

  54. Add a feature in the Audio settings that enables the factions and units to speak their native voice line language while the player can keep his preferential language used in the menus, settings, UI etc.

  55. Add a new feed to the game's menu like in CoH 2 when you show tutorial videos from content creators, tournaments, also showcasing people that streams the game on Twitch, upcoming events from the community/devs etc.

  56. Add a “planning” tab where teams can draw on game maps and discuss strategies while queuing for automatch. Similarly, make it possible to “paint orders”, like attack arrows on the tac map in-game for teammates to see. Could also be combined with a build-order visualization tool. 
  57. Add shared team challenges or challenges that require team collaboration in some way. 
  58. Being able to dismantle emplacements and defensive structures for all factions with a partial refund like in CoH 2 would be nice.

  59. Redesign the correct Riegel 43 mine (don't forget the trigger issue) the Schü-mine 42, the AT mine G.S. Mark II, the M1 and the M6 mines in their respective form alongside with their correct placeholder instead of the Teller one. (See bug & issues list below with number between 74 and 78). All mines look identically the same with the same placeholder.Now take a look onto CoH 2 mines :Almost all mines here are different except the M6/M5 and the modified one (which they're all taken from their respective and derivative correct form).The Schü-mine 42  as example.Riegel 43 AT mines on the left, Teller mines on the right.Teller mines from the left, and the M6 anti-tank mines from the right.

  60. Being able to see how long units take to build/upgrade in seconds rather than just a progression bar. 

  61. Sort out vehicles and squads skins depending on the environment/season set in any map. In CoH 2, you have separate skins for Spring/Summers and Autumn/Winter for vehicles. In the instance of CoH 3, separating the North Africa deserts skins from the south(esque) skins of Italy is entirely possible.

  62. Being able for the modders of the community to makes vehicles and squads skins and upload them in the Steam Workshop.

  63. Add a feature to switch the in-game unit's veterancy description between simple and concise description or a more accurate and in-depth veterancy description with percentage, which is already the case for some of the existing abilities and units, such as cost reduction upgrade or reinforcement cost indicated in percentage. A CoH 2's veterancy mod had been already made, as an example, here's a video from tightrope gaming that shows it and a few examples of the mod with screenshots below :

  64. Being able to toggle/configure squad spacing depending on various situations (e.g all models in line for firing all of them at once or spread over vs. artillery and tanks) 

  65. Being able to assign a hotkey to cancel build of structure or unit.

  66. UKF and USF medic station need to shows its healing range before being build.

Missing content/features/elements:

  1. No profiles page to see stats or match history present.

  2. No ability to view leaderboards in-game. For the moment, a leaderboard is provided officially by Relic with a website here and an unofficial fan-made site for CoH 3 here.

  3. No ranked matchmaking in multiplayer. Although that the ranked matchmaking is present, the automatch lobby still says "Unranked mode". The 1.1.4 patch fixed the title and was renamed "Quick Match"

  4. No able to see rank or XP progress in-game.

  5. No being able to select which AI difficulty for Co-Op vs. AI skirmishes (non-custom games).

  6. Missing surrender option.

  7. Inventory system is incomplete - you cannot change the badge, banner, title, basically anything related to your ingame profile personalization except camo/skins for your units and miscellaneous stuff like changing the VP look.

  8. In the menu, there isn't any section that features detailed and statistical descriptions of all units present in the game which include dps, accuracy, reload time etc.

  9. Only 3 Battlegroups per faction (same amount as in beta). As a result, there are units currently in the game that are unable to be accessed in multiplayer due to there not being a battlegroup made for them.

  10. Only 2 4v4 MP maps (same amount as in beta).

  11. Only 3 3v3 MP maps (same amount as in beta).

  12. The existing 4v4 maps can't be played for 3v3 ranked automatch. In CoH 2, you had some 4v4 maps that is also played in 3v3 game mode. Same thing can be said about some 2v2 maps played for 1v1.

  13. No ability to veto maps during the automatch lobby.

  14. No earning of credits after games, meaning no way for us to earn said free credits to later buy things in the in-game store like in COH2, only daily and weekly challenges are availaible to earn Merit points, but even this is not enough.

  15. Untitled Italian unit with Adrian helmet seen in Relic's official COH3 screenshots is nowhere to be seen in the game.

  16. In some units, veterancy description is missing and only has placeholder text.

  17. Unable to queue capture orders on the tactical map.  *See general fixes & changes below

  18. No way to view the map at the end of the game.

  19. No chat room server support.

  20. After the game ends, there is no way to chat with your opponents or teammates.

  21. No ability to name your hosting custom game like in CoH 1.

  22. No background sounds of birds chirping, faded gunfire in the distance, etc that was present in previous entries to give off that 'COH vibe'.

  23. No player names showing over units/structures when hovered over them.

  24. No end game victory strikes like in CoH 2.

  25. COH3 units missing their portrait/icons and instead using COH2 placeholders. For example, the M3 Grant has a Sherman portrait, the Kradschützen has a Kübelwagen portrait AND icon, the Breda LMGs have a BAR icon, the US M3 75mm halftrack still has the CoH2 Soviet SU-76 silhouette, Nebelwerfer 42 has a placeholder icon in the main menu.

  26. No player list in-game in multiplayer (can't tell if human teammate got replaced by AI).

  27. No leaderboards for pre-made teams.

  28. No pause and restart in custom created skirmish via AI.

  29. No retreat button for Infantry when a vehicle is selected alongside them within the bottom-right UI frame (when the unit's orders are).

  30. No crushing infantry with heavy vehicles.

  31. Not being able to ram tanks into buildings to create holes anymore (building destruction physics).

  32. Unit statistics not viewable in game, nor what their advantages are except armor UI for vehicles and health points for units in general.

  33. Not being able to rebind modifier keys like Shift, Alt, and Tab. For example, this makes this a no-buy for some who are left-handed and don’t use a traditional hand placement on a keyboard.

  34. No scroll speed setting (edge panning speed) for those who don't use WASD or arrows as default. *See Fixes& changes below

  35. Cannot multi-select control groups with Shift + Numbers, instead it assigns multiple control groups to individual units.  You can remove mixed control groups by toggling CTRL+CAPS+ Any numbers to remove the numbers on an individual unit

  36. No ability to click on a dropped lmg or anti tank weapon to see exactly what kind of weapon it is.

  37. 'Temporary' main menu UI from beta still remaining in full release. 

  38. OST score is lackluster compared to the previous installments .

  39. No ability to have the camera follow a unit you double clicked on (either the unit or it portrait). This was present in COH1/2. You can actually pan the camera to an unit and make it follow it. In Settings > Controls > at the bottom under the General section > Find and cycle infantry & vehicle. And you got a Focus Selection hotkey available to be configured any way you want to.

  40. No Bulletin system. (I'm not sure if Relic will bring back Bulletins in CoH 3)

  41. No Observer mode.

  42. Not being able to click on top of the big notifications.

  43. Unable to see team weapons built in post-match stats screen such as anti-guns or MG. That would also include the numbers of emplacements build and their stats depending on the faction you're playing *The stats shows the teamweapons and defensive structures as per indicated in the 1.1.0 patch notes.

  44. No replays (although a workaround is available here).

  45. Unable to invite friends from Steam, directly from the steam UI and steam overlay.

  46. Disappointing state of modding tools. Many possibilities were promised by Relic pre-launch in terms of modding, but it seems that turned out to be false and in reality the options are limited. (E.g even with the game engine, it is not possible to create a 3D model from scratch or create new FX effects like Blitzkrieg or Eastern Front mods from CoH 1 among other endless possibilities ).

  47. Only English language voice lines. It would be much better if there was any more various voice lines languages like German, Italian etc.

  48. Gun depreciation and turret traverse animation is not present in some units in CoH 3. Look at the video on reddit here. And that isn't purely presented as aesthetic, it's also practical during the games like a Marder III don't need to turn itself that much, it just had to move its gun within its turret traverse instead of turning itself with its tracks. (like most SPG tanks in the game) 

  49. Not being able to sort your friend list in alphabetical order in the menu.

  50. Rally points don't leave a permanent mark neither on the minimap nor on the physical world map.

  51. Most unit's voice lines are lacking authenticity and are re-used to a lot of units in the game. 

  52. Missing audio cues for grenades being lobbed (specifically satchel charges)

  53. No depth to in-game tips and guides/ build orders

  54. No health bar for teamweapons like in CoH 2.

  55. Attention to detail, especially animations for 3D models and such are lackluster. Here's a video from AECoH that shows it.

  56. No proper social system ingame to chat with the rest of the community like in CoH 1 or CoH 2.

  57. There is no harsh weather conditions during campaign missions like sandstorm (for DAK) or raining thunderstorm like in the campaigns of Opposing Fronts in CoH 1 and CoH 2 soviet campaign missions. 

  58. No prone animations for squads that use a light machine gun.

  59. No ability to dismantle emplacement and defensive structures with a partial refund like in CoH 2.

  60. When using any indirect fire unit from the Tactical map, there isn't any indication of their fire range radius nor being able to see their barrage circle from the mouse cursor when using their barrage ability.
  61. Custom game server browser have missing features. For example, you can only see 9 games, not being able to sort by map or gamemode , no searching, no paging of the list.

  62. The medic bunker from Wehrmacht is missing an "Auto reinforce" button and its healing and reinforcement marker radius is missing. It also doesn't indicate a progress bar when a "free" grenadier squad will be appearing when the medics were picking up several injured models on the battlefield. Being able to toggle/disable the spawn of free grenadiers isn't present either.

  63. There isn't any healing center upgrade from the DAK HQ. You are actually obliged to get an Opel Medic truck in T1 and taking pop cap for all your builds, or manually use "Heal" ability with the half track instead.

  64. No autosave in campaign.

  65. There is no model dying with crawler animation. In CoH 2, you had models crawling in seconds that can reveal opponent's units.

  66. Tanks & LV upgraded with an cupola machine gun don't show an MG icon below their UI unit icon placeholder.

  67. Status effects for vehicles and units are lacking description at the bottom middle of UI unit info, (just below the Manpower rate production icon, there is a small vertical section that indicates the status effect of units). Also the aura bonuses provided from vehicles aren't present on units affected by those said units either to indicates what sort of combat bonus and effects are applied to and same thing can be said to unique abilities from battlegroup, it doesn't describe anything whatsoever in the status effect vertical bar.

  68. Some Wehr trucks the wheels do not turn - animation missing.
  69. Major lighting pass are still missing. See the thread link here.
  70. No facing lock/unlock orders for garrisoned MG like in CoH 2.
  71. Tungsten Core Ammunition upgrade from the DAK armory are not applied to StuG III G and Panzer IV when they both used Panzergranatpatrone 40 (PzGr 40) (APCR shells) to fight against Allies heavy armor during WW2. They are both using the same long barrel gun as the Marder III (which the upgrade is already applied to), the 7.5 cm KwK 40 (For Pz. IV and StuG variants) /7.5 cm PaK 40 (for Marder variants) . * See the general fixes & changes in the Multiplayer section
  72. No aura bonus is provided for the player's teammates when placing the Panzer IV Command Tank around their units. In CoH 2, the Panzer IV Commander tank aura  provided bonuses to the units surrounding including teammates units.
  73. No ragdoll effect to squad models like in CoH 1 & 2 especially when body parts get exploded/moved around by artillery explosion's shockwaves.
  74. There is a missing construction icon on mouse cursor when you order to build defense structures with any engineer in the game. Instead it is just clicking with the standard mouse cursor.
  75. There is an option to enable a smooth camera movement in the Company of Heroes 3 folder, in the configuration_user.lua file (non-Steam folder) but it is not present in the game setting. Here the proof.
  76. It is not longer possible to create a new firing position for one extra model of a garrisoned squad or a new firing MG position in CoH 3 by making shots on attack ground or by vehicle crush on building compared to CoH 2 where it's still possible, here are the comparisons : 

This part of the building facing towards the enemy base only has the rooftop as firing position by default where the riflemen are facing. When new holes has been made either accidentally or purposely for the sake of creating a new firing position, no even one grenadier model has moved to the bottom of the building where the holes are to fire at the riflemen (Note that this is also bugged, when all grenadiers on the rooftop are firing to the same side when normally a couple of the models would shot and the rest are blindsided by death angle)

Now, in Company of Heroes 2, as you can see in the screenshot from above, there is one hole at the bottom that was purposely made by vehicle crush (i used the M20 in this example), but you can also make it by shooting at it with big main guns from tanks or AT gun, or whatever it is hitting that giant building. It will make holes in it and some model that are garrisoned within that building will take a new firing position from these holes. In the example, one penal model has taken a new firing position from that hole so not 2 but 3 models are now firing from this side of the building.

Another example here, which is also made by vehicle crush but with another building that has no windows on this side as default (you can find this building on the same map whatsoever). The main MG shooter is occupying the new firing position on this side, facing towards the enemy base.

77. In the campaign missions (both DAK and Allies), it is not longer possible to build veterans units that were promoted from previous missions such as vehicle or squads like in CoH 1  :

78. The game is lacking anti-blob mechanics compared to its predecessor, CoH 2.

Bugs & issues :

  1. Devil's Brigade DLC not unlocking for the launch edition of the game for everyone. That may depend on some people, in my case i hadn't encountered any problems regarding this issue.

  2. Global Unit Control Position keeps resetting itself after each game. *See the fixes & changes section below

  3. Fallschirmjaegers missing 3D models.

  4. AI failing to attack you in campaign unless scripted.*See the fixes & changes section below

  5. Garrisoned units are stuck or exiting a building in a weird way when all doors from that building are destroyed. Here's a video from Tightrope gaming that shows it 

  6. Unit exiting from a vehicle in motion stay idle for too long before responding to orders. Same video from the point above but at a different clip here.

  7. Instances where crew served weapons (for example, a US MG Squad and a mortar squad) both got "stuck" in a green cover position (which they were not really stuck or surrounded since it was open behind them) after pressing retreat.

  8. Ability to destroy uncrewed support weapons. You can destroy uncrewed teamweapons by using the "Attack" button. However that's still an issue even tanks with their main gun can't hit a teamweapon such as MG or morar at close range.

  9. 254 Recon Tractor has the ability to call in free off-map mortars, at vet 1 it gains the ability to lock and have an improved barrage overwriting the default one.

  10. US Airborne troops infinite spawn glitch.

  11. MG inside a building will not rotate when attacked by an enemy from outside its attack angle, even if you select the MG to attack said enemy then it won't move at all unless re-directed manually by dragging right-click mouse button. This wasn't the case in CoH 2 when a garrisoned MG squad can position freely at any direction of the building position with lock/unlock facing order buttons.

  12. Smoke launchers from USF and DAK vehicles can trigger mines. That is also applied to Smoke Barrage from any mortars or any indirect fire unit. Usually they shouldn't since they are just defensive abilities that are non-lethal (non-explosive).

  13. Smoke launchers from most DAK tanks don't work properly after their first barrage being enacted. It can't be enacted a second time for some reason, and the cooldown is not present either. Despite that the cooldown was fixed in the previous 1.1.0 patch*, the problem persist when the DAK tank moves outside its Smoke Launcher barrage range while it's being enacted, and the barrage is interrupted, leading to an incomplete barrage and not showing a cooldown. To complete the barrage, the tank must stay within the barrage radius in order to complete it or it will be permanently interrupted.

  14. Sometimes, picking a teamweapon (MG or mortar), the weapon disappears. Video that shows it from HelpingHans here

  15. When a engineer squad is making a barbed wire on the cover, it get stuck when ending up on the wrong side of it. Same video from above but from a different clip

  16. Capture point bug. For example, the enemy did not loose tickets. We had 400, they had 39. We still held one, but we tickled down until we lost. (?) (Maybe they had 2 Vps and they held down unit until the opposite team had nothing)

  17. Propaganda leaflets are completely useless, it doesn’t seem to force a retreat or do anything noticeable like it did in COH2. The Propaganda War ability on Italian Infantry battlegroup work as intended (tested in game)

  18. When getting the passive trait on British; converting supply cache for the infirmary i.e. the option doesn't even exist. So big waste to even spec it.  You can upgrade a medic station on chokepoints while clicking on it and upgrade it and the same thing can be done on resources points to make a cache without the need of an engineer squad(Take note that this ability also works on points captured by your teammates). The tooltip/description of the "Supply Surplus" ability from the Air & Sea battlegroup is poorly described and vague.

  19. Pings have several seconds of sound delay. * See the Audio section in the general fixes & changes below

  20. Bugsplat when viewing the end game stats page.

  21. Base building flashing between textures when anti-aliasing is set to high.

  22. Some portraits or icons may appear lower resolution or not scaling correctly to the user interface, for example the 1/4 Ton 4x4 Truck.

  23. Infantry units having their 'engines be broken'.

  24. Emplacements and 88s not taking structural/gun damage also needs to be fixed. AT guns are only clearing them and they stay full health to be re-crewed quickly.* See the patches.

  25. Being able to paradrop units INSIDE the enemy HQ when selecting the drop zone around the map border. I tested for this bug and yes, all airborne units (all factions that does get paradrop) can get inside enemy's base, at least in Mignano line 3v3 map.

  26. Reversing AT-guns to map borders making them invincible and cannot be targeted, while the AT gun can still fire at enemies. Tested and yes the bug is still there. Look at the image below, a couple of models from teamweapons are allowed to stay outside the map border and cannot be killed by remotely anything.

  27. Sound and graphics begin to stutter after certain amount of playtime. Restarting the game fixes.* See fixes & changes section

  28. Airborne models reload their carbines like they are a bolt action.

  29. Some team weapons have their animation speed ramped up way too fast. Example, the Brit heavy mortar.

  30. Can't use CTRL+ Left click mouse button to select identical units at once when they're scattered around the map while clicking on the GUC. E.g let's say you want to select all the riflemen squads scattered all around the map, you can't click on the riflemen's on the Global Unit Control UI to select all riflemen squads unless they are present on the screen both on the physical map and while using the tactical map.

  31. The Behind Enemy Lines ability for the US Airborne does not function as intended.  (Need more clarity on this issue)

  32. When capturing a team weapon, your units adopt previous owner/faction voice lines. * See in the 1.1.0 patchnotes.

  33. One of the US At gun voice lines is completely bugged, the voice sounds like a squeaky robot.

  34. Howitzers do not angle their guns correctly when firing. They do not match the angle of the shells leaving the cannon.

  35. Frequently have to click several times to get a unit to ungarrison from a building or retreat from it.

  36. Some units get stuck when exiting a building depending on surrounding geometry.

  37. Sometimes abilities will overlap existing abilities instead of moving to an empty square in the HUD. This often occurs when upgrading units or unlocking new Veterancy abilities.

  38. Unable to save skirmish settings, or the save button don't work properly. The setting revert back to where it was even after clicking on the "save settings" button.

  39. Icons don’t show when an ability is in use. The only shown the cooldown after the ability end. For example, when I order an mortar to barrage a target out of its range i can’t tell if walked up to the fitting range and started barraging from its icon.

  40. Sometimes cast ability’s are ignored. For example, like when a tank isn’t in range and I cast a Panzerfaust, the grenadiers just ignore the order and keep walking somewhere else.

  41. Unit icons inside buildings being off screen unless you can see the whole building, causing you to get suppressed without knowing from where its coming.

  42. After match stats are hilariously broken and inaccurate.

  43. Minimap has no indicator of which specific unit is selected if you are tabbing through several units. (e.g when we select 3 units at once, all unit's dots on the minimap are still white even tabbing through them)

  44. Sometimes, vehicles with auto-cannons and main guns shoot way lower instead of directly shooting at the unit in green cover and doing almost no damage.

  45. Higher caliber guns such as Tanks and AT guns tend to shoot into the ground excessively often, even without obstacles and standing still.

  46. When using "walking stuka" is a circle, which doesn't fit the barrage itself which is instead an oval like shape.

  47. Ultra texture option is locked out for no reason (although a workaround is available). 

  48. Vehicle pathing is terrible in a lot of maps.

  49. Friends who are online and in-game don’t show up as online or can't be invited many times.

  50. After a match and during the automatch session the "1v1", "2v2", "3v3" and "4v4" checkmarks are checked back even before the previous game even started they were unchecked.

  51. Reticle/marker: when you send/direct multiple units to a spot shows only arrow, not the dots+arrow representing each group in the selection.

  52. The "ALT" key can't be modified in the game menu but you can modify it directly in the key setting file found somewhere in c:/user/documents/my games/company of heroes 3

  53. AA units don't register how many planes they had shot down in the UI kill count.

  54. During the Skirmishes in the Dynamic campaign, the British announcer says a squad had been wiped out when it weren't the case that Infantry section are still well alive despite squad's casualties.

  55. During matches, you can see teammate's battlegroup as well of opponent's via the "Player list" in the menu. In CoH 2 only teammates's commanders were shown.

  56. The retreat and reverse button for identical hotkey are in the same grid key. This is an issue when you're in a frenzy situation, you hit the exact same hotkey for both reverse and retreat order, you might mistakenly retreat squads when you actually wanted to reverse a vehicle instead and vice versa.

  57. German trucks don't have a sound, no acceleration, nothing. *It is already mentioned in the missing features list.

  58. Random input delay during matches making it unplayable at times.

  59. Sometimes, when an enemy's squad is near a garrisoned unit, the unit exit the building without even giving it an order.

  60. Bridges are quite buggy, they don't have a repair animation and will get bugged sometimes when repaired so that units can't pass them. *See the general gameplay section below.

  61. Squad's models don't have the "Collision detection" feature and they're clipping among them like they're ghosts.

  62. When joined with a host and a couple of friends, coming back after a match, the game menu is greyed out and can't see the lobby, where the players are.

  63. Issue with the Assault Ability from the Special Operation Battlegroup, when enabled, disables the retreat order button from all squads and team weapons. *

  64. SSF commando use the same demo charge from British commandos when the description says it's a timed demo charge. * See the gameplay section below.

  65. The demo charge (3D object) is too small to be seen even detected by engineers with minesweepers.

  66. The demo charge trigger button (UI) is too small to be seen.

  67. US mortar's timed-out HE shells (from Vet 1 ability) don't show a countdown timer when landed on the ground.

  68. The anti-tank gun crew have an awkward firing animation, when enemy vehicle is nearby, to fire the AT-gun they have to move slightly forward, set it up then suddenly fire it, all of that in an abrupt period of time.

  69. Wonky planes animations at times.

  70. When using the "Salvaging" ability on vehicles wreckage, just after the end of the salvaging process, it doesn't show what and how much resources it has been salvaged. *See in the general Gameplay section below.

  71. Buggy Dingo Light Scout Car (British) which can move trough tank traps and obstacle, it stops jeep and motorcycle team but dingo always pass trough, it is always reproducible.

  72. Barbed wires not working as intended (at least what's in descriptions - stop infantry), in CoH1/2 it would always stop infantry (not vehicles of course) so when it happens that you have infantry from both side of barbed wire shooting at each other no matter how much they are shooting even MG wouldn't destroy wire. But in coh3 it is only stopping infantry if there is no one there to provoke shooting as it happens if someone start shooting at wire it will almost immediately collapse so having engineer/pioneer squad with wire cutter is pointless when you can just shoot at it and destroy it instantly. *The barbed wires got increased armor from small arms fires, it got an armor of 10 instead of 1. See in the 1.1.4 patchnotes.

  73. Issue with infinite manpower bug, building and canceling orders does not only refund manpower but also increase player's manpower reserves. Here is a clip showing it.  *See in fixes & changes below.

  74. Bug with the Riegel 43 anti-tank mine from the 251 medium carrier,  it doesn't trigger an explosion when an enemy vehicle run over it. Also their 3D design is taken from a Teller Mine when it should look like a steel case anti-tank mine like this. Also their placeholder is taken from the Teller mine. *The riegel 43 now properly trigger and hide from enemy vehicles from the 1.1.4 patchnotes.

  75. The Schü-mine 42 3D design model are taken from a Teller mine when they should look like wooden boxes like this. And their placeholder is also taken from a Teller mine. 

  76. The Modified A.T Mines G.S's  design of the mines and the placeholder is taken from a Teller mine. Officially, the British AT mine look like this.

  77. The M1 mine 3D design is taken from a Teller mine, the placeholder as well. Actually, the M1 mines look like this  with a distinctive cross shaped pressure spider. 

  78. The M6 mine 3D  design is taken from a Teller when it should look like this

  79. Issue with the Stug D group call-in in the Mechanized Battlegroup, It says that Population cap had been reached even if when you got 82 pop cap out of 100 and the call-in requires 18 pop cap, you still can't even call in despite the fact that there is just enough space to call it. 

  80. Recrewing Flak emplacements back makes them unable to shoot at enemy units. *See the gameplay general changes list.

  81. Sometimes, units kill counts in the UI is inaccurate/doesn't show any kills (any type of kills stays at zero even if your units did kill models or destroys vehicle etc)

  82. During the Italy Campaign in Skirmishes, ammunition drops non-stop on capture points every time you're captured them.

  83. During the Italy Campaign, infinite animation loop occurs after clicking "end turn" sequence like a enemy recon plane turning to no end.

  84. When squads are inside trucks and half-tracks, some of the models are standing outside them floating alongside them while they're moving.

  85. After the Veteran Squad Leader from DAK had been completed, producing a new Panzer grenadier squad still indicates a pop cap of 8 instead of 9 and and has to always reinforce 1 more model after the completion of the production of the squad. The Panzergrenadier placeholder's description from the HQ production still indicates a popcap of 8 after the Veteran Squad Leader been completed when they are actually have a pop cap of 9.

  86. Sometimes, CAS (Call-in Air Support) planes are shooting on targets outside their supposed radius on the minimap, even if a player retreat his vehicles safely outside it, skill planes are still gonna take down his vehicles.
  87. During Skirmishes in the Dynamic Campaign of Italy, "Holding the Territory" scenario gets the player stuck/unable to complete the mission even all territory are captured and enemy base was completely destroyed for some reason, can't even exit the game properly.
  88. Poor response of units when clicking on team weapons and weapons on the ground.
  89. Twitchy camera. Camera movement with the WASD keys seems a little 'jumpy'.
  90. Bug with the Sherman  M4A1 76 armor, after completing the "Improvised Armor"  and the 76mm conversion upgrade from the Mechanized Support Center, building a new Sherman will still get its default armor value (front armor of 195) same as it was before the 76 mm conversion upgrade. To sort of fixing the issue when playing the game, you need to build Sherman tanks first only with the Improvised Armor upgrade prior to the 76mm conversion upgrade, the armor value will apply accordingly in that order. Also you must keep your 76mm Sherman with their upgraded armor at all cost or you are stuck to build new Sherman 76 with default armor value.  *See in the 1.1.4 patchnotes
  91. Sometimes, the grenade ability from the Royal engineers and Gurkhas instantly recharge without a cooldown.  fixed from the 1.1.1 patch
  92. The UI (from the GUC)  mortar icon from the ML 3-inch mortar is bigger than the ML 4.3-inch mortar icon (which is smaller) when it should be the opposite.
  93. The red barrage circle doesn't increase in size the further you move the mouse cursor away from your indirect unit's position to indicate scatter. This was the case in CoH 1 and CoH 2 when you see the barrage cursor circle grows larger and actually reflect the scatter of the indirect fire units.
  94. You can't repair your destroyed HQ for some reason
  95. The artillery call-in from the Dingho's vet 1 ability says that artillery is fired from the player HQ when it's actually firing off-map. *See the list of general gameplay section fixes below
  96. Double clicking a garrisoned building on the tactical map DOES NOT pan the camera on the clicked unit/building. (It should).
  97. Sometimes, when recrewing a squad weapon or emplacement with a medical vehicle, the new spawning crew consisting of 2 men spawn in a retreat stance, running off the map immediately.
  98. Auto targeting is completely wrong right now, meaning Snipers and Mortars tend to focus vehicles when multiple targets (inf and vehicle) in range, while Zooks/AT rifles tend to target Infantry when multiple targets (inf and vehicle) in range. 
  99. When starting repairing and stopping instantly after started, units get stuck on their repair gear and can't shoot anymore.
    Attack order on enemy will result in these units just running into the opponent.
  100.  Unit command buttons do not light up to show they are currently attempting the task. Especially confusing as many units do NOT complete given tasks. (IE Zook 'Z' and Satchels)
  101. Naval Blockade ability's description is NOT completely clear. It doesn't describe accurately what it does.
  102. Accuracy against Bazooka squads seems deeply incorrect. I've seen mortars directly hit unit models, one after another. (Received accuracy value?)
  103. Certain units (mostly DAK, it seems) have the wrong UI text on them, so for example a full unit description instead of just "Anti-infantry / Support" or whatever their label is supposed to be. I've noticed this on some DAK infantry but it probably exists on other units. A unit's full description is only supposed to show if you hover over their label.
  104. 'Target' mouse cursor icon when hovering over enemy units is 'WHITE'. Should be 'RED'.
  105. American rifleman show that they have a bar while upgrading to it, aka before they have it.
  106. Some American units have a strange relationship when attacked with flamethrower. For example, in many cases the Jeep and M8 will take NO damage from a flamethrower, where the Chaffee seems to take quite high damage from flamethrowers (L6/40 and Gustatori)
  107. Demo charge got a inconsistent damage input, they can damage and destroy building entirely, or sometimes they doesn't and building are left with 1 HP (both base building and houses). But to infantry and vehicles the damage inflicted by the demo charge is also disproportionate or doesn't seems to be consistent at all.
  108. Unit's voice lines are repetitively saying the same thing in a sync. For example when you order to upgrade your multiple riflemen squads to BAR in a rapid succession, they're all saying the exact same thing in an almost identical time.
  109. Frequently, when using vehicles to flank around opponent's units/vehicles, the said controlled vehicle stop and player had to excessively click the move order in order to be moving consistently around. This happened very frequently when i was using my Crusader tanks to flank around opponent's units, it somehow stops without giving an order to stop them.
  110. When clicking a move order for your units, the path demonstrated in the Tactical map is shown as a straight white line, like as the crow flies when actually the units had to move around cliffs, building, rivers, small groves of trees and crossing bridges etc. This was different in CoH 1 and CoH 2 when the path shown in the minimap/tact map actually reflect what and where the unit will cross before reaching its destination.
  111. Squads can repair damaged vehicles (with/without engine critical) while they're on the move when they actually had to be stopped in order to repair them.
  112. Select all and select all on screen appear to be broken.
  113. Resource points capped by Kettenkrad's upgrade/Weasel Vet 1 Signal Layer (passive ability) do not have their resource increase reflected in the tact map.
  114. Sometimes, unresponsive inputs are still present in the game, when selecting squads or vehicles with mouse, the game's inputs doesn't respond. Watch the video here.
  115. Booby traps planted by Gustatori and Panzerpionier don't show a clear and visible UI Booby Trap icon. Instead it is showed with a small rectangular icon at the bottom of territory points.
  116. Units that uses the Signal Detection ability such as the 254 Reconnaissance Tractor, are lacking accurate icons of units detected in the Fog of War both on the Tactical map and on the physical world map. The units detected in the fow in Tactical map are shown with a red shield like form with an exclamation point, and on the physical map, on the ground they are shown with either a yellow icon of a soldier's head or a tank. This doesn't accurately describe what sort of units are displayed in the fow, the soldier head yellow icon can be anything from a squad, a teamweapon or a sniper and a yellow tank icon can be anything such as a truck, LV, tanks or anti-tank gun etc. So that's also show how confusing these icons can be and doesn't reflect what are those units are displayed in the fow.
  117. The Brit truck with the flak on the back, plus a few of the other Brit truck models have the wrong settings & fall through bridges.
  118. Some units that pick up a weapon get caught in a strange loop where the one with the weapon will just keep equipping it (like pulling it from their shoulder & putting a mag in it).  This issue is seen with the DAK engineer when they pick a Boys AT rifle.  The model would stay in place, wouldn't move... but the other squad member would go a short distance.  The player can move the squad if retreated or tried to build a new thing, but not repair... & after the retreat or construction, the same thing would happen.  Even putting them into a building did not cure it.
  119. The BL 5.5, when repaired and recrewed, it can't fire or use any abilities. (same issue with the Flak emplacements on n°80 above)
  120. Medics (from medic stations and bunker med) can prevent points from being captured.
  121. The DAK battlegroups icons are mixed up. See the thread link here.
  122. Can't use the Pan hotkey/middle mouse button while holding the Shift key. See the thread here.
  123. When using the Focus Selection hotkey with multiple squads with a control group (any number), the camera pan between the units if they are scattered around the map. This issue isn't replicated the same way for a single unit that also use a control group.
  124. Issue with the Volturno Break Steam achievement, it doesn't unlock an achievement even after you captured all locations past the Volturno Line. 
  125. Issue with the hit registration of inputs keys/mouse buttons being consistent, sometimes it registers sometimes it doesn't register properly. (Related with issue n°58 and 114 from above)
  126. Bug with the Weasel spamming team weapons, sometimes it has a cooldown of 60 sec, sometimes it directly skip the cooldown and can spawn another team weapon just right after. *See the general gameplay list below.
  127. Issue with the call-in of Panzer IV & III, descriptions says that with the PzIII comes with an Assault Grenadiers when it actually comes with a Panzerjäger squad and vice versa for the Panzer IV, it comes with Panzerjäger squad when it actually comes with an Assault Grenadier squad. *This seems to be fixed but it's not indicated in the 1.1.0 patchnotes.
  128. Issue with the Suppression mechanics, when a MG squad pin down an incoming blob and the MG will get retreated afterwards, the pinned squad's suppression effect will get instantly removed and will get recovered from suppression instantly. Even if the squads were around and they supported the MG to pin down the already pinned squads altogether, they don't even slow down the decay of suppression effect in order to keep the pinned squads/blob in a prolonged time of suppression. Here is that video that proves it. This is either intended or a missing aspect of the said mechanic. 
  129. The off-map mortar vet 1 ability from the Captain Retinue can call on enemy base. 
  130. The StuG III D mounted MG fire the same range as its main gun when its vet 1 ability is enabled.
  131. The "Advanced Field Repairs" upgrade (From the DAK armory) doesn't seems to increase repair speed for all infantry, or at least what the gauge Repair ability shows, doesn't tilt on the right when the repair speed is increased, especially for Panzerpionir,  Panzergrenadiers and Assault Grenadiers. 
  132. Direct Fire ability not working for BL5.5-inch Emplacement from Indian Artillery Company right skill tree In Italy Campaign.
  133. Issue with the "Light Vehicle Withdraw and Refit" ability from the British armoured battlegroup. The Company Command Post (base building tech 3 tier) already have the same ability but for all vehicles and for free while the one i mentioned above is exclusively for light vehicles and costs 30 ammunition to enact it. This makes the ability irrelevant to use since there is already existing one in the base line structure without the need of a battlegroup to use it.
  134. The US Armored battlegroup icon is the Sherman Whizzbang, but that unit is only available in the Special Op battlegroup.
  135. Changing your camera location by double clicking or clicking on the tacmap while you have units selected causes your units to be deselected. This interrupts a common use pattern in COH2 where you would box your units in base after reinforcement, select an area on the tacmap by double clicking or clicking and pressing the tacmap key to close it, and tabbing through your units to place them into cover. Now if you try this, your units are no longer selected.
  136. Sticky selection option makes it so no matter where your camera is when you close your tacmap, it always centers on the unit selected. This effectively makes the tacmap useless.
  137. Shift queueing a retreat command after various actions simply does not work. In COH2, you would often order a squad to pick up a team weapon and shift queue retreat so it retreated immediately. Or after building something like a mine, or after issuing a capture command. None of these situations work, the squad ignores the shift queued retreat command.
  138. The Forward Observer Barrage  ability from UKF can be called on enemy base when it shouldn't be like most off-map artillery and CAS planes abilities.
  139. Issue with the US mortar (after being crewed with a squad and teamweapon given with a Weasel),sometimes, the mortar is stuck on a rotating loop when being asked to make an artillery barrage. To sort of fixing it, you need to rotate the mortar manually in the intended direction with your drag mouse button and then the mortar crew set the barrage ability animation.
  140. The level displayed on the official API leaderboard (here) doesn't reflect the actual rank and ELO of ranked players and there is a lot of gaps and disparity between the players levels. See the 1v1 US leaderboard for example, level 18 and 14 are next to each other when level 17,16 and 15 are missing.
  141. The Fallschirmpioneer call-in have a pop cap issue, when having an army of 94 population out of 100, can't call a Fallschirmpioneer even if it requires 6 population. The other units that have the same population such as the 251 medium carrier can be produced for the same situation explained above.
  142. issue with the 251 medium carrier,  it doesn't get to Vet 1 instantly when getting the veterancy upgrade from the Panzergrenadier Kompanie after it was being and converted it to a medic half-track.
  143. The Vet 2 for most squad repairs units doesn't indicate an increase in repair speed or at least what it shows in the repair gauge ability , it doesn't tilt to the right.
  144. Issue of being stuck on a 'Skirmish' map that won't finish.  All objectives complete but the game just keeps running - troops are firing at each other (but you can't issue commands ) and you can mouse around the map but not interact.  Pause and Exit don't work so you have to quit 'manually'. The bug (game not ending despite mission objectives being achieved) can be alleviated by playing the Skirmish match all the way through (without saving) - it's a PITA but do-able.  Still bizarre that just saving a game would induce such a bug in the first place though . 
  145. Buff icons on units in the tacmap are unnecessary at best and way way too large at worst. They inhibit the readability of the map. Why do I need to see a massive icon that says my AT gun is prioritizing vehicles on top of the already massive unit icons?
  146. Issue with a weird behavior in the chat during ranked games, sometimes when a player is leaving a game (on the opposite side), a teammate often says "Negative" or "Affirmative" in the chat and that it is send without human intervention (without the real person typing it), i don't know why this happens, but it happens. And sometimes it is said in Asian language.
  147. There is a weird animation with the Fallschirmpionier model equipped with the MG15, when it is in cover, the model is stuck in a hovering head animation loop.
  148. Issue with the DAK Tiger upgraded with Tungsten Core Ammunition from the Armory, it doesn't increase the damage of its main gun by 20% accordingly like it is applied to all DAK tanks and vehicles that is issued with the same upgrade. Damage still do 240 Hitpoints before and after the upgrade, normally with the upgrade, the new damage is set to 288 Hitpoints.  the damage bonus from Tungsten Core Ammunition has been removed from patch 1.1.4, and this issue is not longer needed to be adressed.
  149. Issue with M4E3E8 Sherman Combat Group call-in, it says that it comes with a "garrisoned" Riflemen Squad. While it is still correct that it comes with a riflemen squad, the correct term would be "escorted with" rather than "garrisoned" in the contextual situational sense, you can say that a squad is garrisoned within a building or a house, because it is entrenched within a static fortified position while being escorted literally means that it is "accompanied with something" while being moved to x destination. Despite that it is seemingly to be almost unimportant compared to other issues, it is nonetheless important to note distinct terms of definitions in their own respective context, especially when you don't want to confuse players by misusing terms.
  150. This is a systemic issue that is widespread across maps that is featuring tall walls in Mignano Gap,L'Aquila, Pachino Farmlands, Pachino Stalemate,Gazala Landing Ground and many more maps that had yet to be confirmed about this issue, there are lots of tall walls that can be seen and shot through by player that sees his opponent's covered/hidden unit on the other side when it shouldn't :

  151. Issue with the dead Fallschirmpionier landed on a sandbag, the body and the parachute permanently stays there long after it died. The body and the parachute goes away only when sandbags are destroyed (funnily enough). 
  152. Swapping targets within the MG's firing arc is hard for the shooter, like it was trying to push a heavy emergency fire door, and thus it takes a long time to fire squads that are trying to flank the said MG. Here the topic on Steam *Mg  squads got faster horizontal traverse across all factions. See in the 1.1.4 patchnotes
  153. MG Squad that are in garrison exit the building in retreat without human intervention, it leaves especially when the building is severely damaged, i don't know if this either intentional or it is just a bug.
  154. In L'Aquila, there is a building that is covered by a couple of FoW sight, when there isn't any walls or hedgerows covering those said "blindsided" spaces.
  155. Issue when playing as Wehrmacht (and maybe i also experienced this as playing USF), sometimes the construction engineers don't even start the construction of the T1 or T2 building so it had to be canceled first in order to start building properly. Take note that this happens when you choose to build manually almost at the edge of the building base zone and that placement of building has been made with a UI construction bar above it but the construction bar doesn't progress as neither the building is starting to complete and the engineers are stuck in a "standing to leaning" position construction loop animation.
  156. Issue with the Riegel 43 mine planted with the  Sdfkz 251, it is not the correct 3D mine nor the correct placeholder and says the wrong name (it says M1 mine instead of Riegel 43)
  157. Issue with infantry squad leader leading too far ahead of his brothers in arms, which left them behind. This issue is spread across a lot of infantry squads. This usually happens after a squad had been retreated back to the base and has been fully reinforced before being moved back again to the frontline.
  158. Fallschirmpioneers and pios are unable to re-crew an emplacement unless the emplacement is full HP. If it is below HP they can only repair it, which causes problems in a lot of situations
  159. Grenadiers can help pionier and construction engineers to construct their base and defensive structure, this also applies to other units that had the ability to build sandbags including mainline units. Here's the video that proves it.
  160. Riegel 43 mines can be stacked on top of each other and doesn't get cooldowns when using queue orders. Here's the video that proves it.
  161. Issue with the scoreboard registering vehicles kills, i did a Skirmish vs. AI match while playing DAK for unlocking light tank destroys 50 vehicles challenge. I managed to destroy around 30 vehicles with the Carro M13 but the scoreboard says i destroyed  only 17 vehicles. I had 6-8 Carro tanks and they managed to destroy a lot of vehicles from any type which include trucks, armored cars and tanks. This is an issue particularly if you want to progress and unlock the challenge but the scoreboard miscount the vehicles kills and could impede the rewards of players.
  162. There are missing weekly/daily challenges and the game give the player random numbers of challenges sometimes it is 2 weekly, sometimes 3 weekly. Same can be said for daily challenges. Here's the thread talking about it
  163. Grenadiers squad can merge with a squad that is retreating. Here's the video.
  164. Issue with the riflemen and panzergrenadier weapon slot, when picking a dropped weapon on the ground and use a weapon upgrade afterwards. The weapon upgrade is still available despite the 2 weapons slot being already taken, it can upgrade and replace the existing weapon and then it will drop the picked/upgraded weapon on the ground after the upgrade was complete. This is the case when a riflemen picks a dropped weapon on the ground and then  given a free bar upgrade, and the second bar upgrade is still available and can replace the said picking/upgraded weapon. Same situation with the Panzergrenadiers using Breda 30 LMG when picking the Italian Combined Arms battlegroup.
  165. When logging into the automatch game lobby, the title is still indicating that it is "Unranked mode", a lot of players, including friends of mine has been thinking if there was any ranked mode available but it was already available since release, this need to be fixed so players can't be confused whether matchmaking is ranked or not. The automatch lobby says now "Quick Match" since the 1.1.4 patch was released.
  166. Issue with the M24 Chaffee only get the penetration bonus when getting the HVAP upgrade from the Mechanized Support, the rest of US tanks are getting both the penetration AND damage.
  167. Issue with some of the Artillery barrage like the off-map artillery from one of the Italian Battlegroup, it was homing onto target that are outside the said supposed area, just like the CAS off-map abilities that are targeting vehicles outside the area.

  • A list of issues/bugs specifically for the AI. Link for reference here
    1. AI instead of taking vehicles to the base for repairs goes into battle and loses vehicles. The AI also does not allow you to finish repairing AI vehicles . 
    2. AI constantly brings tanks and vehicles under the anti-tank guns.
    3. That if you destroy an AI building, the AI will no longer build it.
    4. The AI walks infantry units directly on machine guns and thereby retreats or loses a unit.
    5. The AI rarely occupies buildings with its units. In many situations this would save a lot of AI units from death.
    6. The AI also often leaves his units just standing around.
    7. The AI constantly sends lightly armored vehicles at enemy tanks.
    8. AI often does not capture points in front of his nose and goes to capture the farthest points on the map.
    9. The AI spams (America and Britain) with support vehicles (for repairs) and wastes the troop limit instead of building the necessary units. *See list of fixes & changes below
    10. The AI often forgets about his machine guns and anti-tank guns and they stand idle.
    11. AI anti-tank guns and machine guns shoot at the ground without good reason.
    12. AI in capture mode captures the main points (Victory Points) not in the first place and thus often loses matches.
    13. The AI often moves troops back and forth without any objective on the map.
    14. The AI often forgets to retreat units and thereby loses a troop.
    15. The AI rarely picks up abandoned machine guns or anti-tank guns. Very rarely. (Bug or normal?)
    16. The AI does not build bunkers as it was in Coh 2 (Bug or normal?)
    17. The AI does not use the disassembly function of the defeated vehicles to replenish resources.
    18. Also, the ambulance also stands idle, the AI does not use it after being called on the map.
    19. The AI doesn't seems to repair bridges more often than it needs to.
    20. The AI is passive/reluctant to uses its off-map abilities against defensives structures and emplacements.
    21. The AI voluntarily uses a smoke strafing plane on a random unit.
    22. AI produced 17-pound guns or 88 guns, sometimes seen piled up at home
    23. The AI don't extensively use its off-maps abilities, call-in units from the various battlegroup.
    24. The AI sends frequently its vehicles alone and unsupported, makes them an easy target.

  • A list of issues/bugs specifically for the mod tool here on the second post :
    1. Cloning breaking references, so it seems whenever you do a clone, the reference within the game switches to the new file that you created. However, for some reason, when an original file references a cloned file directly, then the whole thing just breaks. How to make it work is to switch back the reference to the original file and then the cloned file will override the original at build time, however this makes no intuitive sense, is cumbersome and makes it hard to find to keep track of what cloned files you’re actually using.
    2. Creating new files doesn’t work, currently its impossible to create new files of any kind, you basically have to hack the game by recyling existing files. This is particualrly notable in both abilities and upgrades.
    3. HQ buildings are ‘resistant’ to changes, basically trying to change anything in the HQ building is impossible, none of the changes ever seem to register.
    4. Adding/removing abilities to an army doesn’t work, changing the halftrack deployment system seems pretty difficult if not impossible right now, for example, you can delete all references to abilities within an army and yet the faction will still have those abilities in game. Also adding new abilities, which exist in the files but are not in the army loadout, don’t get registered in game.
    5. Battlegroup changes are unintuitive, so updating the abilities on a battlegroup is done via tech_tree files, but these files have no means of updating the ordering or structure of the battlegroup. The upgrades themselves within the battlegroup, have no reference to XP cost or anything like that, so you basically can’t change it.
    6. Ability effects are unintuitive or impossible to change, 
      • So there’s this proper on abilities called ‘global_tree’, which is basically the magic field which controls what the ability actually does. But there are countless problems with this field:
        • Its undescriptive, almost cryptic.
        • Its not clear at all what the possible options for this field are, its just a string value. 
        • You can’t create new effects, for example if you wanted to create a new call-in. 
      • The whole thing lends itself to making updating abilities and seeing exactly what they do, hard. For instance, updating call-ins is to change what unit(s) they call in, is impossible.

    7. Ability requirements don’t include veterancy requirements, on abilities, you have pretty flexible logic for being able to set the requirements for an ability. However, if an ability requires verterancy, this is impossible to update. So if you want to remove the veterency requirement on an ability or move it to a different level of vet, this is impossible.

    8. Veterancy effects are Impossible to update, on unit files (sbps files), you can change the descriptions and veterency requirements easily enough. But what the veterency levels actually do, is impossible to see or update. I reckon the effects are hidden by state_tree_references.

    9. Upgrades have random effects which are not registered anywhere. There are a lot of player upgrades in the game which do random things. For example, there ability for DAK called ‘hq_rare_infantry_munitions_deployment_ak’, which upgrades all Panzer Pioneers with MP43s but this is listed no where on the upgrade or on the sbps file for Panzer Pioneers, so its essentially impossible to change and you can’t see what else its doing. Again, I think state tree_references is hiding functionality.

      You also can’t introduce global upgrades to health, accuracy or whatever for the same reason, as these effects are hidden.

    10. Upgrades cannot be made to replace existing upgrades, for example, on Panzerjägers, you can add an upgrade to give them Panzerschreks, but you can’t configure this to replace their existing weapons, so they end up with 2 AT rifles and 2 Panzerschreks. Its annoying that you can’t configure this.

    11. Speech code options and icon options are hidden, again, you can’t see what the speech code options are on most things, its string value and not a select. Likewise with Icons.

    12. Halftrack deployment changes are awkward, you can’t add or remove halftrack abilities to the UI. It has a menu that can be edited but the changes don’t register at all. So if I wanted to make it so that there are 5 callins and not 5, this is impossible.

    13. Adding new production buildings is impossible, this just doesn’t seem possible, so experimenting with new tech trees is impossible.

    14. Construction requirements cannot depend on squad upgrades, it appears that you cannot make unit construction abilities dependent on squad upgrades in the MOD tools.

    15. Battlegroup command points cannot be changed, the MOD tools don't allow you to change the command points for a battlegroup ability, or the ordering for that matter.

    16. In the editor, sbps/squad_type_ext/squad_type_list will often crash if you try to edit it.

General fixes and changes* 

*Note that the balance for factions and units are excluded from these lists below and are only shown in the link of patches at the bottom of the post.


  • Improved High Dynamic Range mix.*
  • Stabilized Audio Playback, improving instances where audio drops out on Medium or Low settings in the late/high pop cap stages of a game.*
  • All new voiceover for Gurkha Infantry unit.
  • Added audio cue for when a player joins or leaves a party.
  • Audio adjustments for map pings.*
  • Audio improvements for the War Cry ability: All players will now hear a trench whistle followed by a crowd swell indicating the ability has been activated.
  • Combat music no longer starts immediately after intro to the Pomigliano airfield mission in the Italy Dynamic Campaign.
  • Errant intel no longer plays before Corporal Conti's objective outline at the beginning of random skirmishes in the Italian Dynamic Campaign.
  • Fixed a bug that occurs when recovering an enemy vehicle and the vehicle would retain the enemy voice.
  • Fixed an issue where M2A1 Howitzers were missing voiceover lines.
  • Fixed an issue where mortars recrewed by the Afrikakorps would have no voice.
  • Fixed an issue where restoring a wrecked vehicle would not play sound effects.
  • Fixed an issue where Victory and Defeat screen voiceover sometimes did not play.
  • Fixed an unnecessary intel message that played when using a CWT truck to recrew a team weapon.
  • Fixed capture point sound effects when neutralized.
  • Fixed recon ability sound effects being heard in the fog of war.
  • Fixed silent voiceover line at the end of the defend Potenza mission.
  • Fixed the Humber 15mm turret's sound effects for fire rate.
  • Hover sound effects properly play in the Select Map screen.
  • Intel voiceover warnings for weapon crews such as Anti-Tank-guns and Mortars didn't play when the unit was lost. Voiceover warnings now play correctly.
  • Refined the voiceover selection logic to reduce the recurrence of memorable lines.
  • Sound effect properly plays when hovering over A.I. difficulty settings.
  • Squads garrisoned in buildings now give a voiceover warning when the building is at risk of being destroyed.
  • The Humber Armored Car and CMP 15cwt Truck now have a radio effect applied to their voice lines.
  • The Paratrooper Squad's M1 Carbine now plays unique firing sound effects.
  • US Forces halftracks now play different audio after being upgraded.
  • US Forces infantry will make footsteps sound when retreating.
  • US Forces Intel referred to Pathfinders as scouts when deployed from the HQ. They are now correctly referred to as Pathfinders.
  • Victory and Defeat music on the results screen is no longer affected by the muffling effect on remaining battle sounds.


  • Added missing destruction to wrecked truck asset.
  • Buildings under construction no longer appear completed if you move the camera.
  • Fixed an issue where the main menu background would not appear.
  • Fixed lighting on the Battleship in the Italian Dynamic Campaign map.
  • Fixed missing hole in breech of British 6 pounder Anti-Tank gun.
  • Fixed several visual issues with debris physics from destroyed buildings.
  • Fixed taillights for Sherman tanks to bring them closer to real life taillights.
  • Fixed texture issue with Stuka plane wrecks already on maps that appear pure black.
  • Fixed textures on SSF Commando Squads Johnson LMG so it is not showing just black in game.
  • Flammerthrower weapon is no longer using player colors. It will display with default texture in the game
  • Kettenkrad communication cables have an updated texture and color.
  • Sherman tanks explode with improved smoke effects.
  • Sherman Whizbang turret now has the correct color and material upon being upgraded.
  • The Devil's Brigade Sherman now has the correct material on its upgraded 76mm turret.
  • The flag on the Devil's Brigade victory point now connects with the flagpole.
  • Gurkhas now equip, attach, and animate correctly when obtaining new weapons.
  • US Forces M1 Anti-Tank gun team now holds their team weapon properly.
  • Victory and Defeat videos are now displayed in high resolution.
  • Wehrmacht Pioneers and Fallschirmpioneers now place schu-mine 42s when instructed instead of S-mines.


  • Engineers will no longer T-pose when canceling construction or having construction aided by another squad.
  • Engineers will no longer T-pose when reinforcing a squad.
  • Fixed an animation issue when units attempted to ride the Centaur IV Medium Tank.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause animation bugs upon reloading a save.
  • Fixed animation issues that could occur when a medic was carrying a casualty and their assigned medical building was destroyed
  • Fixed several visual issues with spent magazines remaining in the weapon during reload animations.
  • Infantry will no longer look like they are falling when near destroyed churches.
  • Mortar crews no longer get stuck in an infinite animation loop when they retreat after issuing a stop command during an ability.
  • Mortar crews no longer T-pose when retreating just as they are hit by another mortar.
  • Smoothed airplane turning for certain bombing run and supply run abilities.
  • The Afrikakorps 254 Reconnaissance Tractor's commander no longer has binoculars stuck to their face.
  • Units will no longer get stuck for several seconds if given a queued retreat order after an order to recrew an abandoned Heavy Weapon.
  • US Forces Heavy Machine Gun crews no longer have their ammo boxes float around after one of their comrades is killed.
  • Wehrmacht units holding STG 44s will no longer T-pose when rapidly turning around.
  • When aiming at a bridge with "Destroy Obstacles" ability, US Forces Bazooka squad members no longer T-pose to assert dominance over the bridge.
  • When riding in a vehicle towing a Heavy Weapon, the weapon's crew will try to keep their hands, feet, and heads inside the vehicle at all times.


  • *GUC (Global Unit Control) no longer resets its position to the bottom left when entering a new match
  • Renamed the difficulty settings to make them more consistent and user-friendly.
  • The setting to clamp the mouse to window will now be on by default in the settings menu.
  • Added a setting to control Edge Panning Speed.*
  • Added a tooltip to inform players on the minimum requirements for texture settings.
  • Integrated a tool that is used to attribute marketing efforts and insights to our game - When launching the game, players will be prompted once to make a choice between opting in or out of this feature. Either choice will not limit the player experience. Players will be able to reset their choice in the settings menu if they later change their mind.
  • Fixed an issue where cinematics was not triggering correctly at the start of the North African Operation.
  • Fixed an issue when party lead is passed to a player, they are unable to create or join custom games.
  • Fixed an issue where "Single Player" label is greyed out after an automatch game.
  • Server Error no longer occurs when Quick Match search is started for a party consisting of more than one player.
  • A.I. players listed in the custom browse game screen now display the correct icon.
  • Added a confirmation when leaving the settings that leaving with unsaved changes will discard them. Also applies to control remapping.
  • Added a settings option to enable exclusive control groups. Exclusive control groups make squads only occupy one control group at a time, like previous CoH games
  • Added Labels to all missing Player Statistics in the Post-Match Screen.
  • Added a icon status when in idle state to the Hellcat Aimed Shot ability.
  • Adjusted the color, styling, and duration of many event cues that appear on the left edge of the screen during real-time gameplay.
  • Battlegroup icons now remain visible after switching sides in the lobby.
  • Chat box no longer stretches when typing very long messages.
  • Company names in skirmish missions are no longer cut off in Japanese.
  • Description of Companies in skirmish missions are no longer cut off in Japanese.
  • Fixed "Recently played with" list.
  • Fixed a bug where changing UI settings in Main Menu would not impact single player skirmish.
  • Fixed an issue causing input to be blocked when exiting loading screens in certain cases.
  • Fixed an issue in the tutorial in which hint arrows were not being removed upon objective completion.
  • Fixed an issue that caused some objectives to be started multiple times.
  • Fixed an issue where campaign save/load would become inaccessible after playing a skirmish game in single player.
  • Fixed an issue where clearing any grid key hotkey did not clear.
  • Fixed an issue where left and right mouse buttons (Mouse 1 / Mouse 2) had missing text in the settings under View and Remap Controls.
  • Fixed several issues related to special characters not displaying correctly in non-English languages.
  • Fixed several issues with missing hotkeys on the command card.
  • Fixed tooltip information on invite to party button.
  • Hotkey remap prompt no longer cuts off text in Japanese.
  • In "View and Remap Controls" settings, keys that cannot be re-assigned can no longer be cleared.
  • Party chat box no longer appears when not in a party.
  • Pause menu will be closed at the end of match before transitioning to Victory/Defeat screen
  • Realigned tooltip positions on main menu buttons.
  • Replaced several icons and portraits with the correct Company of Heroes 3 icons* (Work in Progress still)
  • Scorecard and elapsed time are now properly hidden when using CTRL+Shift+? to enable screenshot mode.
  • Text in the load screen is no longer cut off in Japanese.
  • Updated Unique Player Color option. Colors are now unique per team: allies will be cool colors, and enemies will be warm.
  • Improved localization on several abilities and unit descriptions. 


  • Added missing cover to many objects in the environment.
  • Fixed an issue where certain buildings would not let units kill the last few enemies holed up inside them.
  • Fixed an issue where territory lines did not draw correctly on stairs.
  • Fixed an issue with certain buildings where units retreating from inside the building would get stuck when trying to exit.
  • Fixed an issue with territory being drawn outside the playable area of the map.
  • Fixed several issues related to bridges not correctly having cover.
  • Fixed several issues with indestructible hedges.
  • Fixed several issues with small objects taking up too much space when blocking unit movement.
  • Improved width of impasse around some cliff areas to reduce clipping.
  • Minor adjustments to Strategic and Victory Point locations on (6) Gazala Landing Ground to ensure the Western points favor the Southern team, and Eastern points favor the Northern team.
  • Removed cover from Greek staircases to prevent unintended gameplay issues.
  • Territory layout adjusted on (8) Mignano Gap to ensure a fair dispersal of munitions resources near each Team's HQ areas.
  • Tiger Heavy Tank call-in can no longer get stuck behind the Wehrmacht HQ on the Winter Line map.
  • Updated hangar assets to no longer provide cover. Suspended sections were providing cover to units beneath them.
  • Updated map edge visuals, including railway tunnel and rail lines.
  • Updated rock geometry to be impassible, preventing undesirable clipping.
  • Updated terrain behind several rows of buildings to prevent a blocker building from being indestructible.


  • Fixed a crash when players ended a turn in the Dynamic Campaign Map.
  • Fixed a rendering issue with shadows flickering causing instability in the GPU.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented campaign saves from displaying while a player is in a mission, and prevented mission saves from displaying while on the campaign map.
  • Offline Status changes or disconnecting no longer defaults your faction to US Forces.
  • Fixed several Crash and/or Stability issues.
  • Reduced building textures flickering when zooming in & out and moving the camera.
  • Fixed window sizing crashes on the GPU when using ALT +TAB, ALT + ENTER, and/or minimizing the game.
  • Fixed a SCAR crash “Modifier_ApplyToSquad” occurring in the Italy Campaign map.
  • Fixed a SCAR crash “Action_Finish(313)” occurring in the Salerno Defend mission.
  • Fixed a Lua crash “luaH_next(189)” when trying to start new North African Campaigns.
  • Fixed a flickering texture issue when tilting the camera, causing GPU instability.
  • Fixed an issue where Steam Cloud settings were overriding Client settings and causing settings menu to default between play sessions. Settings should now persist between sessions.
  • Fixed a crash “TacticalPauseVisualUIInfo” while using Tactical Pause.
  • Fixed an issue that caused players to desync in multiplayer.
  • Fixed an issue where users were getting high frequency de-syncs in multiplayer.
  • Fixed several instances of infinite loading and disconnecting in a multiplayer lobby.
  • Bloom was removed. Fixed blur or "haze" on the maps.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause a soft lock if the player started a campaign mission with another in-game window open
  • Disabled battlegroup selection during match start countdown. This change helps prevent players from having non-functioning battlegroups when loading into a match.
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes skipping a cutscene would cause the game to crash.
  • Fixed a crash caused by A.I. trying to give movement orders to emplacements that lost line of sight of their target due to smoke.
  • Fixed a crash related to the Tungsten Round ability used by Partisan marksmen.
  • Fixed a crash that sometimes happened when loading a save game
  • Fixed an issue where capped FPS was higher (by as much as 10fps) than the set cap due some time not being accumulated frame-to-frame.
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes the green dots used to indicate cover would be rendered floating in the air.
  • Fixed an issue with units not rendering properly after adjusting the game scale in Graphics settings and then zooming the camera out.
  • Reduced memory increases across missions.
  • Fixed an additional 12 crash and/or stability issues.
  • Fixed a high-occurrence crash.
  • Fixed a crash in speech system when appropriate voice line is unavailable.
  • Fixed a crash that randomly occurred when the game window was resized.
  • Fixed a crash when a dialogue option is chosen near the completion of the Gustav Line.
  • Fixed three additional crashes.
  • Fixed two high occurrence crashes
  • Fixed five crashes. 



  • Tactical map*
    • Strategic points now display the right color when captured.
    • It is now possible to queue multiple capture orders in the Tactical map*.
    • Fixed an issue where moving the camera on the Tactical map would not work if a unit was selected.
    • Fixed an issue where strategic points were not appearing on the tactical map.
    • Fixed an issue with the tactical map where capture point animations were offset.
  • A.I. respond accordingly to different ping types
    • Attack ping, question ping - may send units to appropriate location pinged
    •  Defend ping - may respond with defensive behaviors
    • Capture behavior when pings issued on capture points
  • Enemy A.I. in Skirmish mode is now less likely to try to capture the same point with several units and more likely to try to capture separate points with individual units.
  • Fixed an issue where American AI overused recovery vehicles if they took the Armored Battlegroup.*
  • Artillery now properly collides with Vehicles.
  • Base buildings align with HQ by default rather than pointing to the map's center.
  • Destroyed bridges no longer receive damage until they are fully repaired. This was because it was easy to deal damage faster than they could be repaired, resulting in permanently closed paths. Now to prevent bridges being restored after destruction, players will have to focus on disrupting or killing the engineers or recovery vehicles repairing them.
  • Fixed a bug where heavy weapons could not be recrewed when previous crew died while being towed
  • Fixed a few instances of AI-controlled Heavy Weapons tearing down instead of firing after setup.
  • Fixed an issue when A.I. controlled squads are entering from the map edge, where they would attack the players units from outside the playable area.
  • Fixed an issue where battlegroup abilities could spawn units targeting locations outside the map.
  • Fixed an issue where certain emplacements were missing veterancy description text
  • Fixed an issue where infantry inside specific buildings on specific maps could not attack or be attacked.
  • Fixed an issue where players had access to battlegroups from other factions.
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes vehicles would not rotate correctly to fire when given Attack or Attack Ground commands.
  • Fixed an issue where the icon was incorrect for auto-reinforce on Medical Stations and Field Infirmaries when de-activated
  • Fixed an issue with certain grenade abilities not going on cooldown properly after use.
  • Fixed several issues with units being able to leave the playable map area.
  • Heavy Machine Gunners no longer try to shoot targets that are out of range.
  • Heavy Weapon squads are now included in unit stats at the end of a match.
  • Improved vehicle movement and responsiveness.
  • Many tooltips and descriptions have been updated to better reflect abilities, units, veterancy, and upgrades for greater clarity and information to the player.
    1. Fixed several tooltips and icons missing on abandoned British team weapons.
    2. Fixed a tooltip issue where the advanced Self-Repair version of the 4x4 Truck did not state 'Must be Damaged' and instead, left a blank requirement
    3. Paratrooper tooltip has been updated to reflect that paratroopers can be paradropped anywhere outside the enemy base, rather than only within friendly territory.
  • Plane wrecks no longer have unexploded bombs attached to them.
  • Recovery vehicles will no longer fail to repair vehicles the first time you attempt to repair a vehicle after recovering its wreck.
  • Removed ability for units to stand behind and shoot through the closed door on second story of stone barn.
  • Several tank turret abilities that can be fired on the move will now stop correctly if issued a stop command.
  • Tanks no longer do a dance on bridges on the campaign map.
  • Tier 1 battlegroup abilities no longer have a warning that they require a previous ability to be unlocked.
  • Units no longer have the high ground while paradropped reinforcements are dropping in.
  • Updated Line of Sight generated by capture points to be more consistent with previous CoH games.
  • Updated rubble piles to improve pathfinding around certain key buildings.
  • Vehicles commanded to face in a different direction will turn properly instead of driving in circles.
  • When selecting a wrecked vehicle, the unit info card now mentions info about salvaging.*
  • When taking window positions while garrisoning a building, infantry now prioritize squad members with special or heavy weapons for better firing positions.
  • Wrecked vehicles no longer scoot backwards before being lifted by a recovery vehicle during the recovery sequence.
  • Flak 38 Anti-Air Emplacement will no longer be frozen when recrewed*
  • Fixed an issue where the M29 Weasel could spawn team weapons without spending munitions and would not go on cooldown*
  • Cancelling a Scout squad in the production queue after upgrading to Pathfinders no longer grants additional manpower over the Scout’s initial cost
  • Scouts built before the Pathfinder upgrade was unlocked no longer spawn fully reinforced.
  • Fixed an issue where Assault Operation Decapture and Capture bonuses were based on the number of entities in the squad. Default value set to 300% for Capture and Decapture that is applied to the entire squad.
  • Fixed an issue where Breakthrough Capture and Decapture bonuses were based on the number of entities in the squad. Default value set to 200% for Capture and Decapture that is applied to the entire squad
  • M29 Weasel :Team weapons are now generated correctly and allow infantry to pick them up. 

Single player

  • Improved Cinematic resolution, some videos were playing at a lower resolution than intended.
  • British Humber "Forward Barrage" ability no longer requires specific base buildings to be alive.
  • Churchill IV Heavy Tank call-in tooltip has been updated to reflect that it calls in ONE tank, not TWO.
  • Convoy routes in certain single player campaign missions no longer get stuck on the mini map.
  • Fixed an issue where the campaign call-in for Medical Half-Tracks and Medical CWTTrucks did not display their population on the ability UI.
  • Fixed an issue where the Italian Front CMP 15cwt Truck did not have a veterancy 1 ability like its African front variant.
  • Fixed an issue where the Italian Front CMP 15cwt Truck used the medical variant's portrait.
  • Fixed an issue where the Stuart in certain campaign missions was using the incorrect portrait.
  • Fixed upgrade inconsistencies between the CMP15 CWT Truck that comes towing the 17-Pounder and the one built from the Platoon Command Post
  • US Forces Airborne Company now correctly reduces the cost of bombing runs after unlocking the Cost Reduction upgrade.

Italian Dynamic Campaign

  • Salerno mission
    • Fixed an issue where a Unit gets stuck stationed on a ship and is unable to deploy.
    • Fixed an issue that prevented progress when the enemy company attempting to recapture Salerno is attacked.
    • Fixed a progression blocker where destroying the enemy company that is meant to attack Salerno prevented the completion of the "Defend Salerno" objective.
    • Fixed a “Action_finish” crash that occurs during the Defend Salerno Mission.
    • Fixed an issue where a player can't complete an objective by upgrading a strategic point if a territory has been recaptured.
  • Anzio Annie mission
    • Fixed a crash “Group_GetPosition” when Anzio Annie kills a specific unit during the mission.
    • Fixed a progression blocker where capturing Anzio without combat does not complete the objective. 
    • Improved the dialog and warning messages from General Buckram around Anzio Annie.
    • Fixed a progression blocker where a unit would get stuck in geometry preventing the completion of the mission
  • Campaign AI should venture into the player's territory to capture points or attack the player's companies more. An upcoming change is planned to improve the AI's aggression in the campaign.*
  • Fixed an issue where players are unable to deploy an Armored Company from the battleship during the Calabria mission.
  • Fixed an issue where it was possible for players to spawn units out of bounds during the Calabria mission.
  • Fixed an issue that happened after Gaeta is captured where the requested Armored Company spawned in a stuck state.
  • Fixed a progression blocker when destroying bridges in the Benevento Mission via Italy Campaign.
  • Fixed campaign saves having a long loading time the further you progress into the campaign. Any newly made campaign saved on 1.0.7 will have much lower load times.
  • We expect a higher rate of defense missions triggered, which will occur when the A.I. attacks player towns where these missions exist. These differ from Skirmish modes, which we hope will add more variety and replayability to the Italian Dynamic Campaign. Expect more combat at towns/cities like Potenza, Foggia, Ortona, and Anzio.*
  • It is expected to see more aggressive behaviors from the A.I. while playing on greater difficulty levels.*
  • AI now uses Recon Runs less often, and on a wider variety of targets.
  • Campaign Map Population Capacity adjusted so more supporting units can be built in the early campaign.
  • P47 Population Capacity cost reduced from 3 to 2
  • B25 Population Capacity cost reduced from 4 to 3
  • Aircraft Carrier Population Capacity cost reduced from 6 to 4.
  • Added an impasse to prevent players from entering cliff rock assets placed throughout Hill Highway missions.
  • Added description text on Supply Drop Crates
  • Added relevant requirement text to the Heal, Repair, & Encircle abilities when out of range
  • Adding correct portraits to Supply Drop Crates
  • Adjusted and clarified objective text throughout the Italian Dynamic Campaign.
  • Adjusted buildings in Salerno mission to avoid overlapping placement.
  • Adjusted description for the following UK Artillery company abilities/upgrades to match their functionality in-game more accurately:
    • Battle Hardened - "Raises minimum Veterancy Level of Gurkha Rifles to 2."
    • First Class Fighting Men - "Raises minimum Veterancy Level of all infantry squads to 1."
  • Adjusted out of bounds vista to make for a smoother transition in the distance.
  • Adjusted position of Stuka assets in Pomigliano to prevent them from appearing sunken into the ground.
  • Adjusted the first few steps of the tutorial to restrict what the player can interact with.
  • Adjusted timing of Conti's voiceover to not overlap with sitreps.
  • Anti-Air Emplacements can no longer shoot at Supply Crates.
  • Anti-Air emplacements no longer attack ships in the Italian Dynamic Campaign.
  • Assassinate Baumann objective was autocompleting. Now the mission must be played.
  • Adjusted the narrative objectives/dialogue in the Italian Dynamic Campaign to present less to the player on one turn. This will only be seen on new playthroughs, ongoing playthroughs will not be affected.
  • Companies requisitioned through a seaport now have the proper cost modifiers applied to their Heal & Repair abilities.
  • During campaign skirmishes, enemy squads no longer pick up supply caches at the start of the 'Recover Discarded Supplies' bonus objective,
  • Enemy companies in the Italian Dynamic Campaign now use recon abilities more consistently.
  • Fixed a bug in which narrative lines in the "Ice Cream" event could play out of order.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the bombing run to fail after capturing 3 towns in the Volturno Line.
  • Fixed a narrative bug in the "Operation Morning Glory" mission where a line's audio was assigned to the wrong character.
  • Fixed air supremacy ability of P-47 not dealing any damage
  • Fixed an issue in the Anzio mission where enemy units would spawn during a cutscene.
  • Fixed an issue on certain missions where US Forces infantry were not properly displaying veterancy options.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented description text from appearing on the "Swap Company" ability button.
  • Fixed an issue where an affecter slot that is supposed to be empty would sometimes be occupied by the affecter from the previous skirmish/mission
  • Fixed an issue where C-47 transport aircraft spawned in airfields and captured by companies with the "Air Support" trait were not displayed in the airfield management page.
  • Fixed an issue where Repair and Heal cost increased on Save/Load
  • Fixed an issue where ships moved via the "Transfer Seaports" ability could not move on following turns.
  • Fixed an issue where some mini maps did not orient North correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Destroying the Guns" objective in the Gela mission would not complete properly before ending the mission.
  • Fixed an issue where the Marston Mats upgrade was not correctly reducing the fuel/munitions cost of aircraft abilities on the Dynamic Campaign Map.
  • Fixed an issue where the partisan capture ability would sometimes not do anything
  • Fixed an issue where the population cap was not increasing properly when picked as a reward for completing the southern foothold objective.
  • Fixed an issue with certain bridges not allowing vehicles to cross properly.
  • Fixed an issue with certain bridges where paratroopers would be unable to cross them after spawning on the wrong side.
  • Fixed dialogue bugs in the "The Winter Line" mission in which lines were assigned to the wrong characters.
  • Fixed objective UI language being incorrect when loading a save that was made in a different language.
  • Fixed partisan affecter sometimes not being selectable in skirmish/mission.
  • Fixed several issues where units could move through cliffs or rock faces.
  • Fixed several typos and inconsistencies in the game's text.
  • Fixed the following towns (Lesina, Altamura) from running duplicate missions that were already used elsewhere.
  • German Companies can no longer heal within the first 10 turns unless they are near a Hospital or Triage Centre.
  • German Company affecters correspond with their Company Type.
  • If a Company is within range of the target and has 0 Movement Points it should still be able to heal or repair it.Navy Salvage and Repair ability have been moved so they are no longer overlapped by other abilities
  • In the Anzio mission, aircraft can now be used without being shot down if the "Destroy AA Guns" objective was previously completed.
  • Removed friendly fire damage from area of effect abilities like Barrage, Bombardment, and Bombing Run.
  • Replaced Forward HQ in Defend Salerno mission with a standard Headquarters building.
  • Some missions in the Italian Dynamic Campaign now only trigger once.
  • The enemy territory that exists directly east of the player base in Gela now becomes player owned once the territory point to its north is captured by the player to better reflect territorial gains. Previously, it stayed enemy owned because it is not capturable and has no resources.
  • The Foggia mission in the Italian Dynamic Campaign now correctly registers when intel has been destroyed.
  • The rewarded Destroyer is no longer stuck at the seaport after repairing the seaport
  • Updated Mignano Gap territory balance and improved southernmost engagement area to be approachable from more angles. When attacking Salerno, the British Indian Artillery company no longer starts with free veterancy on their first infantry units.

North African Operation

  • Added a fix for a specific Save/Load issue that affected a kill counter not updating properly in Ajdabiya and “Fire with Fire” missions
  • Adjusted some tutorial text to include special cases when using different control profiles.
  • Corrected historical facts on a loading screen that claimed Italian and German troops clashed with British forces in 1940, when German forces did not arrive until February 1941.
  • Fixed a narrative bug in the "The Great Ammo Robbery" mission where a line's audio was missing and assigned to the wrong character.
  • Fixed an issue where destroying enemy vehicles for an optional objective would complete the primary mission objective and end the mission early.
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes victory cinematics would play twice.
  • Fixed an issue with subtitles not appearing at the correct time.
  • Fixed missing Mission Failed dialog in certain campaign missions.
  • Fixed several instances of overly zealous infantry running towards the enemy when retreating.
  • Fixed several issues of missing voiceover dialog in campaign missions.
  • Fixed several issues with camera fadeouts flickering or happening at the incorrect time during mission sitreps.
  • Fixed units clipping into each other during the introductory camera pan.
  • In the Enigma retrieval mission, added a small lump sum of manpower (adjusted by difficulty) when the special aid station is captured to allow for limited reinforcements. The limited amount is to preserve a raiding party/commando "fixed force" feel that is smaller in scope than a typical skirmish or a larger scenario. A notification to the player is given when they get the resource.
  • Removed an unintended vehicle ability from the Ajdabiya mission


  • Fixed an issue where Boys AT Rifle was no longer doing correct damage to vehicles.
  • Infantry Section Bren Gun is now 15% more lethal at long range and performs as expected. This change was incorrectly applied in our last hot fix.
  • Mortar Smoke Barrages are now correctly set to 30 second cooldown.
  • Disabled battlegroup selection during match start countdown. This change helps prevent players from having non-functioning battlegroups when loading into a match.
  • Enemy A.I. in Skirmish mode is now less likely to try to capture the same point with several units and more likely to try to capture separate points with individual units.
  • Rank Levels on the official Leaderboards have been updated to reflect the Design team’s intent for the top ranks:
    1 player holding level 20
    4 players holding level 19
    5 players holding level 18
    15 players holding level 17
    25 players holding level 16
  • Fixed an exploit where players on every faction could gain more resources than intended by canceling a construction.*
  • The Pachino Stalemate map is now available for 1 vs 1 matches in automatch.
  • Added missing foundation under some exterior props for German Luftwaffe Kompanie to stop them from floating if built on uneven terrain.
  • Not officially mentioned in the 1.1.0 patch notes - Mignano Summit is added in 3v3 map pool in ranked matches. Prior to 1.1.0 patch, only Gazala Landing Ground and L'Aquila was available in the 3v3 map pool and Mignano Summit was exclusively used in custom games. 
  • Afrikakorps "Emergency Repair Kits" upgrade no longer works while vehicles are moving.
  • Afrikakorps Panzerjagers no longer receive the Salvage Kit ability.
  • British Forward Observer Barrage abilities now consistently require that a barrage not already be active.
  • British Infantry Section's "Forward Barrage" ability no longer throws a flare but uses flares consistent with the Dingo and Humber.
  • British Matilda II Heavy Tank will now shoot infantry with its coaxial machine gun.
  • DAK Panzer IV and StuG G now properly provide the benefits of armory upgrades.*
  • Fixed a bug where Afrikakorps Panzer III tanks could not use their smoke launchers a second time after the ability was used once.*
  • Fixed a bug where US forces Armored Battlegroup's "Fast Deploy" ability was not properly reducing production times.
  • Fixed a UI issue where the Fallschirmpioneer icon would appear locked in the Battlegroup menu when Infantry Reserves was unlocked.
  • Fixed an issue where Battlegroup Icons on the player list were incorrect.*
  • Fixed an issue where the Churchill Command Tank call-in did not reference the proper unit and its abilities.
  • Fixed an issue where the cost for Carpet Bomb and Rocket Strafe refunded 1 CP when unlocked.
  • Fixed an issue where the Grenadier Medkit would not heal the squad while moving
  • Fixed an issue where the LG 40 could not be paradropped if they had 5 or less population space available.
  • Fixed an issue where the LG 40 could not be paradropped if they had 5 or less population space available.
  • Fixed an issue with the Airborne Rally company ability was not applying bonuses correctly.
  • Flare and Smoke cooldowns will now persist when upgrading from Scouts to Pathfinders
  • Improved handling of disconnects while the game is loading
  • Infantry Section "Forward Barrage" ability no longer requires specific base buildings to be alive.
  • Killing Wehrmacht infantry now correctly updates the kill count UI.
  • Smoke Rifle Grenade minimum range now correctly set at 15
  • Stuart Mark Target can no longer stack.
  • Taking the Pathfinders upgrade for Scouts in the US Forces Airborne Battlegroup now works correctly on scouts that were in the building's production queue at the time the upgrade was taken. Previously they would spawn without the extra unit in the squad.
  • The Afrikakorps Italian Infantry Battlegroup's Cannone da 105/28 Howitzer can now shoot at its minimum range.
  • The British Air and Sea Battlegroup's Supply Surplus ability is no longer available for other factions.
  • The US forces Special Operations battlegroup's "Assault Operation" ability no longer disables retreat while active.*
  • US Forces Heavy Machine Gun fighting positions no longer displays a veterancy bar.
  • US Forces Heavy Weapons stolen by other factions now keep their veterancy abilities.
  • US Forces Infantry Support Center's "Advanced Logistics" discount has been adjusted to be more consistent across every unit. Previously, the amount varied slightly between units.
  • US Forces SSF Commando squad's demolition charge description updated to reflect that it is a manual rather than a timed trigger.*
  • Wehrmacht MG 42 Bunker impasse bug has been fixed. Previously it was not blocking units' pathfinding or other building's construction, leading to unintended gameplay issues, like being able to stack four bunkers for a 360° area coverage
  • Fixed an issue where the Black Prince could only be spawned once per game for the owning player


  • Fixed the Supply Depots Challenge by removing a requirement for the DAK faction so the challenge can be completed for any faction.
  • The Tally Ho! Challenge now tracks progress correctly.
  • Updated incorrect information or tip icons for some challenges.
  • The 'Wooden Shoes' challenge has been fixed and tracks/completes correctly
  • The 'Fieldworks' challenge has been fixed and tracks/completes correctly
  • Disabled 'No Support' and 'Battlefield Profits', while we fix these challenges (Work in Progress)
  • Fixed an issue where players would sometimes start a match with the wrong battlegroups


  • Challenges can no longer be completed using Mods or Tuning Packs. However, Challenges can still be completed in Custom Games.
  • Disabled a compatibility mode pop-up that was incorrectly appearing for some players when launching the game.
  • Integrated additional reporting to diagnose crashes and instability relating to video drivers and compatibility mode. 

    If you encounter crashes, please update your graphics drivers.

Link to patches :

I will update and edit this post as soon an hotfix/a patch is released. Latest update : 20/04/23

Source links for references : 

  1. Everything MISSING in COH3
  2. Big changes to micro(management) going from COH2 to COH3.
  3. COH2 Veterancy Mod Guide
  4. We Deserve Better!!! - Company of Heroes 3 Launch Review
  5. Brummbar coh3 vs coh2.....
  6. Company of Heroes 3 Multiplayer Beta REVIEW
  7. Company of Heroes 1, 2, & 3 (beta) - Graphics and animation comparison
  16. BL5.5 BUG
  22. CoH3 vs CoH2 Suppression. Is this intentional? Do we let the blobs go unpunished?
  24. Better, Smoother Camera Movement
  26. MG42 swaps targets like they are pushing through sand
  30. CoH3: You realize we are Grenadiers not Pioneers, ja? (Still the same)
  31.  The strongest mine in CoH3
  33. This is why Grens cost 270 MP in coh3?
  34. State of CoH3 address! Full analysis and breakdown. When will it get good?
Updated a year ago.
2 years ago
Mar 15, 2023, 7:21:13 AM

explosions crossed out? IMO it looks really bad. Explosions, impact of explosions and bullet ricocheting off tanks look really bad. Also how corpses explode and fly around is not very saitsfying like in coh2 or coh1

2 years ago
Mar 15, 2023, 9:29:16 AM

german truck has no Sound effect.

no engine sound.

no Acceleration sound.

just silence.

2 years ago
Mar 15, 2023, 10:04:46 AM

The sound effects in the game are horrible and need a complete revamp. Including tank battles.

Weird echos with guns. muted tank shots that seem like theyre firing pillows. opposition tanks just absorb shots. no tank or screen shaking on impact. Heavy tanks have small tracers

Shreks have poorly animated and sounding tracers. Mortars sound horrible. The effects overall sound so detached and random it completely kills the game. No fun playing it.

2 years ago
Mar 15, 2023, 10:45:29 AM

(4) We Deserve Better!!! - Company of Heroes 3 Launch Review - YouTube 

Hans lists some on the things I have found myself - then 75% of other things that are also wrong.

2 years ago
Mar 15, 2023, 10:56:18 AM
Ranger73 wrote:

(4) We Deserve Better!!! - Company of Heroes 3 Launch Review - YouTube 

Hans lists some on the things I have found myself - then 75% of other things that are also wrong.

I added the missing features and the bugs that he mentioned in the video such as the MG disappearing and getting stuck in the barb wire.

2 years ago
Mar 15, 2023, 11:45:38 AM

Very good list with many important points! Thank you for pointing out the state of the modding tools and such. Quite impressive list to be honest, good work.

Maybe something to add is that bridges are quite buggy, they don't have a repair animation and will get bugged sometimes when repaired so that units cant pass them. 

Updated 2 years ago.
2 years ago
Mar 15, 2023, 1:35:40 PM
kriger397 wrote:

german truck has no Sound effect.

no engine sound.

no Acceleration sound.

just silence.

German Truck = Relic Team 

That's why it's super silence ....

2 years ago
Mar 16, 2023, 11:19:26 AM

today, i sent a report to Relic with a link of this megathread, so the devs can hopefully improve and fix the game in the long run.

2 years ago
Mar 16, 2023, 6:14:04 PM

Now, when is relic going to acknowledge this list and update there official “Known issues” list?

btw thanks for doing this! Somebody had to take the reigns. 

2 years ago
Mar 16, 2023, 8:09:15 PM

Also, we need to reorganize this list based on what should be highest priority. I strongly recommend, things like the bad audio design, and unique team colors should be at almost the very top of this list. 

2 years ago
Mar 16, 2023, 8:45:40 PM
naveed777 wrote:

Also, we need to reorganize this list based on what should be highest priority. I strongly recommend, things like the bad audio design, and unique team colors should be at almost the very top of this list. 

Done, is there any more suggestion you can give like the other things that needs to be in top priority list ?

2 years ago
Mar 17, 2023, 10:08:21 AM

COH2 was horrible at launch. it was poorly balanced and had more bugs than Uncle Festers bathroom. But why did it survive the nightmare-ish launch and stood the test of time to the point where even today 10 years on, it has a strong audience? because it had elements that kept calling players back. the effects,sounds,animations,lethality etc. the need to upload replays when ur screen fills up with carnage. thats what made COH2 survive the terrible launch. but im afraid COH3 has nothing in it that calls players back. The FIRST thing devs need to do is make COH3 fun and immersive. Theres none of that yet. i dont care about balance or bugs those issues can be fixed. But these issues, they are more design based and kill games far quickly than poor balance.

2 years ago
Mar 17, 2023, 11:13:18 AM

I would also like to add buggy Dingo Light Scout Car (British) which can move trough tank traps and obstacle, it stops jeep and motorcycle team but dingo always pass trough, it is always reproducible.

Barbed wires not working as intended (at least what's in descriptions - stop infantry), in CoH1/2 it would always stop infantry (not vehicles of course) so when it happens that you have infantry from both side of barbed wire shooting at each other no matter how much they are shooting even MG wouldn't destroy wire. But in coh3 it is only stopping infantry if there is no one there to provoke shooting as it happens if someone start shooting at wire it will almost immediately collapse so having engineer/pioneer squad with wire cutter is pointless when you can just shoot at it and destroy it instantly.

2 years ago
Mar 17, 2023, 4:41:53 PM
Sk93 wrote: COH2 was horrible at launch. it was poorly balanced and had more bugs than Uncle Festers bathroom. But why did it survive the nightmare-ish launch and stood the test of time to the point where even today 10 years on, it has a strong audience? because it had elements that kept calling players back. the effects,sounds,animations,lethality etc. the need to upload replays when ur screen fills up with carnage. thats what made COH2 survive the terrible launch. but im afraid COH3 has nothing in it that calls players back. The FIRST thing devs need to do is make COH3 fun and immersive. Theres none of that yet. i dont care about balance or bugs those issues can be fixed. But these issues, they are more design based and kill games far quickly than poor balance. 

The CoH 3 is already big, competitive players, players that host events for CoH 3 already made it possible to keep it alive. On top of this, if Relic addresses the missing features and fixing the issues that the game currently has then it is more likely that more players will come back than the devs would have to gave up the game drop dead.

Bojke wrote:

I would also like to add buggy Dingo Light Scout Car (British) which can move trough tank traps and obstacle, it stops jeep and motorcycle team but dingo always pass trough, it is always reproducible.

Barbed wires not working as intended (at least what's in descriptions - stop infantry), in CoH1/2 it would always stop infantry (not vehicles of course) so when it happens that you have infantry from both side of barbed wire shooting at each other no matter how much they are shooting even MG wouldn't destroy wire. But in coh3 it is only stopping infantry if there is no one there to provoke shooting as it happens if someone start shooting at wire it will almost immediately collapse so having engineer/pioneer squad with wire cutter is pointless when you can just shoot at it and destroy it instantly.

Noice, i never noticed or understand why the barbed wire just disappear out of nowhere even after i use them to deny cover to my opponents. But you got it right there, nice job, i added the 2 bugs on the list.

Updated 2 years ago.
2 years ago
Mar 22, 2023, 11:52:31 AM

UPDATE of 22/03/23 : i sent a report with the mega thread list's link to Relic for the third time, hope they're gonna read it fully.

2 years ago
Mar 24, 2023, 7:43:30 AM

The Brit truck with the flak on the back, plus a few of the other Brit truck models have the wrong settings & fall through bridges.  I had to mod a fix for this.

I have some units that pick up a weapon get caught in a strange loop where the one with the weapon will just keep equipping it (like pulling it from their shoulder & putting a mag in it).  Last time I saw this was with the DAK engineer when I picked up a Boyse AT rifle.  He would stay in place, wouldn't move... but the other squad member would go a short distance.  I could move the squad if I retreated or tried to build a new thing, but not repair... & after the retreat or construction, the same thing would happen.  Even putting them into a building did not cure it.

Some Wehr trucks the wheels do not turn - animation missing.

In the editor, sbps/squad_type_ext/squad_type_list will often crash if you try to edit it.

Did you get the one with engineers making wire ending up on the wrong side of it again?  I cannot believe we are back to that!

2 years ago
Mar 24, 2023, 1:17:46 PM
Adler wrote:

The Brit truck with the flak on the back, plus a few of the other Brit truck models have the wrong settings & fall through bridges.  I had to mod a fix for this.

I have some units that pick up a weapon get caught in a strange loop where the one with the weapon will just keep equipping it (like pulling it from their shoulder & putting a mag in it).  Last time I saw this was with the DAK engineer when I picked up a Boyse AT rifle.  He would stay in place, wouldn't move... but the other squad member would go a short distance.  I could move the squad if I retreated or tried to build a new thing, but not repair... & after the retreat or construction, the same thing would happen.  Even putting them into a building did not cure it.

Some Wehr trucks the wheels do not turn - animation missing.

In the editor, sbps/squad_type_ext/squad_type_list will often crash if you try to edit it.

Did you get the one with engineers making wire ending up on the wrong side of it again?  I cannot believe we are back to that!

Yes i mentionned the barbed wire issue with n°15 on the bug issue list. Thanks for the rest, i added them on the lists.

2 years ago
Mar 24, 2023, 1:21:01 PM
Adler wrote:

The Brit truck with the flak on the back, plus a few of the other Brit truck models have the wrong settings & fall through bridges.  I had to mod a fix for this.

I have some units that pick up a weapon get caught in a strange loop where the one with the weapon will just keep equipping it (like pulling it from their shoulder & putting a mag in it).  Last time I saw this was with the DAK engineer when I picked up a Boyse AT rifle.  He would stay in place, wouldn't move... but the other squad member would go a short distance.  I could move the squad if I retreated or tried to build a new thing, but not repair... & after the retreat or construction, the same thing would happen.  Even putting them into a building did not cure it.

Some Wehr trucks the wheels do not turn - animation missing.

In the editor, sbps/squad_type_ext/squad_type_list will often crash if you try to edit it.

Did you get the one with engineers making wire ending up on the wrong side of it again?  I cannot believe we are back to that!

I can confirm everything of noted stuff, especially that weird vehicle dropping trough bridge... +1

Updated 2 years ago.
2 years ago
Mar 29, 2023, 2:40:17 PM

UPDATE : i reported for the fourth time today the mega thread (with added issues and bugs of course) to Relic devs so they can hopefully fix them.


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